Fresh wounds

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".... it's just all new. You know how I am, right? It's just...I miss you all. Do you understand what I mean?" I sigh deeply.

"Yeah. Totally." She nods.

"Thank you." I said, smiling to her.

She was absolutely the only person, that would listen to me, completely and without a question. I was glad that I came out here. It was kind of refreshing and I needed this distraction.

We actually decided to meet up, instead of talking over phone. She was generous enough to pick me up, all the way from heart of the city and I was glad, she listened to me.

"God! This whole marriage thing, seems way more difficult. You make me, wanna stay single for life!" She said, throwing away her hands in the air.

Only if you knew, the real deal.

I just rolled my eyes at her and we started giggling. Their was no way, I would tell her, the real relationship, I was sharing with Jak-Mr. Wilson. I don't want anyone to know about it. Especially, our parents. They'd worry too much.

And that's the last thing I want.

I'll pretend to be in paradise, as long as possible, 'cause involving someone else between us, would never benefit our relationship, which doesn't even exist, in the first place.

After talking for a while, both me and Holly, start to make our way back home. Even when I insisted on going home by an uber, she forced me to sit in her car, so she could drop me off herself.

Honestly, I appreciated spending time with her but, I'd want to minimize her burden.

Anyway, I owe her this one.

I get back to the Mansion and start making my way to my room, when suddenly my phone rang.


"Hello, mom?" I said, getting into my room.

"Hello darling, how are you?" She sounded as cheerful as ever.

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Oh honey, I'm as good as I can be." She paused for a bit. "I called because, I wanted to apologize."

"For what, mom?" I asked, confused.

"For not informing you about Mariah. I sent a car, to pick her up today, in the morning. So that, she could spend the Sunday, with her grandparents and we could give some space, to you and Jake." She sounded, mischievous. "But, when I called Jake, he told us, that he was again working on Sunday and you were alone at home, so I forcefully sent Mariah back home for your company."

"Oh?" Was the only sound I could make. They knew he's working on holiday, as well.

"I hope she wasn't rude to you, when she got back home? She really didn't wanted to leave." she explained. I sighed.

"No mom, not at all. She was a little irritated but, nothing much." I said, trying my best to sound genuine.

"Oh thank God. I'm really greatful to have you dear." She said, her voice deepening evidently.

"You're the missing piece of this family."

Only if you knew the reality.


I roamed through the hall, trying to know the house better. I've seen the whole house and by my knowledge, their are enough rooms, to accommodate a football team.

It was around 5 in the evening and Mariah, was down stairs playing in the living room.

Even though I had a chance, to talk to her, I decided against it. Both of us, needed time to form a bond and forcing things, won't take me anywhere. So, I roamed through the house, to pass the time.

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