New life

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I sighed heavily, as I stepped inside the house. It's been an exhausting day, with the continuous meetings and work. All I need right now is, a warm shower and Anne.

I smile at the thought of her.

She's been everything to me. From a huge support, to a very caring and understanding wife. I still blame myself, for the guilt I carry, for not treating her right, from the very beginning. But, she's forgiven me, even when I really couldn't.

She's been a perfect mother to Mariah, filling the biggest void of our lives.

Even though I still miss Emily sometimes, I'm sure that she would've loved her, as well. Anne's a beautiful human being. From her passion for her own company to, her sweet little snores, she makes while sleeping. I'm completely in love with her.

All of her.

I walk further ahead inside the house, trying to look around for her but, don't find her. I walk upstairs, to my room and look around for her. I check the closet, even the bathroom and yet, she's nowhere to be found.

I walk out of the room without even changing, determined to find her.

I get into Mariah's room, just to find her studying. I ask her about Anne's whereabouts but, she's clueless as well.
I panick a little and try to search her around. I was about to go down into the kitchen when, I thought of searching her, in Emily's room.

She doesn't go there but, something tells me that maybe, she's there.

I go inside, only to be met with complete darkness but, it's surprisingly warmer than, normal. I turn on the light, to find Anne, curled up into a ball over the bed. She was hugging herself and as I went closer to the bed, I saw the trail of dried tears over her face.

Why was she crying?

I gently rub a soothing hand over her face as I try to wake her up.

"Anne..." I say, softly.

With a few soft pats, she flutters her eyes open and looked at me puzzled.

"What are you doing here...?" she seemed to realize, after a moment and she hugs me, instantly. She hugged me so tight as, if she didn't, I would vanish. Soon, I heard her sobbing and felt her tears, on my skin.

"Hey... Love... What happened?" I ask concerned. "Don't cry please. Was it a bad day at work?" I try to enquire but, she just stays silent.

Soon, she lets go of me and wipe away her tears. As I kept looking at her face, covered in beautiful red and pink hues, she drags out something, from under the pillow.

She hands it to me and I look down at it. I kept looking at it, not understanding for a second, what it actually is but, then it hits me.

It's a pregnancy test.

A positive pregnancy test.

I look up at her in surprise and find her looking at me hopefully. I don't believe what I just saw and so, I look down again. Trying to confirm, what I just saw was not just a delusion.

She's pregnant?

I look back at her, in complete disbelief and try to speak but, I'm speechless. I just kept looking at her and shaking my head, in denial as my eyes slowly, fill in with tears. She seemed to understand my inner turmoil and she finally spoke.

"Yes...." She said, nodding lightly. "We're going to be parents, again." She whispered and the tears, spilled down from my eyes.

She's really pregnant.

I immediately hug her and cry in the crook of her neck. This is just so..... I can't even explain, the joy it gives me.

"You just made me the happiest man on earth." I whisper into her ears.

We stay like that for a while, in each other's embrace, and I finally pull away from her.

"Why did you sleep here?" I ask.

She wiped her tears and spoke with a very subtle smile, on her face and immense love, in her eyes.

"I had to tell her, first." She said, looking around the room, looking at nothing in particular. But, her eyes spoke louder than ever. I just hugged her to myself again and kept thanking, to the divine power.

And in all these years, for the first time...

I felt her present in that room.


3 months later...

I look at the beautiful angel, in front of me, as she rubs the moisturizer, on her skin. I look at her gorgeous features and can't seem to take my eyes, away from her.

It's the best part of my day. Watching her getting for the bed, knowing that I'd finally get to snuggle close to her after a busy day of work.

She looks at me through the mirror, as she sees me, sprawled on the bed, resting my head on the head board, waiting for her to join me. She takes out another large amount of the liquid out from the bottle and rubs it all over her little round belly.

She's finally showing and it's so endearing to look at it.

I still remember the time, we told both of our parents, about the pregnancy news. They were all squealing and giggling like, happy teenage girls. Even my dad.

It was calming, looking at them, so happy.

It's a different joy looking at your family, getting bigger.

It wasn't the same case with Mariah tho. We had to wait till, Anne actually started showing her cute little belly, before explaining everything to Mariah.

It was kind of challenging, to explain it to her but, she was happy to know that she'll be getting a baby brother soon.

Yes. We're having a boy.

Just the thought brings out the best smile out of me and I can't help but, get impatient to finally hold him.

Soon, Anne walks towards the bed and gets settled beside me. She keeps her head gently on my arm and hugs me closer to her. As I keep one of my hand on her stomach.

She's around, 17 weeks pregnant and it's still a long way to go but, she needs my utmost care and love. And that's why I've insisted her, to work from home but, she denied right away. And after a long argument, I was able to convince her to stop working after the 5 month.

Why doesn't this woman understand, she needs rest?!!

Except for the "constant sickness", like the way she calls it, she's been doing pretty well. Of course, if puking randomly through out the day, right when you smell food, doesn't count. Like seriously, why do they even call it morning sickness, when it's every single time, she tries to eat something?

She slowly snuggles closer to me as I rub a soothing hand over her back, trying to loosen her tension.

"I love you." I whisper to her as I keep cuddling her close to me.

"I love you so much more." She replies, in a sleepy voice and I can't help but giggle.

She's so cute.

She's so beautiful.

She's everything to me.


Hello my loves💜

I hope you loved this chapter♥️
'Cause I sure did😍
Also, please don't forget to come back for the epilogue✨

Stay tuned💛

Song recommendation;
Strawberries & cigarettes ~ Troye Sivan.

Hope you like it💜

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