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6 years later...

"Congratulations dear." I said, as I hugged Laura, closer to me.

"Thank you so much." She said, as we pulled away from each other.

Then, I saw James and hugged him as well. He definitely looked handsome today but, not more than my husband.

Soon, Jake hugged James as well as, Laura and pulled me closer from the side, wrapping his arm around me, securely. I hand over the gift bag, in my hand to them and watch them, closely as Laura starts to unwrap the gift.

"Oh my god!" She gasps and looks at me surprised. I just smile in return, happy to see that, they actually liked the gift.

Both of them kept on unwrapping and finally saw the contents of the box.

"This is so beautiful!" Laura says and hugs me once again. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." I smile at both of them. "It's from the limited edition, which is yet to launch." I say and see a pure look of adoration and gratitude, flash through there eyes.

Over the years, I've grown a pretty big name, in fashion industry and I've launched, another fashion accessories as well. One of which, I've gifted Laura a beautiful sunflower, yellow cardigan and a statement neck piece with garnets, emeralds and diamonds over it. I've also gifted James, the premium watch from my upcoming collection which has actually black diamonds into it.

"This is actually stunning Anne." James says, as he picked up the watch box and acknowledged my gift.

"Thank you so much." He said and hugged me once again for a little longer.

All of us, have gathered here in London, at James's place to celebrate his and Laura's second anniversary. They've dated for around 3 years when, James finally proposed and everything else was just perfect.

Laura's a model and has been really good in her work. I'm extremely tempted to ask her to walk the runway for me and well, if she agrees then, I'll be so happy.

Soon, I hear a loud coughing noise from behind me and I turn to see Jake giving James a pointed look.

"My wife." He said, possessively and James instantly raised up his hands in defeat, being extra. All of us laughed and joked about the brother's banter.

"Daddy!!" I here Alex yell and run straight to Jake. He happily bent down and picked up our son, and threw him up in the air, causing Alex to giggle.

Soon, Mariah follows and comes close to me and hugs me.

"And here are my favorite niece and nephew." James said giggling as he, ruffled Mariah's hair playfully and took Alex in his arms. Mariah giggled at the statement and spoke.

"We're the only niece and nephew you have uncle James." And all of us started laughing again.

It's so good to see your family happy and giggling. It's been 5 years since, Alex has been born and not even for a second, I've felt like, I'm mother to only him. I was definitely scared and inexperienced with a new born baby but, both of my mom's and my husband, helped me alot through it.

Moms were the biggest support for me through out the pregnancy and they never left me to feel alone or confused. Both of them, always guided me and it was so helpful.

Definately both of the dad's had a new grandchild to play with and spoil and they felt no question for it.

Also, I was a little bit nervous about the way Mariah would react when, Alex was actually born 'cause definitely I would've not been able to give her enough time but, Jake helped me through it alot and Mariah is a very understanding kid.

And now, after all these years. I have Alex who's five and Mariah's twelve now.

Both of my babies love each other, especially Mariah. She's so protective of Alex it almost has me crying.

This is the family I've always wanted.

My family.

Soon, James and Laura go to attend other guests leaving all four of us alone.

"Daddy? Can I have another candy please?" Alex asked with his big doe eyes and I saw Jake immediately falling into his trap. I was about to speak when Mariah spoke.

"No daddy! He already are 5 of them!" She said and both of us gasped at the fact as, Alex started giggling. He's one notorious kid.

"5...?" Jake asked," isn't that a little too much, Alex?" He asked surprised.

"One more won't hurt my teeth daddy." He spoke giggling and all of us started laughing. He's so adorable.

"I'll take him to grandma, so she can give him another one." Mariah said, as she took Alex's hand and started walking through the crowd toward Isabelle. Leaving me and Jake, into the large balcony.

Soon, he pulls me even closer to him and wraps both of his hands around my waist. We face each other as, I look at him through my lashes and he keeps looking at me with this, very familiar look.

"You look so beautiful today." He said and I smiled at the compliment.

"Thank you. And you look absolutely handsome as well, Mr. Wilson." I said, the last part mischievously and I move my hand around his coat suit.

"Oh... So shall we do something about it?" He asked, giving me a sly look as he looked at me.

"Like what?" I tried to seem innocent ans clueless but, my act soon finished, when he locked his lips over mine. He kissed me softly yet, firmly. Reminding me of all the beautiful times he's kissed me the same way. I encircled my arms around his neck and pulled him even close to me, deepening the kiss.

Whatever choice I made, 7 years ago... I most definitely don't regret it, not even a bit. Even though if it means, going through all of the events through all over again, I won't hesitate.

If at last, I finally find the love of my life.

After a moment of passionately kissing him, I pull away and keep my head on his shoulder. It's my favorite thing to do, it makes me feel so safe and protected.

"Oh... Let's go back to find Alex or he'd convince mom, into giving him another bunch of candies." I said, as I realized I have a very mischievous boy.

"Hey hey, don't worry." Jake said, pulling me closer again. "If she does, I'll make her pay for his dental appointment fees." He joked and both of us fell into the fits of laughter.

It's feels so good to find yourself in the middle of a chaos yet, complete calm. It's like finding a moment of peace, that would move through you for infinite times. And it's definitely blissful. Cause I've experienced....

That I found myself, when I was...
Finding Us.

~~◆~~ The End ~~~~


Hello my loves💜

And there you go.
That's the beautiful end to the book of finding Us.💜

I hope you enjoyed the book.

Thank you for reading💜

Song recommendation ;
A thousand years ~ Christiana Perry

Hope you like to💜

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