Chapter 56

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"So..." Soraya began, catching Claude's attention. They were walking around the city and hadn't spoken a word since they left the restaurant. "That was an experience."

Claude let out a chuckle as he glanced at Soraya. "For sure, but if you ever see them outside, ignore them and run away. Especially Raymond. You don't want to get tangled up with him."

Soraya furrowed her eyebrows out of confusion. "But why? I know he did some weird shit but how bad can it be?" she asked.

He stopped at a bench and sat down. "I don't think that I'm supposed to tell this to you," Claude said as Soraya sat next to him, "but promise me that you won't tell anyone else otherwise I'll be in a lot of trouble."

"Damn what the hell did he do for you to stress like this?" Soraya asked while Claude was looking around to see if people were eavesdropping.

"Let me fill you in with what Adrian told me," Claude sighed and gave her the part of the backstory that he had got. Soraya kept quiet for a while and stared off in the distance. Claude nodded. "I have the same reaction when I think back to that."

"White people are crazy," she mumbled. "What did Florence even see in a guy like him?"

Claude shrugged. "How am I supposed to know? I was asking myself the same thing," he replied. "He definitely had an upgrade when he started dating me," he added, confidence oozing off of him.

She rolled her eyes. "But did they tell you how they're gonna deal with Raymond?"

"Adrian said something about putting a hit on his head I'm not sure though," he replied nonchalantly as Soraya's eyes widened and she slowly shook her head. "He did say that, no joke. But there's a big chance that he would get hated on by Flory and that's why he hasn't done it yet. So that's why I kinda came up with a plan."

"Aw hell nah. I know you have some dumb shit planned," Soraya sighed as Claude looked at her with a hurt expression. "Do enlighten me on your brilliant idea, brother."

Claude ignored Soraya's sarcasm. "I need to try and get Adrian out of that house for me to steal Florence back while we, or I, try to push Raymond to get a liking of Noah," he explained and Soraya cut him off.

"Wouldn't it be better if Raymond goes to a therapist and doesn't interact with anyone? He needs help," Soraya said but Claude didn't show any interest in that.

"I deadass don't care what happens to Noah and Raymond's sanity. I just want them both gone from Flory," he answered, raising an eyebrow at Soraya's judging eyes. "What? They both annoy me to an extent so it's killing two birds with one stone. Wouldn't you do the same if you were in my shoes?"

Soraya rubbed her chin as she revised everything Claude said. "It is selfish but to be honest, yeah," she said. "You're going to extreme lengths for someone you're not dating though. I don't know if I'd go that far."

"Yet. We're not dating officially yet," he said. "I only need to persuade someone to help me but I don't have his number to do that. And I have no clue how I can get it."

"Ask Florence if he has it?" she said. "Or if he can get it from Adrian."

"Nah, I doubt it," Claude said, shaking his head. He grabbed his phone and texted Florence. "Adrian would definitely get suspicious if Flory randomly asks for James' number. I could ask him if he already had it." Some seconds later, Claude got a call from Florence. "Oh even better," he said and answered the phone. "Hey, Flory~"

"...Could you explain to me why you need James' number?" Florence asked with a concerned tone.

"I only want to ask him a small favor," he replied as Florence's side kept quiet. "Not for anything illegal," he added and explained his plan to Florence. Soraya and Florence were both listening intently to him and had the same thought in their head. "What do you think?"

Florence hummed as he thought about how he could answer Claude's question. "That's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while," he said, making Claude's mouth drop as Soraya snickered in the back. "Did you think this through? Because I don't want you to do anything reckless for me."

"I don't care if it's reckless I'd do anything to get you back home," Claude confessed and Soraya cringed in response.

"...Don't say embarrassing things," Florence muttered as he tried to hide his face with his hoodie. "Adrian never gave me James' number though and I don't have a single clue where you can get it from."

"Shit," Claude cursed under his breath. "Isn't there really anyone else besides Adrian? Do you maybe know where he works? There's a chance that they'd let me meet him if I look decent enough."

"Not that I know of..." Florence trailed off and remembered something James said when he found them. "Wait, there could be someone. Remember when James told us how he found us in the park? He said how he's related to the bar owner we went to. You can ask him for it. I'm not sure if it's going to work."

"I'd rather try than keep waiting for something else to happen," Claude said as Soraya stared at him as if he were crazy. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost 8 PM. "It's still early," he mumbled and turned to Soraya. "Are you coming along with me?"

Soraya shook her head. "I was lowkey tempted when I heard about the cat but I really don't want to get dragged into your mess," she replied, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Good luck with that. I'm gonna go home to finish some homework. I'll call you later. Bye, Florence."

"Uh, bye!" Florence replied quickly as she parted ways with Claude. "She was here the whole time?"

"Of course. Didn't I tell you that I was going out with her today?" he asked and Florence remembered Claude mentioning that in one of the texts.

"I think so," Florence muttered.

Claude stood up from the bench and looked on his phone up how far the bar was. "Do you have any plans for the next hour?" Claude asked and Florence told him no. "Stay with me on the phone while I'm traveling, okay?"

A/N hmmmmm school... it's doable atm and I hope it stays this way. I don't have much to update atm. I'm listening to fujii kaze rn, that's something. Well, till next week. I still have to eat dinner and don't kill mice


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