Out of love

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This one's for youEshaMishra669😊
Thank you for the support💜


I heard a sharp crashing noise, as if something broke into, a million pieces. A shiver of pure fear, ran down my spine and I stayed right their, at the door. Not daring to move, even an inch.

Hesitantly I went closer to the door and tried to listen to the noises, that were coming from inside.

And soon I heard a roaring voice, that was absolutely threatening.

"Stop throwing things around!"

"Then, why do you all, keep bringing her up? I'm fucking tired of it." I recognized this second voice. Him.

"'Cause she's your wife. You're responsibility. You should treat her rig-"

"I don't give a fuck about her!!"

"Jake Ernest Wilson!" The voice boomed and now I was sure, it was indeed dad. "You will not speak like that, in front of me." He threatened.

"Then, what else do you want me to do? You asked me to marry her, I did!" He said, his voice rising. "That's it. That's where it ends."

"Do I have to teach you now, what marriage really means?" Dad, lowered his voice immediately almost, understandingly.

"Then what? What else do you want me to do?" He screamed, his voice not wavering even a bit. "If you wish me to bed her then, rest assured dad. I already did. But, that was just one time thing." He said, his voice was turning, mockingly. "You're not going to get, any more grandchildren out of it."

And I stilled.

How could he? How could he talk like that in front of his own dad? Why did he? Why about me?

"I did not teach you that, Jake." Dad's voice lowered eventually and I had to get closer to the door to listen. "I thought you were better than this." He said, and everything died down for a moment.

"It's about her, isn't it?" Dad asked again.

"Dad! I asked you not to bring her up." He said, his voice quick to respond.

"I really wish... She would've seen you like this." He said, voice coming out completely normal.


"She would've hated you with everything she had, if she saw the monster you've turned into!" Dad screamed, his voice booming again.

"You deserve to live like this." He paused.
"But, neither Emily did, nor Anne does."

I heard sudden footsteps, coming closer to the door and I panicked but, stilled when I heard another voice.

"Dad." He said and the footsteps suddenly stopped. "I do not wish to see you again, in this office. Ever." He said, his voice was stern, void of emotions and lowered.

"Don't worry." He paused for a moment. "Leaving this door, I'll assume...

....I only have one son. "

And unknowingly, a tear slipped down my eyes. I heard the footsteps again and quickly moved away, running to the room beside and closing the door behind me. I heard the door besides, shut loudly and faint footsteps following it.

I looked around in the room and concluded by the furniture that it was a conference room. But, I was glad that it was empty.

Suddenly, all of it came crashing down on me and I realized everything again.

This is all my fault.

Tears, uncontrollably started falling off my eyes and I slid down curling into a ball, as I sobbed.

I should've never agreed to this marriage. I should've never said yes.

He doesn't consider him, as his son anymore!

What have I done!


2 days later ~

I was sitting on the dining table, having my dinner with Mariah when, I heard the front door open.

It's been 2 days, since the incident at the office happened and I still cannot forgive myself over the fact that, all of this happened, because of me.

Because, I agreed to this marriage.
Because, I said Yes to the deal.
Because, I married him willingly.
Because, I thought I could change him.
Because, I couldn't deny him.
Because, I couldn't push him away.
Because, I....

Just because, I love him.

Even though I acknowledged it now, doesn't mean I haven't realized it way before. I was just afraid to validate my feelings. And now that I do...

I regret them.

I saw, him. Coming in, from the front door and saw him, looking at me.

Even though, I wanted to confess to him, in every way I could, I just couldn't. I hated the way, I felt with myself.

I hated myself.

He slowly, came towards the dining table and stood at his place, behind his chair.

"How was your day, Mariah?" He asked. But, I didn't dare to look up at him. I didn't wanted to.

"It was good, daddy." She said and probably smiled at him. He made an approving noise and all of us, fell into silence.

"Um... their's a ball arranged by one of my business partners and they've invited me." He said a but, hesitantly and I still didn't look up at him. "The Clarskons, you would've heard about them." I still didn't respond. And where was he coming from?

"They've invited us. Me and my wife." And now, I understood his reason.

"I'm not going." I said, in a monotonous voice and got up from my chair. I didn't even spare him a glance. I just got up, gave Mariah a kiss on the cheek and went straight to my room.

I went inside my room and closed the door behind, sitting on my bed.

Soon, I heard the door open harshly and close with a loud thud, as he stood behind me.

"What is the meaning of this? How dare you deny me like that, in front of my daughter." He said, emphasizing 'my', the most.

I still didn't respond and kept looking away from him. I did not want to look at him. He just reminds me of the horrible things I've caused. The biggest mistake I made of my life, by agreeing to marry him. I was the reason, everyone was suffering. I was the reason, he was suffering.

I was the reason, I was suffering.

"Answer me, goddamn it." He yelled at me and I just sighed to myself.

"I've already given you the answer. I do not wish to go." I said, as calmly as possible.

"Alright! Don't. Even I don't want you to." He yelled, angered. He started going back to the door but, stopped to turn and spoke threateningly.

"And stay away from my daughter!"

And with that, he just stomped out of my room. Leaving me in another turmoil.

How can I still love him?


Hello my loves💜

Double update today😁
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
And I can garuntee you, the next chapter is definitely gonna be the really harsh.😓

Stay tuned💛

Song recommendation;
Never forget you ~ Zara Larsson ft. Mnek

Hope you like it💜

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