Taking sides

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I wake up in the morning, to a tremendous headache. I turn on my side, looking at the door. And suddenly, all of the emotions roll back in and I can't stop the tears, again.

Last night, I couldn't sleep, rather cried to a point where, I didn't know when, I drifted off.

These emotions are just so overwhelming.

I couldn't think of anything in front of this pain. Why was I going through this? Why me?

All I've ever did, is just loving him.
I loved him, from far away, in silence yet, I am the one, who has chaos inside.

I tried to sit up and struggled. The exertion and staying up, took a toll on me and I was tired beyond, my imagination. I tried again and sat up, taking support of the headboard. I wiped away my tears but, they weren't stopping anytime soon.

I needed comfort. Desperately.

So, without thinking twice, I took my phone and called mom. I can think of the consequences later, right now all I needed is comfort.

I call her and within a few moments, she picks up my call.

"Anne!" She exclaims, happily. "How are you, honey? And how are you up so early, it's hardly..." She paused for a bit, "... it's hardly seven there." She said, joyfully. And for a second, I regretted calling her.

I don't wanna make her sad.

"Y-yea-h." My voice broke.

I should've cleared my throat first. But, rather than sounding like, I just woke up, I sounded like, I was crying hard.

Which I was.

"Hey, honey?" Her voice changed to concerned from joyous. "Is everything alright?" She asked.

I don't know what came over me but, I couldn't control it anymore. And I just bursted into tears and she heard me, through out the time, waiting for me to speak.

"Sweetie? Are you okay?" She asked again.

"Mo-mh" I said, sniffling hard.

I just wanted to tell her everything. I wanted her to know I was suffering. I wanted her to comfort me, hug me tight and never let go. But, I couldn't!

"I-I mis-s you b-oth." I said, sniffling.

"Honey? Are you sure, that's the thing?" She asked and I wanted to deny it at every cost but, I just couldn't muster the courage, to tell her the truth.

Suddenly I heard ruffling and dad's voice poured into the phone.

"Anne? Are you alright, honey?" He asked, almost alarmed.

I tried to control my tears and clear my throat. I don't need them, to worry about me.

"Dad, I-I'm al-righ-t." I said, trying my best to speak.

"Anne. What is it dear?" He asked again. I wanted to speak but, before I could, he spoke again. "Did Jake do something?" He asked, enquiring.

He had everything to do with it!

"N-no dad." I said, trying my best to stop the tears and sniffling, all together. I had to come up with something so, I spoke the absolutely first thing, that came to my mind.

"I j-just, dreamed of you g-guys and, I just miss you so much." I said, chuckling lightly at last, trying to make it, as believable as possible.

"Oh dear." He huffed almost in relief.
"You scared me." He said, chuckling.

"Yea-h." I said, gulping in relief.

"Baby, if you miss us, so much..." He paused for a moment. "Then why don't you come here, in Minnesota?" He suggested casually. "A Little vacation?" He said.

"Dad... I-I... Don't know." I pondered over it. Soon, mom took the phone and spoke.

"Baby, it's been over four months, since we saw you last." She spoke politely. "I think you should come here, we'd get time to be together." She paused. "What do you say?"

Honestly... I wanted to go.
Like right now.

And their wasn't any reason for me, to stay back here. And if I did, I'd just suffer. So, I agreed.

"Alright mom, I'm coming there." I said, more to myself.

"Wonderful!" She said.

Sure... It'll be wonderful.
Anywhere away from him, will be.

So, I talk to them for a while and end the call and frantically, started packing. I soon, packed most of my warm clothes and was packing, the rest of the things when, I heard the door to my room open.



"Yeah, baby?" I cooed at her. She looked fresh and tidy, probably she woke up an hour ago.

"What are you doing?" She asked innocently, looking at all of the clothes and bags.

"Um..." I contemplated over it, if I should lie to her or not but, in the end she'd get hurt, if I would lie to her and just leave like that.

"I'm... Going home." I said, smiling slightly at her.

"Home?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Um.. yeah. I'm going back to my parents home." I said and she came closer to the bed, trying to peek inside my bag.

"Oh, why?" She asks, curiously.

"Um...'cause I miss them so much." I said sheepishly.

"Where do they live?" Oh god, why does she have to be so innocent.

"They live in New York but, right now, they're in Minnesota, for vacation." I said, smiling at her.

"Vacation?" She asks and I just nod softly at her. "Can I come with you?" She asks, suddenly.

"Huh?" I asked surprised.

"I also want to go with you." She said, grinning at me.

"Um... Baby, I don't think, you're father will agree...." And I trail off.

"Oh don't worry... I'll ask him." She says, cheerfully and gets out of the room. I follow behind to see, if she's really serious about it and in her way upstairs, she asks Ella to pack her bag.

Ella looks at me confused and I just nod at her.

I get inside the room and complete packing again.

I wanted to be subtle about my absence and leave without telling anyone. But, Mariah.

And now, even if I have to take her with me. I will.

I'm not living here anymore.


Hello my loves💜

Sorry for the short chapter😅
But, indeed it was an important one.
Also, how about another Jake pov?

Stay tuned💛

Song recommendation;
Rare ~ Selena Gomez

Hope you like it💜

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