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Jake's pov~


Everything she did. Everything that happened, had me infuriating. I've never wanted to re-marry in the first place. I've closed the gates for once and all.

But, my parents didn't listen.

And even after keeping those conditions in front of her, she agreed. I do not understand why she did? But, there definately must be a purpose to that.

A purpose I have to find.

She always tried to get closer, to get me to talk to her but, I cannot look at her and not get angered.

How can I not when, I kept those conditions just because she would deny to this marriage and yet, she didn't. And that makes me angry, even more.

Constantly, stealing glances at me. Always, trying to seem, put together & composed. Incessantly, irritating the hell out of me, with her presence. She just takes it to another level. And she thinks I don't notice the way, she tries to get closer to me. With the sweet talks and "always so good behavior". But, I notice everything.

At first, I thought she was behind luxury. Even though her family made more than enough, it could've been possible that she wanted more and that's why she married me. But, that didn't make sense cause, she'd only get a very small percentage, of my wealth and that's only when I die. That means even if she murders me, she ain't getting anything out of it.

Then, maybe she was behind fame. I was almost expecting her to come to me and ask for a position in the company. Mainly the board of directors. But, I'd definitely deny one way or other and the biggest reason, could've been her lack of experience. But, that never happened. She's making her own company, her brand and she never even mentioned it to me. I mean, of course she could've used the company's name to get attention at her brand but, she didn't do it.

But, everything made sense, the day we went for lunch, with my family.

She was definately attracted to James. The way she glowed and blushed around him, told everything. She married me so that, she could whore around, behind my back and she knows, I won't bother to interrupt her. But, spreading her legs for my own brother! I didn't know she could stoop so low.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I lowered the window of the car and allowing the night air, to soothe me.

I miss you, Em.

Soon, I reached home and made my way in. It was around 11pm, so I started making my way up. I went into my room and took a quick warm shower. Trying to relax as much as possible. I wore some comfortable sweats and started making my way towards, Mariah's room.

It was my daily habit to check upon her before sleeping.

I remember the night, I panicked when I didn't find her in her room. The room was completely disastrous, with broken shelf peices, books, toys and what not. But, I was even more surprised when Debby told me about the incident. And the fact that she saved her.

Since, then I've noticed the way Mariah was getting closer to her.

The poor girl doesn't know, what she sees as a friend, is way more evil than that. And sooner or later, her trust will break and I have to prevent it at any cost. Mariah has suffered way more than, she should've and I cannot see her in misery again.

Never again.

I opened the door to Mariah's room and panicked. She wasn't here, again. I looked around and saw Dorothy coming up, with the cup of tea.

"Dorothy, where's Mariah?" I asked, looking through out the corridor. It's way past her bed time.

"She's downstairs, with ma'am, sir." She said, bowing a little.


I simply nodded at her and she went towards my room, to place the tea.

I made my way downstairs, towards her room. I didn't knock on the door and opened it slowly, not wanting to draw, much attention. I wanted to see, what exactly were they doing.

I opened the door really slowly and peeked in.

Only to find a silhouette sleeping on the bed. The lights of the room were off except from the ones beside the bed.

I slowly made my way, in and found one of the most unexpected sight. Mariah slept beside her. Curled up like a baby and she had her arms wrapped around her. Both of them, cuddled together and the dim yellow light from the side lamp was making the scene ethereal.

Especially her.

She looked absolutely innocent, and the most beautiful she's ever been.

I smirked at my thoughts.

It's all a mask. She's evil.

I looked one last time at Mariah and the woman holding her. I made my way out of the room and closed the door behind me.

I'll have to do something about this.


I sat on the dinning table waiting for Mariah to come down.

Soon, she came down and sat on her chair, looking ready to, eat her breakfast.

"Good morning daddy." She smiled at me.

"Good morning baby." I said, smiling back.

She started eating her toast and frequently looked at the kitchen. I observed her for a while and finally asked her.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"Oh, just mo-" she stopped abruptly.
"Just for Anne." She covered quickly and started eating her breakfast again.

Now's the right time. I turned to her completely and took her left hand in mine. I wanted this message, to be cleared through her.

"Mariah, baby. How does Anne treat you?" I asked. She looked at me confused, so I added. "Does she say bad words to you, does she push you around, did she ever slap you?"

"No daddy. She's very good with me." She smiled reassuringly. "She loves me alot." She said, her eyes shining and a grin appeared on her face, that could split her face in half.

She loves Mariah?


"Okay baby but, if she ever," I emphasized, "ever treat you bad, you'll tell me. Alright?" I asked seriously.

"Okay" she smiled again.

After a moment, she came out of the kitchen with her plate and was about to sit on her chair, when I got up abruptly and started making my way out. But, not before eyeing her as, I kissed Mariah on top of her head.

She cannot get between us.

I reached office and started working, when around an hour later, my assistant called.

"Sir, Mr. Wilson is here to meet you."

Dad? What happened?

"Send him in." I said, keeping the phone down.

Soon the door opened and I heard footsteps. I looked upto to see dad but, was surprised with an unexpected face.



Hello my loves💜

What do you think about Jake's pov?
You want more??😂
Also, the beef between 2 brothers over a girl?!!
Oooooh!!! it's gonna get spicy!😜

Stay tuned💛

Song recommendation;
Titanium ~ Sia ft. David Gautte

Hope you like it💜

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