Chapter 8

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"What the fuck is this?!" Soraya demanded, shoving the phone in Claude's face.

Claude got startled by her loud voice and jerked his head back before the phone hit his face. "What the fuck are you doing here Sora-" He raised his eyebrows out of surprise when he saw a picture of him and Florence. "Oh, that's me."

"Oh, that's me," she mocked and rapidly tapped on her phone. "Care to explain?"

Claude glanced at the picture again and looked indifferently at her. "Nah, not in the mood. Come back another day~" he grinned and tried to shove the door in her face.

Soraya put her foot in the gap before Claude closed the door and forced it back open. "You better explain it to me before I tell mom," she threatened.

He clicked his tongue. "Go tell her then. Go," he shooed her, pushing the door again. "My birthday is next month, so I don't have to see her until then you dumb bitch. Goodbye."

"Claude? What are you doing?" Florence asked, peeking his head from his door. He heard Claude curse quietly and went to the front door confused. "Who was at the door?"

"Just Raoul!" Claude shouted and put his back against the door. He smiled nervously at Florence as he raised his eyebrow at Claude who kept bouncing off the door. "He forgot to give me something."

Florence furrowed his eyebrows when he heard a female voice coming from outside. "That isn't Raoul," he said as Claude cursed quietly. "Open the door, Claude."

Claude rolled his eyes and jumped to the side right when Soraya pushed again, causing her to fall in front of Florence. "Happy now?" Claude smiled at her.

"Ow," Soraya moaned and crawled back up. "That shit hurts, you fucking-." Her jaw dropped when he saw Florence looking at her curious. "Hey..."

Florence was caught off guard but quickly recovered and smiled at her. "I'm sorry he did that to you. Claude can be a little... harsh sometimes," Florence chuckled as he crouched down and stuck his hand out. "Here, let me help you."

Soraya looked up at his business smile and covered her mouth out of shock. "Is this real?" she whispered, cautiously taking his hand. When she felt the warmth of his hand, she looked at Claude with wide eyes. "H-He, Claude, he-"

"Yeah yeah, just stand up. Florence doesn't have the whole night," Claude said as Florence steadied Soraya.

"Thank you," she said, shaking Florence's hand. Claude chuckled at Florence's awkward expression seeping through his facade. "I'm Claude's younger sister, Soraya. Sorry that I barged into your home, but my brother has some explaining to do."

Florence turned to him while Soraya was freaking out that she shook his hand. "Hm? What did you do Claude?" he asked. "Didn't you tell your family about our relationship?"

"HUH?!" she yelled, whipping her head towards Claude. "WHAT?!"

"...So I'll take that as a no," he replied, not dropping his smile.

"Sora, does mom know that you're here?" Claude asked and she shook her head.

"I told her that I'll be going out," she replied as her attention got caught by the smell from the kitchen. "I... also told her that I'll be eating at a friend's," she grinned. "So what have you made?"

He rubbed the back of his neck as he watched Soraya follow the scent. "This wasn't part of my schedule," Claude mumbled as Florence chuckled.

"Isn't it nice to see one of your siblings?" he smiled.

"But I wanted to spend my evening with you," Claude muttered. "You still owe me one, right?"

"Y-Yes," he mumbled as he fiddled with his fingers. "Do you already have something in mind?"

"Yeah, join me and my family for dinner this weekend. The only thing that you have to do is look cute as always, nothing more," he smirked, chuckling at Florence's visible confusion. "Exactly like that. Now c'mon. Let's eat before Sora eats the whole lasagna."

"She won't do that, right?" he asked, getting worried when Claude didn't respond. When they reached the kitchen, they saw Soraya staring at them with a knife in hand while she was cutting the lasagna into six pieces.

"You don't know how much I want to slap that stupid head of yours," he said, exhaling slowly to calm himself.

Florence put his hand on Claude's shoulder. "She hasn't done anything wrong," he said, defending Soraya who grabbed one of the plates on the counter while watching Claude's every move. "I know she doesn't mean any harm."

"Here, Florence," Soraya grinned, handing him the plate. "Claude used to cook at our parents' restaurant and was beloved by our regulars, so this is definitely something to look forward to."

"Ah, thank you," Florence smiled and sat down at the island.

Soraya put her own share on a plate and looked smugly at Claude. "You know where the utensils are," she said, ignoring Claude's annoyed face as she sat down across Florence.

"Now, Florence. What's the deal with you and my brother? Are you two really dating?" she asked, glancing at Claude. "'Cause I'm not sure what you see in him."

Florence scratched his cheek as he averted his eyes. "Well, he's-"

"We're in a fake relationship," Claude cut him off and sat down next to Florence. He smirked when he saw Florence caught off guard. "I'm not going into the details but one thing you can know is that we both benefit from it."

Soraya stared at him with an unbelievable expression plastered on her face. "Is it true?" she asked Florence who nodded but didn't meet her eyes. She squinted her eyes at Claude. "But why him? I can tell you for sure that I'll be a better candidate for real."

"And who said that he wanted that?" he hissed as the grip on his fork became stronger.

"Calm down, Claude," Florence whispered at him as Claude kept glaring at Soraya's smug face. "We'll get nowhere if you keep acting like that."

Claude put his fork down and smiled at him. "I know, Flory, my bad."

"Geez, you don't have to call me that in front of your sister," he mumbled as Claude's smile widened.

"But it's as cute as you, Flory," he grinned.

Soraya watched Claude flirting openly with Florence as if he had no shame at all. "He never changes," she thought, scoffing at his behavior. "So what are you gonna do this weekend? You already know that mom wants you to bring Florence with you."

"We already made a plan for that," he grinned, snickering at Florence's deep frown.

"You only told me to look cute in front of them," Florence muttered as Claude looked convinced at Soraya.

"See? Pretty good, isn't it?" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Soraya rubbed her chin. "That could work... not bad dude!" she grinned and gave him a fist bump.

Florence looked concerned between them. "Am I the only one who wants to make this believable?"

A/N fuck gacha games I fucking hate them but still keep playing them. Well, as you can see it's Sunday and that means that I didn't win 50/50. Instead, I got a constellation of a character I don't even USE! Fuck... I don't have time to rant about it right now. Make sure to like and subscribe, press that notification button and I'll see you guys Sunday with a brand new video. But seriously, thank you for reading, and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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