A Family

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I looked out of the window, at the huge metal doors. They opened to let us in and I looked around in complete awe.

The Mansion that came in my view was so beautiful, that the artistic side of me, couldn't help but, think about the efforts and precision used to make this masterpiece.

Soon, the car came to a halt and stopped in front the Mansion.

Finally we're here.

Actually, Mr. Wilson's parents invited us over to have a "family lunch" since, James has returned back from London. So, I, Mariah and Mr. Wilson, came in.

I was wearing a beautiful baby blue coloured ankle length, turtle neck dress with netted mutton sleeves. I kept my hair open and wore a pair of black wedges. Mariah wore a cute, pink color, knee length dress and a matching headband. And as usual, he was in a navy colored 3 piece suit. But, he still looked exceptionally handsome.

I can't help but, feel attracted to him.

No matter, the way treat me.

I can't help it.

All three of us walked, into the Mansion and came face to face with Isabelle.

"Oh! They're here!" She exclaimed and soon, walked closer to us.

She came closer and hugged Mariah quickly, as she ran to her. Soon, she hugged both of us, as well and so did dad. During all of this, endearing family exchange of affection, I saw a gorgeously familiar looking man, standing behind, looking at us.

"And here, is James." Chris introduced the young man. He smiled charmingly and moved closer towards his brother.

And then it clicked.

He looked just like Jak- Mr. Wilson.

"Brother, I've missed you." He said, hugging Mr. Wilson and they smiled genuinely at each other. He turned to Mariah and picked her up, throwing her lightly in the air and catching her back. She hugged him, close and kissed his cheek, saying a small 'missed you uncle' as, everybody awed at there interaction.

And finally, he turned to look at me.

"Hello, Anne. I'm James." He said, giving out his hand for me to hold.

"Hello. Really happy to meet you." I said, giving him my hand to hold but, he took it and brought it upto his lips and kissed the back of my hand gently.

"Welcome to the family." He said, looking at me and giving his best toothy smile and i couldn't help but, blush a complete scarlet.

"Look at her, all flushed." Mom said and everybody chuckled but, I looked from the corner of my eyes to see him stoic.

My smile faltered a bit and soon, all of us started to make our way into the dinning room. Everyone sat in there seats. As Chris sat at the head, of the table and Isabelle sat on his right side, besides James. Mr. Wilson sat beside Chris on his left side and so did I as, Mariah sat between us.

All of us waited for the staff, to serve the food and soon started eating.

"So, Anne I heard alot about you. You were in Seattle for the 'Annual Entrepreneurship Meet' to represent your University." He said, raising a brow at me. " That's impressive." He remarked.

"Thank you." I said, and tried not to blush hard.

Well we were basically sitting in front of each other so, it was really hard trying not to.

"Well, we can't expect any less from my brother, isn't it Jake." He said eyeing his brother and Mr. Wilson just smiled at him, leaving an awkward silence in the room.

"You know grandma, Anne showed me her plants and they're starting to grow flowers." Suddenly, Mariah said and then, all of us got into conversations including everything from the garden to both of the brother's childhood memories. Everyone talked, except for him.

From all of those interesting stories, I got to know that, James was 6 years younger than Mr. Wilson and was head of the London branch of the companies. He mainly stayed there and had his own properties and invested in many different businesses. And by, the 'subtle' hints he gave, he was dating someone and he seemed really into her. And promised, the next time he'd be here, he'd bring her to lunch as well.

By the look of it, he seemed like a very kind and smart man. Looked definately like his brother but, he had a warmer personality.

After the lunch, all of us sat in the living room talking.

Both of the brothers talked about business to their father and I was busy talking with mom. As, Mariah was busy watching the TV.

She knew about the new advances, I've made with Mariah and was really happy about it. I even told her about the new place, I bought and my new team, to work with.

She looked really proud and genuinely happy for me.

She suddenly turned around and informed the whole room.

"Chris, have you heard?" She asked, catching all of their attention.

"Our daughter has bought a place on her own and is going to start a workshop here soon." She said and turned to look at me lovingly as, she kept her hand on mine rubbing it soothingly. The gesture reminded me of my own mom and I was thankful. Unless I saw his face.

"Oh wow. That's such a good news Anne." Dad said.

"That's great." James replied, smiling.
"When are you planning to start?" He asked.

"Oh um... I just completed hiring the team this weekend so, yes probably from Monday." I said smiling sheepishly and tried my best, not to look at him.

"Wow! That's really great." He said, appreciating. "I have to say, you're pretty hardworking for a 23 year old." He said, grinning at his dad. " Reminds me of Jake, in the early days." He said and all of us turned to look at him.

He still had the straight face and very sharp look in his eyes, as he kept staring at me. He curtly nodded, acknowledging others and I bet all of them, felt the awkward tension.

Soon, after that we bidded our goodbyes to them and started going back home.

The ride back home was cheerful as, Mariah kept talking to me, about her school and her favorite places in the city to visit but, I didn't miss the glare, he passed me with every chance he got.

The closer we got to the house, the more nervous I grew.

All I wanted them to be, is my family.
Is he gonna deny it.
Or perhaps me?


Hello my loves💜

Did you like James?

I know their wasn't much interaction and the chapter was smaller than usual but, still...
✨Something is better than mothing✨

Stay tuned💛

Song recommendation;
IDFC ~ Blackbear

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Hope you like it💜

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