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He dragged me upstairs.

His grip on my wrist almost hurting. But, he didn't leave it, at all. I tried to pull away from him but, he had way more strength than me. And didn't even lose the grip, for even a bit.

With all the efforts going invane, he finally brought up and into the lobby. At first, I thought he'd take me to his room but, instead he took me, in the opposite direction. Initially, I didn't knew where he wanted to take me. But, everything cleared once, we were approaching a familiar door.

That room.

He swiftly opened the door and pulled me inside. The room was completely dark and for a few minutes, I couldn't see a thing. It was so dark and chilly but, suddenly the golden light of the sunset piered in, as I saw him opening the curtains, to the glass doors, of the balcony.

Finally, all of the room was enlightened and I could see him looking at me.

A look, I've never seen before. A look, so foreign in his eyes that, my gaze on him softened. And I was utterly confused.

"This.... this is the only secret I have." He said, gulping evidently.

I saw him, as his eyes moved away from me, to the ground and he started walking towards the bed. He stopped right in front of it and turned towards the nightstand. And I then, finally notice.

I was still the same.

The box. The frame. And even the cup.

But, a little bit cracked and missing a few pieces. It was definitely, glued back together.

He gently picked up the frame and looked at it, longingly. He wiped, the palm of his hand over it and hugged the frame close to his chest. He turned, to look at me and finally spoke.

"This was our room." He pauses, momentarily. "Mine and... Emily's." He said and I take in a sharp breathe.

This was the first and only time, I was listening her name, from his mouth. He bent down and opened both, of the upper and lower drawers, of the nightstand. He took out something and it looked like a book. He kept it on the bed and kept the frame in his hand, back on the nightstand. Slowly he sat down on the bed and looked at me, as if asking me to come closer. I went ahead, standing a few feets away, from the bed.

He opened it and it was a photo album. Their photo album.

"We met in high school." He said, a soft smile playing on his lips. "She was the smartest and most beautiful girl, I've ever seen." He giggled, still looking down at the pictures. "Luckily she gave me a chance, out of all the boys and we started dating."

"We were highschool sweethearts and even after, high school. We were together through all of the college years." He said, turning the pages. "She was my first everything. My first kiss, first love, first everything. And I knew, she was the one, from the very beginning."

"I wasn't successful or wealthy. We were rather, normal living people, unlike her." He said, looking at me for an instance.

"Her dad, were an established business man and that was one of the main reasons, he resisted me so much. But, when he got to know, that I dropped out of college to build my own company, he was furious." He said, his smile falling slightly. "He forced her, to cut all of the ties with me but....she didn't." He said, smirking a little and shaking his head.

"So, he kept a condition for her. She could choose one of the, two most important men in her life." He said, looking nowhere in particular yet, was focused. "....and she chose me." He said, finally looking at me.

"And from that day, I made it my life purpose, to give her everything she deserves and more." He looked at me, the sincerity in his eyes, spoke even louder. "I worked day and night just, so I could show her, that she choosed the right person and she was with me, through all of it."

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