I love you

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I smiled at him gently, as he returned it back with beautiful glint in his eyes. I blushed at the gesture and looked back at my plate.

It's been 3 days since, we've been like this and I'm loving it.

Whatever happened three days ago was more than beautiful for me. He confessed his love, that I didn't even know, that existed for me. I don't know when he started but, I'm more than happy in its presence... Way more than happy.

Since that day, we've been together together.

I know it's wierd to hear and even weirder to say but, the feeling it gives is so blissful. He's been looking at me, smiling and we even had, dinners together. He talked to me, with a genuine smile and both of us have been blushing ever since. It's like, reliving the teenage.

Even though we've slept together once, we still feel giddy around each other. At least that's what I feel, I don't know about him exactly.

But, when he apologized to me, sincerely after that, one of the first things I asked him to do, was to talk to his family again. He even told me the fued between him and James. I honestly felt so bad, to know that the argument turned into punching each other.

But, when Jake called him again, he was quick to forgive him and I was more than happy for that.


Well yeah, that's what he prefers to be called now.

Also, he did call his dad to clear things out and ask for his forgiveness and I've invited both of them over lunch. I thought, it was best to solve things in each other's presence, rather than just talking over the phone.

We were currently having breakfast and enjoying each other's company as, Mariah won't stop talking about her new friends.

I know, she's noticed that Jake and I are on better terms than before and she seems happy about it. And I'm happy to know that, she approves us... In a sense.

Soon, the time rolled around and I start organizing everything with the help of Ella and Dorothy. I've cooked today, since it will be the first time, we'd all have a lunch, in this home.


My home.

Soon, I hear the door open and both of them entering in. I see Jake descending from the stairs with Mariah and a beautiful grin adorning their faces.

Mariah runs right into her grandparents and they shower her with kisses, as I smile at Jake, which he returns gladly. Mom notices our exchange of looks and hugs me me close to her. And finally, I see dad engulfing Jake in his embrace and him, reciprocating. I know both of them, didn't show it but, they were relieved at this contact after so many days.

Soon, all of us head towards the table and start having lunch. Everyone one of us, talked over the food and I got compliments as well.

And suddenly I realized, this is it.

This is the family I wanted.

This is the family I love.


"It's looks beautiful, isn't it?" He asks softly and I hum in response.

"Indeed." I say and I sigh in relief.

Both of us, sat down on the porch as, our legs hanged in the air. Looking at the beautiful sunset shining through the luscious garden.

"I like it better now." He said, gesturing towards the growing plants and I smile at him.

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