Chapter 29

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"Happy you came along?" Claude smiled as Florence shot him a sour expression over their dinner.

"Not really," Florence replied as he grabbed more fried chicken from the large plate they got. "I still have so much to do when we get home. I need to read through the script, make homework for tomorrow, start on my essay..."

Claude frowned. "Why do you still go to uni?" he asked and Florence raised his eyebrow at him as he grabbed his bowl of rice. "Don't you want to continue in showbiz forever? Or are you planning on taking your family business over after you graduate?" He rubbed his chin as he watched Florence eating attentively. "But then why is he following a biology major? That doesn't make sense at all," he whispered.

Florence put his rice bowl down and snapped his fingers to catch Claude's attention. "It's because I want a science certificate in case I might need it in the future," he replied. "Adrian has advised me to get one while I'm still young, so that's what I'm doing."

"Is it really something you wanna do?" Claude asked as Florence put some chicken in Claude's rice bowl.

"Yeah, why not?" he said, shrugging his shoulders. "You never know what could happen in the future. What if the industry grows tired of me? What if I grow tired of it? It's always good to have a plan B," Florence explained and pointed with his chopsticks at Claude. "And eat your food before it gets cold."

"Ah I see, guess you're smarter than you look," Claude said with a teasing tone, receiving a glare from Florence in the process. "Just kidding, just kidding~ He fell silent as he stared at his bowl. "But what about us, Flory? What will happen when you grow tired of me? Will you have a plan B for that as well?"

Florence looked concerned at Claude. "Why are you asking that? Did someone say something to you? Was it Noah?" He grabbed Claude's wrist and looked him straight in the eye. "You know I would never do something like that. Work and social life are way different.

"But didn't we get together because of a contract?"

His grip loosened on Claude's wrist as he stared shocked at him. "C-Claude, I-" he stuttered as he saw Claude holding back his laughter.

"Alright alright, easy, I was just kidding. No need to get all upset," Claude smiled while patting Florence's head.

Florence's face turned crimson out of embarrassment and he clicked his tongue. "Just worry about eating your food before I leave you behind," he ordered.

"You would never," Claude smiled as he stole some food from Florence's plate. 'What? I'm helping you~" he grinned.

The day after, Claude and Raoul went to Raoul's apartment after school. Right when they were inside, Claude tossed his shoes to the side and immediately went to the cage in the living room where Raoul's bunny was lying in. "Haru~" Claude called as she perked up. "I brought you some snacks!"

Claude sat down across from the cage and opened it with the bag in his hand. She hopped out of the cage onto Claude's thigh, making him chuckle and pet her. "Good girl," he said and put his hand full of treats in front of her face.

Raoul was used to Claude ignoring everything to play with Haru and went to the kitchen to grab something to drink for them. "Do you wanna stay over for dinner? Syd's also coming later, so I don't know if it's better to order or cook today," he said loud enough for Claude to hear.

"Nah, I'm gonna eat at my parents' place tonight," he shouted back.

He went to the living room which wasn't that far from it and put their drinks on the coffee table. "Are you going alone or with Florence again?" Raoul asked as he sat down.

"With Flory when he's done. I told him that he could go straight home when he's done but he insisted," Claude chuckled and looked at Raoul with a small smirk. "And what is this about Sydney coming over? Aren't you scared of the media stalking you? Y'know how social media is, one dumb mistake and your whole life turns to shit. I don't want that to happen to you," he said, quoting what Raoul said a while back.

"Eh, I've gotten used to Sydney being persistent," he replied and smiled at Haru standing at his feet. "His clothing choices and things he likes are sometimes questionable but I'm never bored around him," he added, petting Haru's soft fur coat.

Claude glanced at him with a mischievous grin. "Huh, I see," he said as Raoul glared at him.

"I swear to God bro, don't go and say dumb shit to him. I'll fight yo bitchass," he warned as Claude let out a scoff.

"As if I would do that," Claude said as Raoul grabbed Haru and put her next to him on the couch. "By the way, when is Syd coming over?"

"Don't know," he answered and checked his phone to see if he got a message from Sydney. "He said a while ago that he'll be here soon but I can never estimate how much time he means by that. He could even be at work or going up the elevator right now. Hell, he could be in front of the entrance." They turned to look at the entrance, waiting for the bell to ring. But nothing happened. "He ain't here yet... alright, let's start with our homework for next week."

"I don't want to." Claude and Raoul held a staredown and heard the doorbell ring. "Your boyfriend's here~," Claude joked and ducked quick enough to avoid Raoul's incoming slap.

"Raoul!" Claude heard from the entrance as Haru hopped off of the couch and went back into her cage.

Sydney walked to the living room and grinned at Claude who was sitting on the floor. "Hey, Claude! How did the whole Noah thing go?" he asked as Claude looked visibly confused at him. "He told me about it," he said, pointing at Raoul.

"It went... okay I guess. He was acting kind of weird yesterday but maybe it was because of the things I said back then on the street," Claude replied.

Sydney grabbed his phone out of his pocket and opened Twitter. "Does it have anything to do with this picture?" he asked and showed him a picture that was secretly taken yesterday before he got there. It was when Noah pushed Florence against the wall and made it seem as if they were kissing.

"The fuck?"

A/N sorry I'm late! I had work yesterday and my proofreader had a lot of homework to do. Well, we're here now and I'll try my best to have the next chapter ready before Sunday. And I got a 43% on my first test... yay... I'll be going then. I'm still wondering if I should eat yopokki right now and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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