Chapter 21

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"Now that I've spent my fair share of money, let's start rolling for the new character," Florence said, smiling nervously at the camera. "Let's hope that we'll get him as soon as possible because I think that Claude-"

"Flory! It's almost 8 and you know what that means!" Claude yelled from the kitchen, slightly scaring Florence. He looked at Claude pushing his door open. "I made birria quesa tacos so come while they're still hot. I know that you don't like goat meat and I'm too lazy to cook that thoroughly so I used beef." Claude eyed his phone in his pocket. "Remember me to thank my abuela."

Florence glanced between Claude who was wiping his hands on his apron while the chat got spammed with comments. "Sure..." he mumbled and looked back at his screen. "Do you also want to watch me struggling to get Itto?"

"Nah, I'm still busy in the kitchen. I'll watch your stream and drop by if I have a comment," Claude smiled, crossing his arms as his expression turned serious. "Don't be late."

"Yeah, yeah," Florence muttered as he turned back to his pc and waved him off. He got caught off guard when Claude kissed his cheek and went out of his room. He looked down at his lap with a bewildered expression on his flushed face. He knows that Claude has a flirty personality, but noticed that he's been more touchy since the day after the banquet. Florence doesn't remember if something happened when he was drunk. Claude did tell him he fell asleep during his rant.

Florence snapped back to his screen as a loud notification from a donation popped up. He straightened his back and put on his business smile. "Thank you for the donation, KaiaWifey. Let's get back to the stream now that Claude's done playing around~"

Claude chuckled at the sound of Florence yelling excitedly and turned the stove on. "Seems like he's having fun," he mumbled to himself as he started frying the quesa tacos.

"Hello, I'm still here!" Raoul shouted, causing Claude to almost burn his fingers. "Dude what the fuck are you doing?!"

He glared at his phone and clicked his tongue. "I'm trying to make some dinner for us, but..." he eyed the kitchen island. "I think we'll have some leftovers for tomorrow."

"Leftovers?!" Sydney screamed and snatched Raoul's phone out of his hand. "What did you make?"

"Uh, quesa tacos. Basically a mix between quesadillas and tacos," he replied. "Why? And what are you doing together with Raoul?"

"Change of plans, Raoul! I'll make reservations again for tomorrow. We're going to Florence's place RIGHT NOW!" Sydney shouted and grabbed his hand to drag Raoul from the entrance of the restaurant.

Raoul took his phone back and followed Sydney who was skipping back to the car. "We were already planning to pass by but I didn't expect to be there so soon," he sighed.

Claude furrowed his eyebrows. "It's cool, but why are you two together?" he asked again.

"Well someone hasn't hung out a lot with me since the beginning of the summer, so I had to look for an alternative," Raoul replied, shaking his head disapprovingly. "Leaving your best friend to fuck around with a model. Wow."

"Sometimes you need to hustle to get some things," Claude said as he heard Sydney shouting at Raoul to hurry up.

"Everyone has their own thing I guess," Raoul shrugged. "We'll be there in 10 minutes. See you."

"Yeah, yeah," he said and hung up the phone. After he fried half of the quesa tacos, he turned the stove off to check in with Florence.

Florence turned his head to Claude when he opened the door and grinned proudly. "I got him max right before dinner," he said while gesturing to look at his pc. He swatted Claude's hand away as he tried to pat Florence's head. "Not on stream," Florence warned.

"My bad," Claude chuckled, moving away from the camera. "Oh yeah, Sydney will be here soon."

He raised his eyebrow and looked at his phone. "I'll wrap up the stream then," he muttered to himself, unsure what Sydney needed from him again.

"Alright, join me in the kitchen when you're done," he winked, leaving him alone after waving goodbye. He looked between the kitchen island and the stove which had a frying pan and a pan full of sauce and let out an annoyed sigh. "Only a few more left. Let's finish this before they're here."

Not even a few minutes later, Claude almost burned his fingers again when the doorbell went off. "Fuck!" he shouted, glaring pissed off at the door.

"I'll get it!" Florence said, distracted by a game on his phone. He pushed the door open with his elbow and immediately got embraced by Sydney. "Hey, Syd. Hey. Raoul.'

"Florence!" Sydney shouted excitedly, hugging him tighter as Raoul greeted him. "Thank you for letting us have dinner with you guys."

"Yeah no problem," Florence replied as Sydney's words echoed through his head. He paused the game and looked at Sydney with a frown. "Us? What were they doing together?"

"And done!' Claude said and put the soup spoon back in the saucepan. He put the last two plates on the dining table right when Raoul walked up to him.

He grabbed a plate out of Claude's hand. "You've become a full-fledged housewife," he smirked, snickering at his apron.

Claude's face had a dull expression. "Keep playing and you won't get any dinner tonight," he replied and watched Raoul sit down quietly as he waited for the others to join.

"It smells so good in here!" Sydney gushed and joined Raoul at the table. "Say, Raoul. Why can't you cook something like this for me?"

"You should be grateful that I can at least whip something up, unlike you," Raoul replied as he ignored Sydney's pouty face. "Celebrities like you don't even need to cook, you can hire a personal chef like how Florence did." They all turned to Florence who was too invested in his game to listen to their conversation.

Sydney scoffed. "Claude is more like a nanny than a personal chef," he said as they watched Claude confiscating Florence's phone.

"Fine, I'll turn it off," Florence muttered with a sour expression.

"See?" Sydney grinned, making Raoul laugh.

Florence glared at him. "What are you doing here anyway? I was looking forward to a quiet evening," he said as Sydney had a smug smile on his face.

"It's been a while since I've asked you, so let me remind you," he replied and clasped his hand together. "Pleaseee join me for my new music video! Pretty pretty please~"

A/N and I'm back! I didn't expect this month to be so hectic with me turning 18. Everything quieted down, for now, and I'm taking this chance to write some more. And now that I have a new laptop, it can go a lot smoother. Until next week guys. I'll be playing genshin and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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