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11 months later...

"I'll miss you." He said, as he leaned down, to kiss me softly on my cheek. And I smiled giddly, at the cute gesture and pushed him away, playfully.

"Go now!!" I said, seeing him smiling back at me. "I'll miss you too." I said as I waved back at him. And i finally saw him getting into the car and riding away, not before, he blew me a kiss. I returned it and smiled at him, waving.

Soon I went inside and saw Mariah coming down the stairs, running. I went staright towards her and opened up my arms for her. She jumped right before a steps left and hugged me. I wrapped my hands around her but, the sudden jerk, got me dizzy.

I was about to fall down when, I kept her down swiftly and tried to hold on to something, when she held my hand. Fortunately, I was able to get myself back on my feets again and my head stopped spinning.

"Are you okay mommy?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah baby..." I said, leaning down to get face to face with her. "But, don't run on the stairs again baby!" I fake scolded her. "You almost got us falling!" I exclaimed.

She gave me a cute smile and nodded her head.

"Okay mommy, I won't." She said and  smiled up at me.

I held out my hand, for her to take and took her out of the house. Both of us, got into the car and the driver started, driving. Soon, we reached to her school and I dropped her off.

She gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and waved me goodbye. I reciprocated and got going on my way to office.

It's been 4 months over a year, since I got married to him. Even though, we had a rough start, it'd say that it was, all worth it. Since, I have the love of my life, besides me.


I love him, more than anything and these past 11 months, he's been everything to me. From a loving husband to a guiding mentor, he's been by side, whenever I needed him. In the beginning, he was a little hesitant and cautious around me, of course because, of the past events. But, taking things slow, always helped.

He's been closer to Mariah, as well. It was like, an invisible wall has lifted off and he's finally opening up.

Just to make, the best father and husband.

He's been getting better, with his family as well. I remember the celebration he threw, on our 1st anniversary. He invited all of his and my family, it was absolutely amazing. He gifted me a new and bigger production space and I was more than grateful for that. Even though I still have my office at the original place, this new production space was absolutely helpful.

I remember him and James getting together. It was relieving, seeing them back to being brothers again.

He's also been more vocal about his memories and pains, he shared with Emily. I honestly, liked listening to him open up, it's like, watching that beautiful glint in his eyes, which was a mixture of adoration, longing and loss.

But, I made sure he'd never feel alone. I've been by his side, every time he wanted me.

He still goes back, into her room sometimes and I value the time he spends there. And in all this while, I've definitely learned one thing, that he truly loved her and she'll always have, a speacial place, in his heart.


I soon get to the office and get out off the car. I walk inside and get greeted by everyone. I evaluate the daily progress, we're supposed to make and get into my office.

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