'A Scar'

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Waking up from my deep, dreamless slumber, I found myself alone in the same room. I wish something was different, at least the room or my loneliness.

I got out of my bed and looked at the time. It was just 7 in the morning, I hope he hasn't left, for the office yet. I quickly got into the bathroom and had shower, getting all freshed up. After about forty minutes, I went out of my room.

I went straight towards the kitchen, to find three ladies working & talking in themselves. I've recognized the two of them, from last night. But, I didn't recognize the third one. She was rather young, than both of them, almost around my age. I walked in further in the kitchen and caught their attention.

"Good morning, Mrs. Wilson." The three of them, bowed greeting me.

"No, no. Please don't bow." I said, shaking my hand in front of me. "And Good morning to you too." I said smiling.

"What would you like for breakfast?" One of them asked, whom I remember as Dorothy, from last night.

"Um..what did you make?" I asked.

"Oh I'm so sorry ma'am. But, I only made breakfast for Mr. Wilson & Mariah. I thought I'd ask you, Your preference and then, make it." She said, justifying herself.

"Oh on, it's okay." I said, smiling politely. "I don't have anything particular on my mind right now." I said sheepishly. "Serve me, whatever you want to." I smiled at her.

"Okay ma'am." She said, nodding at me.

"And please. Don't call me ma'am or... Mrs. Wilson. I'd rather prefer you calling me, Anne." I informed.

"Okay... I'm Dorothy." She smiled softly. "And she's my daughter, Ella." She said, gesturing to the young girl, I was meeting the first time.

I smiled and nodded at her. She's young, almost my age. And then, I avert my gaze to look at another lady.

"I'm Debby." She smiled at me.

All of us, got into a conversation while, Dorothy kept on making scrambled eggs & butter toast for me.

I came to know about them more. Like, Debby & Dorothy are sisters in thier mid 40s and Ella is 24, just a year older than me. Both of the sisters were working here, since the house was bought. That means, they've seen Mariah grow and witnessed Emily. I really wanna know how she really was. I bet she was, a really good wife and mother.

Debby also told me that, Jake likes to have coffee in the morning with his special, breakfast preference and must have his lemon tea before bed. He leaves for his office by, 8:10 in the morning and Mariah leaves for her school by 8:40am.

I was talking to them, more about the Wilson's, when I heard footsteps, descending the stairs.


I started to fiddle with my fingers, getting nervous for god knows, what reason. I was in my own daze, deciding what to do when, all of the ladies that were, engaged with me in a Sophisticated conversation just a minute before are now, encouraging me to serve him breakfast. It's not like, I have some problem serving him but, I'm nervous about his response. I'm more like....scared.

I finally take the tray from Dorothy's hands and started making my way towards the dining table.

He sat their, on the single chair, placed at the starting of the table, looking gorgeous as ever.

He wore a black three pieces suit, with a black shirt under and a gray tie around his neck. His hair gelled back, and features, sharp on point. Just a brief look and he can, sweep me right off my feets. I cannot get enough of looking at....my husband.

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