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I tossed and turned around as, the light shined over my face. I slowly opened my eyes, just to be blinded by the Sun rays.

I turned around and buried my face in the pillow, as the beautiful waft of a familiar musky smell, engulfed me. And last night came into by mind.

I tried to quickly sit up, but as soon as I tried, a very sharp pain arose between my legs and I couldn't even sit straight.
I tried to part my legs a little, and saw a bright red stain on the bedsheets and over my thighs.

Last night, was a dream come true.

He touched me. He held me. He felt me.

He made love to me.

I furiously blushed at the thought and looked down at my naked state. He saw all of me, last night. And I saw all of him.
And he was even more gorgeous then, I ever imagined him to be. He was personification of beauty itself.

I never expected this to happen.

Not so early, of course. But, last night he had a fire in his eyes. He was dominating, rough and yet.... Caring.

I cannot forget the way his touch felt of my skin. The way, his lips moved on mine. The way he brought our bodies together and collided our worlds. I cannot help but the blush crawl up through my neck.

I unwrapped the sheets around me and tried to sit up. It was painful but, I managed.

I looked at the bed side clock and was shocked. It's  9am already!!!

I am definitely late to get ready and go off to work so, it's better that I stay at home and rest for the day.

I made my way into the bathroom, walking more like a penguin and turned on the warm water in the bathtub. Well I definitely need a soak. Maybe some epsom salts will help with the pain.

I went in front of the wash basin to brush my teeths but, as I looked in the mirror, I was stunned.

He left his mark.

Marks, I might say. There were reddish-brown hickies all over my neck and some even went further down. I removed the sheets from around me to take a better look and found almost, fading bite marks around my breasts.

Oh Lord, that's wild.

I couldn't help but, feel happy and giddy and undeniably, embarrassed with the thought of him doing these things to me.
Of course, it felt pleasurable but, I didn't think he'd do all of this to me, on our first time together.

Oh! And the way he handled me like a fragile glass when, he saw me bleeding.

I literally wanna curl up, into a ball on the floor and sob whole day, for his sweet gestures. Oh god! He's so good at it. All of it!

I dismissed all of the thoughts and tried to focus on brushing but, that stupid grin didn't leave my face for a single minute. I quickly brushed and stood under the shower to clean up the dried blood, before getting into the tub.

Soon, I settled into the tub and moaned at the warm soothe, it provided my muscles.

I soaked in leisurely, for I don't know how long but, when I can out, I felt alot better. I dressed up and changed the stained sheets myself, not wanting any of the maids to know about the events last night.

And there was that stupid blush again.

I wanted to change the cover of the pillow as well but, I couldn't.

It still smelled like him.

I drew in a few deep breaths and tried to reminiscence, last night.

Finally, I got out of the room and into the kitchen where, Debby handed me coffee and asked me about the things, to be made for the lunch. After telling her to keep it light, I went out of the backyard door and sat on chair, of the porch.

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