...to know you.

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I wish, it was possible to freeze some moments. Just to stop the time and get trapped in a certain instance. To relive a moment for next of your eternity. And if all of this was possible, I would freeze this moment.

I saw them, talking. Smiling.

I saw him, smiling.

I was currently, carrying the tray of breakfast towards them. Jake and Mariah. Who were so engrossed into some conversation that, they were smiling at each other, joyfully. Not, a normal smile. The smile where, it reached to their eyes.

It's the first time, I saw him smiling. Genuinely.

I slowly move towards the table looking at them and as soon as, they sensed my presence, both of them, returned to their stern faces. The rude faces.

I cleared my throat, awkwardly. Feeling the tension in the air, at the sudden silence in the room. I served them, their plates with a small smile which, they didn't respond. How generous.

I watched them, eating in silence and continued eating my breakfast, disheartened. Soon, he finished his breakfast and so did Mariah.

"Come on. I'll drop you off today." He said, smiling at her.

She nodded, happily. And got off the chair, running straight to her room.
He stood up, buttoning up his suit coat, as he called for Dorothy, without sparing me a glance.

"Dorothy.... Go and help Mariah, with her stuff. Make sure she gets back in five minutes." He said with a straight face.

As Dorothy, bowed and replied with a 'yes sir'. Swiftly, he turned on his heels and got out of the main door.

Without a glance.

Dorothy rushed to the stairs, going up to her room when, I stopped her in her tracks.

"Dorothy wait." I ran after her. She turned and waited for me to speak.

"Let me help her." I said, nodding slightly.

"But ma'am, sir told me to tak-"

"I know but, just let me." I cut her off.

She nodded softly and I acsended the stairs, going up for her room.

I found her packing up her school bag and humming happily. Her back was facing me. I softly knocked on her door and she turned.

She frowned.

"Mind if I help you?" I asked, slowly getting in her room. Slowly.

"No. I'm fine." She said, turning back to her bag.

"Well... You seemed really happy just a few minutes ago. Wouldn't you tell me, what's it about?" I ask hesitantly.

"No." She replied.


"No. I won't tell you because, you're no one to me." She said, zipping her bag and carrying it on her back. She walked past me without looking at me and I was shattered.

"You're no one to me?" I asked myself.

I'm no one to her.

I'm no one to them.



I murmur softly, as I cover the hole, where I sown the seed.

This garden is way too plain. Just green. No, I don't have any problem with green but, I'd like it more, if It's a bit colorful. So, I asked for some tomato seeds from Debby, as she was chopping some for my lunch.

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