Less than her.

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She sent love, in form of this gift. As I opened the box, I was completely mesmerized by the beauty it held.

Isabelle sent me this beautiful, fossil grey coloured box, with golden satin ribbons, delicately, wrapped around it forming a elegant bow. It had a small, handwritten note with it.

Dear Anne,

Sending lots of love, with this small gift for you. I hope, we'll truly unite as a family, with open hearts and warm hugs.

Welcome to the family.

   Mom and dad.

My eyes sparkled and lips turned up as, I finished reading it. They were more warm and accepting then, I ever thought them to be. And, I surely won't miss Mom & dad, as much.

I slowly opened the box and it revealed, four different compartments, covered with a similar grey paper.

I removed the paper from the largest compartment and was awestruck.

Their was a beautiful grape colored dress, folded inside it. I lifted the heavy dress, trying to unfold it completely and it was nothing less than, epitome of beauty and class.

After gaping at it for several minutes, I asked Debby, to hang it. Then, I turned to explore other contents of the box, only to be awestruck again.

Another compartment, of the box contained, a beautiful set of real diamond jewellery. It included a beautiful pair of earings, an elegant neckpiece, a lovely hairpin and a bracelet. All of them, studded with real, white crystals and Garnets.

This is seriously expensive.

The other compartment, had a gorgeous little, grape colored clutch. With some embellishment over it.

The last compartment of the box contained, a pair of beautiful, closed toe platform stiletto. Similar to the color of the gown.

Phew. Let's get started.


I drew in a deep breath, as I was entering through the huge doors, inside the Mansion.

Yes, it was indeed a Mansion. A lot bigger than Jake's house. I looked down at my right and their stood the beautiful angel in her gorgeous dress. Mariah wore a beautiful white dress, looking absolutely the prettiest.

I wanted to look at my left and acknowledge the most charming person himself. But, the only problem was, he wasn't there.

When I left the house, with Mariah, he didn't even return from the office. Despite knowing about the party. Only both of us were here. And not him.

I sighed to myself for the last time and finally entered the great hall, filled with all kinds of rich people. Oh god.

As soon as I entered, everybody stood at their place dead silent, gawking at me. After a few seconds of awkward silence, I heard Mariah.

"Grandpa!" She gasped audibly and ran through the crowd straight to Chris.

He quickly bent down and lifted her up, swinging in air, soon pecking her cheek. She hugged him and Isabelle gave her kiss and they came towards me. I smiled cheerfully, finally thankful on finding them, in a crowd full of unknown people.

Isabelle came ahead and hugged me. As Dad nodded at me with a smile.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." Isabelle said, as she smiled at me. Genuinely.

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