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I turn on my side, shuffling as I feel something shift beside me.

Suddenly, I wake up with a jerk, scared. Only to find a beautiful little creature, sleeping besides me.


I almost forget what happened last night. I kept looking at her soft, angelic face and suddenly remembered the frightened look on her face. A shiver ran through my body, just thinking the opposite possibilities.

I slowly caressed her hair and shook her lightly, to wake her up. Soon, she slowly opened her eyes and as soon as she saw me, she smiled and snuggled closer to me.

I was stunned to say the least.

Last night, I thought she was just scared, that's why she let me comfort her but, I never expected her to smile at me like that.

I reciprocated her smile and held for several minutes. I rubbed her back soothingly as, I felt a very warm and fulfilling ,feeling settle in me. She pulled away and looked up at me.

"Good morning" she said, sweetly.

"Good morning." I smiled at her. "Are you hungry?" I asked her. She nodded and I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"Okay... Let's get you all fresh and bathed, then we'll go ahead for breakfast. Alright?" I asked and she nodded happily.  I got her down, from the bed and started walking towards her room. She held my hand through out the way. I slowly opened the door to room and was assured, as I saw the shelf completely replaced by a small table, accommodating all her things, temporarily.

I left her in her bathroom and made sure, she was comfortable and had all her clothes with her.

I descended to my room and got myself a quick shower. I came out and headed straight to the kitchen. I was greated by Dorothy and I greated her back.

"I heard what happened last night. Thank you so much, for saving Mariah." She said, bowing to me.

"Oh please Dorothy, don't bow. And also, please don't thank me for something so obvious." I said, trying to be as polite as possible.

"She was really scared." Dorothy said, acknowledgingly.

"Yes. And that's why she slept in my room last night." I said, and she nodded understanding.

I sat their, until she served me some tea and then, I finally asked her the question, I've been meaning to ask for long.

"Umm.... Dorothy. How was she with Emily?" I asked, very hesitantly. She turned to look at me, for a moment and then spoke.

"Well... Like, every other child with their mother. She loved her mother so dearly but, after her death, she became distant to everyone, even to her father." She said and kept listening to her intently. "First 5 months after her mother's death, she lived with her grandparents. And when she came back, she was more independent and closed then ever. She always liked to do things on her own and hated it, if anyone tried to overstep her boundaries." She said, almost sad about the fact she told me.

I just nodded and honestly I didn't know what to say. Except one thing.

"How did Emily die?"

She looked at me and turned back to her work. I thought she won't answer but, she spoke again.

"Even I don't know. None of us do." She said and I don't know why, I felt very skeptical.

Suddenly, Mariah came into the kitchen and saw me sitting on the high chair.

"Why don't you join us on the dining table?" She asked, walking towards me.

" No, I don't think it's a good idea. Please, I'll sit here you go and sit there." I said uncomfortable with the fact that I would have to face him.

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