Nothing to him

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"....And I'll see you in the evening. Okay?" I ask, as I smile at her.

"Okay. Bye." She says, smiling.

She waves and starts going in, as I look back at her. Watching her disappear, in the crowd of kids.

Today, I just came to drop Mariah off, to her school. Mr. Wilson, left for the office way before and Mariah requested, if I'd like to drop her off on my way to office. And honestly, I loved it. She talked to me throughout the way, asking about my work and telling me about her favorite subject. I love the progress we're making and it leaves me feeling content.

It's been almost a week since, I've started working with my new team and I must say, that they're pretty good in their fields.

I definitely want to launch my own brand but, it's a long way to get there. But, one day I will.

Soon, the driver brings me to the office and I get out of the car, making my way up.

As soon as I enter, everybody starts to greet me, good morning and I remind everyone what we're actually working for. That's upcoming fashion week.

I know that, it's really tough to get through their to make it to the runway but, getting the right spotlight could work miracles for us and it'd give a kick-start to the brand.

Well... It's not as easy as it seems.

"Good morning ma'am." Ethan greets. He's one of the most talented people on the team, ignoring the fact that he won't stop hitting on me. No matter how many times I tell him, that I'm married, he says that his flirty behavior is harmless.

"Good morning" I say smiling, "I hope you're working on the palette, I've given you." I ask and he nods.

"Yes of course." He said, cheekily. "Also, you look stunning as always." He said, smiling like a cheshire cat.

"Thank you." I said, rolling my eyes intentionally but, I couldn't help the smile, that broke out on my face.

I have to admit he was a charming man. He was definitely taller than me but, not too much tall, like 'someone'. He had a sharp featured face and really attractive physique. And his boyish personality, was just added plus to all of it.

I turned around on my heels and walk inside my office trying my best not to grin to obviously.

I wore a sienna colored jumpsuit with a mustered colored jacket paired with it and warm brown colored wedges. I had my hair in a twisted messy braid and I felt beautiful, that's why I couldn't stop the smile, when Ethan complimented me.

He's a little bit older than me, maybe an year or two but, I can bet, he's a charmer.

I keep my bag over my desk and round it to sit down on my chair.

Well... Let's get to work.


I was working over the some paperwork when, somebody knocked over my door.

"Come in." I said, my head still burried in the laptop.

"Ma'am somebody is here to meet you." I look upto see Nancy, my assistant, peeking through the door.

"Who's it, Nancy?" I asked, still typing.

"Ma'am it's Mr. Wilson and his mother." She said and I jerked my head up to look at her.

Did she say Mr. Wilson?

"What?" I ask, in disbelief.

"Um... it's your mother in law and your husb-" she was about to complete but, I quickly get up from my place and start running towards the door.

I open it and look past her, just to see Mom and Mr. Wilson, standing in the waiting area that was separated by a glass wall. My eyes widened at the sight. They're really here!!

I straighten my posture and fix my clothes and nervously make my way towards the door. I slowly open the door and enter the area. Mom was sitting on the small sofa placed there and Mr. Wilson had his back towards me, staring at the wall that had the company name. I awkwardly clear my throat, declaring my presence and Mr. Wilson turned to look at me. He had a look in his eyes, which felt foreign and familiar at the same time. I tried but, I couldn't look away from him.

He wore a three peice, black, fitted suit and looked unbelievably handsome.

I gulped at the intensity, he was staring at me.

"Anne." Mom gasped before coming forward to hug me, breaking me out of my reverie.

I hugged her back and again looked at him. He was still staring.

"Oh god, this place is so beautiful, just like you." She said, placing a hand over my face softly and looking at my outfit. "And 'Anne & Co' sounds perfect!" She almost squealed.

Yeah, that's the name of the brand.

Anne & Co.

Mom turned to look at him and nodded slightly and he came closer. He didn't say anything for a moment but, after a while nodded at me.

"Nice place." He spoke.

I'm not gonna lie, my heart skipped a beat and the butterfly in my stomach were doing a happy dance. I smiled at him, as softly and subtle I could, trying my best not to show my true feelings.

Soon, I was giving both of them a whole tour, including the production, designing and all other parts of the place.

After an hour or so, I asked to be brought 3 cups of coffee and I asked mom to look around the latest designs I made. She was busy looking at all the sheets, when I observed Mr. Wilson, standing out of my office, staring out of the glass wall.

I had a very strong urge to talk to him and so, I was on my way to talk to him. I stood beside him, staring out of the glass at the city view, not daring to look at him.

"Thank you for coming here." I said, politely, nodding in gratitude.

He didn't say anything for a complete minute and I wanted to leave, as I thought he wasn't going to respond, when he finally spoke.

"I didn't wanted to come. Mom wanted to." He said, sharply. Still staring out of the glass. I looked at him for a moment, appreciating his gorgeous face and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Well...then, Thank you for bringing mom, here." I said, again looking away from him.

He turned to look at me, swiftly and spoke skeptically.

"What are you playing at?" He asked.

"I-I...what do you mea-" he cutts me off.

"This changes nothing between us. It never will." He said, stoically and suddenly turned to go back to mom.

I just stood there. What else did I expected.

I maybe a daughter in law. Or a daughter to someone.
I maybe a step mother. Or a friend to someone.

But, I can't ever be anything to him.


Hello my loves💜

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Song recommendation;
Blinding lights ~ The weekend

Hope you like it💜

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