A new feeling

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" Hi there, little one." I smiled at the beautiful little seedling. " I hope you're getting enough nourishment." I say as I pat the top of it, as if it was an actual human baby.

I get up from, the crouching position and start wandering again. I felt the beautiful morning breeze, brush past me as, my bare feet felt the cold mud and the chill from the air, nipped my skin. I loved this feeling as, I wandered in the beautiful garden, looking at the blue sky, that was adorned with, gorgeous morning rays.

I walked through the row of little seedlings, which I planted around almost, 2 months now. And I'm glad, they were growing beautifully with, the little leaves, on them.

I walked for a little more while and heard Dorothy call me in, for the breakfast.

I made my way in, washed my feets and went straight towards the kitchen, for breakfast. Dorothy greets me, with a warm smile and a warm breakfast. It's been almost a month since, I've last talked to Mr. Wilson. I've tried my best to avoid him at any cost and I've been successful, in my attempts. That includes, not going in front of him, even for breakfast. I've changed every path this past month, that would've eventually crossed his.

Whatever happened that day, definately left me broken. And I don't want to compromise the remaining pieces of my heart.

After having breakfast in the kitchen counter, sitting over a high chair, like I did for these past days. I head back to my room. I've been looking for people for my team, to be hired. I've even found a few and I'll surely start working soon.

I head to shower, cause I'll have to head out to finalize the deal today. I'll be buying the place, I've decided for the office.

And I'll be buying, it with my money so, I don't feel the need to tell him about it.
As if, he cares abou it, anyway.

I get ready quickly and head out.

It's time to do some work.


I sighed heavily as, I made my way back, into the Mansion.

I never knew, just buying a work space would consume my whole day, leaving me tired. I got out of the house, in the morning and it was almost 8 pm now.

I was completely exhausted but, I was at least happy that, I could start refurbishing the office soon. And maybe, by the end of this month, I'd actually have my full team ready.

I make my way towards my room and go straight to the bathroom. I take a warm shower, to loosen some muscles and feel alot better.

I come out of my room, all fresh and relaxed and make my way, towards the kitchen. I had lunch in a real good restaurant today and now, I was craving something simple. I find Ella into the kitchen and talk to her, while she makes me dinner.

I really miss cooking with mom.

I eat my dinner and start to head back to my room. When suddenly, I heard a feeble noise of someone screaming.

I stop in my tracks and try to listen carefully as I hear it again.

"Daddy!" The voice was so feeble, almost inaudible. But, I knew where did it came from.

I start running upstairs and open the door to Mariah's room. Only to be stunned. For a moment I didn't know what to do.

Mariah, was hanging on the wooden shelf rack, which was tilted to a frightening angle and was, clinging to the last hinge. She had clutched the shelf, with both of her hands and was swinging mid air, crying out loud, as the whole shelf could collapse on her, anytime.

I jolted out of my thoughts and quickly ran towards her. The creeking sound of the hinges were, filling more & more fear in me. I slowly yet firmly, held her from her waist and pulled her towards myself, as I turned her swiftly into my arms and clutched her tight to myself.

I swiftly moved away from the rack and soon, all of it collapsed to the floor.

The loud thud, reverberated through out the house as, I clutched her to my chest in horror. She surrounded her small hands around me tightly and sobbed on my shoulder, for her dear life. I held her securely with my right hand, as I brought my left hand to caress her head gently.

In a moment, Debby and Ella both made their way up into the room, panting. They both were sure running and came, after listening to the thud.

I told them, whatever happened and both of their faces relaxed to some extent. All this while, Mariah held onto me with same strength but, her sobs were a little bit quieter than before.

Soon, both of the maids, started cleaning the mess, from the shelf and I took Mariah downstairs, to my room.

I slowly placed her onto the bed, and tried to let go but, she clutched me even harder.

"No. Please, don't leave." She said, almost shaking. Oh, the poor soul was terrified.

"Hey, baby." I said, caressing her cheek lovingly and brought her face to look at me. "I'm not going anywhere. See." I said, as I slowly pulled away from her and went ahead to close the door to my room, still holding one of her hand.

I quickly closed the door and came back to the bed. I settled on the bed and as soon as I did, she snuggled into me, again. Sobbing.

"Hey, hey. Please don't cry." I said, wiping away the tears from her face. "I'm not leaving you. I'm not going anywhere. Please don't cry, baby." I said, caressing her softly.

She nodded, her bottom lip quivering as, she tried her best to held back tears. I hugged her to myself and she hugged me back, even tighter. She rested her head in the crook on my neck and didn't loose the grip over me. And we settled like that.

After a long while, of me, caressing her head and patting it lovingly, I noticed her breathing, to be stable.

I gently pulled back to realized, she'd already slept.

I slowly adjusted her, beside me on the bed and tucked her in. I caressed her hair and looked at her tear stained cheeks. Whatever happened, just a few hours ago was horrible. And I don't even wanna think about, the possibility of what would've happened, if I wouldn't have heard her muffled screams.

I shiver at the thought and slowly bend down to kiss her forehead.

Suddenly, a new emotion swirled through me and I felt even more attached to her. I felt protective of her.

Whatever it was, it was surely beautiful.


Hello my loves💜

I just love this chapter♥️
Maybe, all of this can be a new start to Mariah and Anne's relationship.

Stay tuned💛

Song recommendation;
Get you the moon ~ Kina

Hope you like it💜

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