"I do"

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Was an understatement for my condition right now. My breaths were shallow, I was gasping for more air and my surroundings were moving way too fast, for me to accept.

I looked in the mirror, as they completed styling my hair, in the most elegant hairstyle I ever had. I just couldn't believe, the girl looking back at me through the glass was me. She was so beautiful. I filled my eyes completely, with that reflection but, I just couldn't seem to get enough. I never looked this beautiful in my entire life.

Then, I turned to get up from the chair and looked at mom, who was holding my veil. She gasped, as I started approaching her and her eyes shined with the sparkle of happiness. I just smiled at her state and stood in front of her, waiting for her to continue.

She just smiled at me brightly and I turned around, so she could place the veil over my head properly.

I bent my knees a little, for her to place the veil, since my dress was too big, for her to get close. She pinned it, in my hairs and made sure it was secured. Then, I slowly turned around to show it to her and she gasped again. This time louder than before and her eyes welled up in tears.

"You look so beautiful..."

She said breathlessly, trying not to sob and that brought tears in my eyes too. I got close and hugged her tightly. I'm going to miss her so much. Just as I pulled away from her, the door to the room opened and I heard another gasp.


Just as I turned to look at him, he already had tears in his eyes and was looking at me from distance, just admiring. I just stood their, watching him getting closer to me.

Finally, as he stood in front of me, he smiled genuinely but, a tear rolled down his eye. And that, explained all of his feelings.

I couldn't control it anymore and hugged him tightly, sobbing on his shoulder. He hugged me back, comforting my muffled cries. And I could hear mom sobbing too.
At this moment, I wanted everything to stop right away. I don't want to get married anymore, I just want to be with them. They are my world & they'll always be, so how could I leave my world behind?

When, he pulled apart and looked at me, he smiled wiping off his tears and kissing my forehead softly. Then, mom approached me, with tear stained eyes and a tissue in her hand. And soon, she started wiping of my tears.

"You look so beautiful dear... I'm so happy right now." Dad said softly.

I just nodded and hugged both of them. I'm going to miss them so much. I love them so much.

Then, I heard Holly clearing her throat and all of us looked at her, as she spoke.

"Thank God, the make up is waterproof. Or you would've ruined it, Anne." She said giggling a bit and all of us broke into laughter.

"You should get going, it's time!" She said, cheerfully.

Oh, I'm gonna miss my best friend too. Especially her joyful nature. I went to the couch, placed in the room I was currently getting ready and sat down to wear my heels.

My dress was really big but, as much beautiful. It was a long beautiful ball gown dress, with sleeves, lacy turtleneck top. And had matching veil, with the same lace pattern. My hairs were tied in a elegant, low chignon with a few tendrils curling on my face.

As I wore the heels, dad gave me his hand as support, to get up. As I did, I stood up tall and for the first time, I was just an inch or two smaller than him.

He smiled at me, noticing my attempt to compare our heights, like I always used to do, he softly asked me.

"Shall we?" He asked gesturing towards the door and I nodded.

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