Tears of joy

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3 weeks later

"....And, it's ready to go in for a bake." She said, in a sing song voice, as I cleared the counter, with all of the mess.

"It'll be ready by the time, Mariah's here." I said, smiling.

"Oh that little monster's, gonna eat all of it." She said, rolling her eyes dramatically. "We'll have to hide it, somewhere safe." She whispered and soon, both of us were, giggling.

It's been over a month since, I started the workspace. We're doing so great, so far and everything is done, on pin point. And it makes me happier than ever. I've even looked into some of the shares, I'd like to sell to build up the brand and the progress is really good. Just the thought of making a name in the market, makes a rush of motivation, run through me.

Mariah has been a sweetheart as well. She loves to spend generous amount of time with me and she's been opening up more. Whether it'd be helping me in the garden or having dinner table chats, she's really letting me in.

And I appreciate it the most.

It's been a while since, I've seen mom. The last time I did was when she and.... Mr. Wilson, visited me at my office.

So we decided, she'll come over for a Sunday afternoon bake. And never I thought, it'd be so fun. Reminds me of the time, I used to bake with mom.

"Ella, could you please bring us some tea and biscuits, to the porch please?" She asked, Ella.

Ella bowed slightly, nodding and went into the kitchen.

"Tea? I never thought you'd go for a classic!" I said teasingly as she giggled.

"Oh please! That coffee thingy, never entertained me." she said smiling.

We made our way towards the backyard door and looked at the beautiful garden, that was alot greener than before. And now, it also had a splash of little color, here and there, with the different flowers. My love for gardens and sunset, finally urged me to buy a gorgeous tea table set, where I'd usually sit, on Sundays.

I'd never opted for balcony's since....


Both of us sat on the chairs, as Ella brought us the tea. We talked about our previous lives, mainly mom's. She shared the way, she was brought up and the way, Chris and her love story, took turns.

It was endearing to say the least.

We sat there, even after we finished the tea, enjoy the evening breeze when, I couldn't control my urge to enquire.

"Um, mom?" She turned to me and raised her brows, questioningly. "Can...you... Tell me about.... Emily?" I asked very hesitantly.

Her eyes lost the sparkle and she visibly saddened. I don't want to admit it but, looking at her, in a very different mood, I regretted asking her.

"Oh dear." She said, leaning in, "why do you ask?" She said, taking me by surprise.

"I-I...I just want to know, about her." I spoke, avoiding to look at her, all together.

She looked at me curiously.

"Jake didn't tell you anything?"

I panicked. I didn't know what to do or say at all. Should I lie? Should I say that he did? Should I pretend like we're actually together? I didn't know a thing!

"Uh..." I said, absentmindedly, trying to figure out a real answer. "No. He didn't."

Damn it!

She nodded, slowly and started speaking.
"Well then, it's not my place to, tell you that. You'd have to ask, Jake." She said, shrugging slightly.

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