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Every passing second, all I felt is hurt.

I couldn't even look at him in the eye, till the end. More like, I was hiding my tears.

But, this was needed.

Sometimes, holding on is more painful than, letting go.

And I need to let him go.

Soon, we arrived at the airport and got through all of the procedures, for the next hour. After a while, the boarding started and we got into the plane.

Mariah looked a little unsure around the take off so, I held onto her. But, the smile she gave me, was way more reassuring than, anything for me. I cannot even express how calm her presence, makes me, in this chaos. It's like a reminder to me, that I left something and chose myself over it but, it also reminds me that I left something.

Something familiar.

Something important.


After a journey for around, 5 hours. I finally stood in front of the cabin house, that looked all too familiar and held a ton of memories, for me.

I thought Mariah would be tired or bored but, she looked absolutely amused through out the way.

The reason ; snow.

I was happy that at least one of us, is genuinely happy. I knocked on the door and soon it opened to reveal the face, I've been dying to see.


"Anne." She gasped happily and walked ahead, to hug me when she noticed Mariah. And she gasped again.

"Oh my god! Mariah." she looked at her and then, turned her head at me. "You didn't tell me you were bringing her as well." She said and smiled at Mariah.

I just shrugged and soon, out of nowhere dad popped his head, behind mom.

"At least let them in, honey." He said and all of us, got inside. It was way more warmer than outside and I sighed at the relief. As soon as, I sat my foot in, both of my parents hugged me and all of us, got settled in the living area, in front of a small, fire place.

This cabin has always been way more than, just a vacation house.

Everything about it, reminded me of my golden time with my parents and family. When I was younger, my uncle's family used to visit as well, making the winter break, even more enjoyable. The time I spent here, was incredibly valuable for me and just the memory of it, made me happier.

Soon, mom brought in a cup of warm coffee for me and a mug, full of hot chocolate for Mariah.

I picked up my cup, thanking mom as, she kissed me on my cheek and she went ahead, to serve the mug to Mariah. She happily picked it up and looked at mom, with a smile.

"Thank you...." She trailed off.

"Grandma." Mom said, patting the top of her head lightly.

"Grandma?" She asked.

"Yeah, baby." I cooed at her.

"But, I never called anyone grandma, except for my grandma." She stated, as a matter of factly.

Huh? Emily didn't have mom?

"And what about grandpa?" Dad asked, jumping into the conversation. And she shook her head, in denial.

She didn't had parents?

And all three of us, looked at each other in surprise and confusion.

"But, honey I am your grandma, from today, alright?" Mom asked, smiling at her softly. " You have 2 grandma's from now." She said smiling and Mariah returned it happily.

"Alright." She said, nodding happily.

"So, will you share that hot chocolate, with your grandpa?" Dad asked mischievously, jumping into the conversation, making all us break out in laughter.

This felt good.

Genuinely good.


"Good night, mommy." She said, closing her eyes softly as, I stroked her head, lovingly.

"Good night baby." I said, kissing the top of her head.

All of us had dinner, mom made, which I've been craving, for quiet a long time now. We talked for a while after the dinner and then, I came up to tuck Mariah in, as we were sleeping in the same room.

Suddenly, I heard a light clinck of the, door to the room opening. And slowly, mom came into the room.

She asked me in gestures if, Mariah slept and I nodded lightly. She then, gestured for me to follow and soon I followed her, into in the living room.

We sat down, in a cozy comforter and started talking about different things. I told her, everything from the improvements I made, with my brand, to the enjoyable time I spent with Isabelle. She was happy as well as fascinated, with the fact that, Isabelle had been such a comfort to me, in such a short period of time.

"So... How's things between you and Jake?" She suddenly asked out of the blue. And I gulped.

"Yeah.... We've been good." I said, smiling as genuinely as I could.

"Really... Just good?" She asked, almost skeptically.

"Yeah. What else." I said, laughing. Trying to avoid the topic altogether.

"Well... If we're talking about the girl who got to marry the love of her life, I expect things to be more than, just 'good'." She said, eyeing me.

"Mom...." I trailed off when she spoke.

"Even if you say, you're here 'cause you missed us, I can hardly believe it." She stated, lightly. "You've not even spoke a single word about him, into this whole conversation." She said and slowly kept her hand on mine. "What is it?" She asked, all too softly.

And suddenly my eyes started tearing.

"Mom... I-I..." And I could never complete it.

"Shhh.... It's okay." She said, engulfing me in her warmth. "Things go wrong between couples all the times." She said, patting my head softly. "But, the important thing is, how you bring it back on track." She said cupping my face.

"That's all relationships are about."

She said and I nodded my head. I kept hugging her. I just didn't want to let go.

And then, I realized.

That maybe, in her warmth I found my home.


But, I definitely left one behind.


Hello my loves💜

This chapter was cold and cozy at the same time for me.♥️
What do you guys think?
Also, their's alot more to Emily then, it actually seems.
But, the future will unveil everything.

Stay tuned💛

Song recommendation;
Without me ~ Halsey

Hope you like it💜

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