Breaking Point

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".... And this is, Ethan." I said, pointing towards him as I held her hand, in mine.

"Oh, Good morning and who might this be?" He greeted and asked her, as he bent down to her level.

"I'm Mariah." She said, smiling lightly in return.

And I couldn't help but, admire the way she was warming and opening upto people around her. It was really fulfilling to see her happy. It was her day off from school and she wanted to spend some time with me, so I brought her to my office today.

It's been a week since, I had that dinner with.... Mr. Wilson.

It was indeed my first and last dinner with him and after whatever he told me, I do not wish to, even confront him. This past week, I've been struggling to keep my emotions, in check. I don't know why but, constantly the thought of "that night" comes back to my mind. And I just, keep on thinking, what would've happened if I... If I would've just pushed him away.

Definately things, would've been same for him and alot different for me.

Every night since, I couldn't sleep in that bed, without thinking about the way things went down. Why was I so weak, in the moment that I couldn't even deny him. Why was I so pliable for him? That one touch of his skin and I completely melted!

And if, I was indeed a mistake then, why was he willing to do it?

Where have things gone wrong? What made him change his mind twice in a night?!

Did he really wanted to get closer to me? or did he really wanted to get away? Nothing made sense anymore.

Except for the immense pain and longing, I was feeling.

This was obvious. I knew, the next morning that I won't be same cause, I already am in....

"Wow, that's a pretty name." Ethan said interrupting my thoughts. Mariah just smiled at him and shyed away. "So I'm guessing you're here with aunt Anne?" He said, looking up at me and I really wanted to, face palm myself at that moment.

Of course, he didn't knew.

"No. She's my mommy." Suddenly Mariah said, before I could and she held my hand tightly with both of hers and she was almost glaring at Ethan. I seriously wanted to break out laughing at her cuteness. She's just so adorable.

I looked up at Ethan and saw him shocked and mainly confused.

"Baby? Why don't you, go & sit in my office and I'll bring you some candies. How does that sound?" I asked, looking at her.

"Yes. I want candy." She said, grinning and nodding her head vigoursly.

"Alright, now let's get you into the office." I giggled and gestured Nancy to keep an eye on her and make sure, she's alright. I made sure she's settled and I came back to Ethan.

"Ethan."I said, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Ma'am." He said, acknowledging my presence. "I'm sorry, I didn't know she was you're step daughter." He said, panicking.

"No." I said, raising my hand in denial. "As she already mentioned I'm her mother. And she's my daughter." I said, emphasizing the last word. "And it'd be better if, you make less assumptions and be sure, to know what the person actually is, before addressing them." I said, sharply.

"Yes. Sorry ma'am." He said, this time, looking down in embarrassment.

"It's alright. Now let's get back to work." I said and turned on my heels to go back into the office.

No one can deny it that I loved the girl, dearly. And also, maybe....


"How have you been sweetie?" She asked, as she pulled back from the hug.

"I've been good mom. How have you been? And how's dad?" I asked smiling at her.

"Oh, we're the same old married couple. Just a little more in love." She winked, as she joked. And both of us were giggling.

She specifically came to have a Sunday brunch, with me and Mariah as, she was already aware that, he was still working today.

We had a delicious classic brunch and I couldn't be any more stuffed. She was really good at cooking and I knew I had alot to learn from her. After that, we sat having a glass of wine on the porch as, Mariah kept on playing into the garden.

After a generous amount of time, Mariah started complaining that she missed her grandpa and so, finally mom called him. Only to be informed that he was already, heading towards the company.

"Yay!! Grandma let's go to dad's office. Please, we can meet both of them there. And I wanna go there again. It's been so long. Please?" She basically whined.

"Well... That's a really good idea." Mom chirped at her.

"Anne, you haven't been to the company as well right?" She asked and I just shook my head, in denial. "Well, then we all should go. You'll get to see the company as well. Come on." She convinced me and all three of us, were on our way their.

As we reached their, I was just half surprised, 'cause I was half expecting it. But, it was far more magnificent than I actually thought.

We started to make our way up as, a woman from the front desk, recognized mom and lead us to their office. Soon, we were in front of his office doors but, the person their, asked us not to enter at the moment since, he was in a important meeting.

We were about to go to a different area when, an errand boy, passed us by, with freshly brewed coffee.

"Hey, hold up. Whom are you taking these for?" Mom interrupted him and asked.

"Um... This is for Mr. Wilson and Mr. Wilson Sr. " He said and looked at us confused.

"Oh lovely. You can give that to me and you can go." She said, trying to dismiss him. But, he didn't leave the tray. Very hesitant with his action.

"No you can't-" mom intrupted him.

"Just so you know, I'm Mrs. Wilson." She said with pride. "Senior." She said, tipping her head higher and I just wanted to laugh at her act, to be stern.

The boy, immediately left the tray and looked down in embarrassment, with a quick 'sorry' and vanished. Mom turned to me and gave me, the tray and I just looked at her, confused.

"Well, don't look at me like that, go ahead and give him the coffee." She said, seriously.

"What?" I asked, baffled.

"Oh god. Go and give him the coffee. He'll be really surprised to see you." She said, encouragingly and pushed me slightly towards the door.

"No. Mom! He's in a meeting." I said, protesting her efforts to push me in.

"Oh don't worry. It's just Chris. Just go in already." She said, pushing me further and I stumbled, closer to the door.

Well... He's with dad so, he won't exactly, lash out on me. I prayed to any power, that was listening and went in.

I thought I'd directly get into his office but, there was another lobby. It had many other rooms, the biggest one was with, the name plate of CEO.

I was about to go in, when I heard something break from the inside and someone screaming.

I stood on my place and kept listening to the noises inside.

But, after what I heard next,
I wish, I wouldn't have heard anything.


Hello my loves💜

I'm sorry for the late updates.
Just been really busy and tired but I'll try my best to update quicker.

I hope you're enjoying the story😊 and I'd recommend looking out for more cliffhangers😜

Stay tuned💛

Song recommendation;
Issues ~ Julia Micheals

Hope you like it💜

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