Chapter 30

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"The fuck?" Claude whispered as he stared at the picture on Sydney's phone. He snatched the phone out of Sydney's hand and went back to see Florence number one on trending. "Who took that pic?"

"Like I'm supposed to know," Sydney scoffed and sat behind him on the couch. "It does seem pretty sussy to me. I wouldn't be surprised if Noah hired someone to take it for him. Just to cause some drama about you two's relationship. Or there's a third party involved..."

"Like who?" Claude asked as Raoul visibly cringed at Sydney's word choice.

Sydney shrugged. "I don't know. Anything could've happened," he replied and Claude handed his phone back to him. "I'll try my best to find out who took it but don't have high hopes..."

Raoul sat down next to Sydney as Claude turned to face them. "Have you told Florence about it yet?" Claude asked as Sydney started poking Raoul's arm to annoy him.

He shook his head. "I don't think so. I got notified of it when I was on my way here. With how busy Florence is, I doubt he'll hear of it any time soon. Or someone on set told him already."

Claude saw that there was less than an hour left till Florence was done with work and sighed. "I'll ask him later," he sighed and called Haru out of her cage. She raised her head and eagerly went back to Claude.

"I think she likes Claude more than you," Sydney whispered as they watched Claude pamper Haru. "Is this how he also treats Florence?"

"From what I've seen..." He observed a little more of Claude's behavior. "Pretty much." Sydney hummed in response. "Do you already have an idea for dinner? Just so I know if I have to take some meat out of the freezer."

"I was thinking about ordering some pizza again or something," Sydney replied as he rested his head on Raoul's shoulder. "Hm... I'm in the mood to eat pasta." He slightly turned his head to meet Raoul's gaze. "You wouldn't mind making it for me, right~?"

Raoul looked at Sydney's puppy eyes and sighed. "I'll take a look in the kitchen to see if I have everything," he said and stood up to go check with Sydney close behind him.

Claude felt his phone buzzing in his pocket and hoped that Florence was calling. When he looked at the caller ID, he clicked his tongue at Sara's name displayed on his screen. "The fuck do you want?" he hissed after he answered.

"IS FLORENCE CHEATING ON YOU?!" Jasmine and Sara screamed, scaring Haru in the process. "DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT?"

"Quiet you two, sheesh..." Claude hissed.


"Can you guys shut the fuck up for a second?" Claude demanded as the twins settled down to listen to him. "I already heard from Syd that Twitter is going crazy, but it's all just a setup. I was there yesterday and Noah was just messing around with Flory as always."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH NOAH WAS JUST MESSING AROUND?" Jasmine screamed as Claude let out a sigh. "HAVE YOU SEEN THE PICTURE? LOOK AT ALL THE TENSION THEY HAVE! EVERYONE IS GOING CRAZY WITH SHIPPING THEM, INCLUDING ME!" The thought of that agitated Claude, which was clearly visible on his face.

"And who's Syd?" Sara asked as she pushed Jasmine away from the phone.

Claude glanced behind him and looked at them messing around in the kitchen. "Raoul's boyfriend," he replied with a smirk.

"WHAT?!" Sara and Jasmine yelled as he heard Raoul also scream with them.

Raoul ran out of the kitchen and slapped the back of Claude's head. "What did I tell you about saying dumb shit?" he said as Sydney looked confused at Raoul.

"C'mon Raoul. I'm hungryyy!" Sydney said as he tugged onto Raoul's shirt.

"Yeah yeah, just wait will ya," he grumbled and went back. Sydney glanced back at Claude and shot him a smirk.

"And here I thought that I stood a chance," Sara sighed.

"You're too young anyway," Claude scoffed. "There's a chance that you may know him. Hold on, let me send a photo."

He selected the one where Sydney and Florence were taking a selfie in matching clothes while he and Raoul were talking in the background. He immediately heard gasps from Jasmine and Sara when they recognized him immediately. "WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

"Nah just photosh- of course I'm serious, why would I lie??" Claude asked innocently and snickered at them losing it on the other side of the line. Another incoming call popped up and he saw that it was from Florence. "I'M HANGING UP FLORY IS CALLING ME!"

"WAIT-" Claude hung up and accepted Florence's call. "What's up, babe?"

"I told you to stop calling me that," Florence whispered as he went out of the elevator. "Are you still at Raoul's place?"

"Yeah, but I'm heading out right now," Claude said as he got off the ground. He patted Haru one last time and went to the front door. "Do you want me to pick you up? It'll take a while though."

"No need. I'll tell the driver to stop in front of Raoul's apartment complex." Florence was silent as he was thinking of something. "You have a driver's license, right?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"Remind me when we get home," he replied. "I'll see you soon. Bye."

After a while, Florence called Claude again to say that he was waiting downstairs. Claude said his goodbyes to Raoul and Sydney and joined Florence to go to Claude's parents' place. As they went inside, Jasmine and Sara bombarded Florence with questions.

Florence furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Claude. "What picture are they talking about?" he asked as Claude glared at the twins.

"This one!" Sara said and showed it to Florence.

Florence got even more confused and glanced at Claude with lightly flushed cheeks. "Was that the day that you picked me up?" he asked and Claude nodded.

"Yeah. Syd showed it to me when we were chilling by Raoul and said that he'll investigate a little more into it," he replied.

"Noah would definitely fuel the fire if he tweets something about it," he sighed and rubbed his temples. "I'm too tired to do anything about it."

"Don't worry about it, baby. We'll fix it," Claude smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Are you guys done?" Soraya asked and raised an eyebrow at Florence pushing Claude's face from him as the twins giggled. "Dinner's ready."

Claude smirked at her. "Took you long enough," he complained and ducked when Soraya threatened to throw the fork in her hand at him. He laughed and put his hand on Florence's waist. "Forget about the drama for now and let's eat," he said, making Florence blush.

A/N so my friend drew something for me two weeks ago AND I KEEP FORGETTING TO UPLOAD IT! But fear now! I haven't forgotten about it. I'll put it later when she sends me the HD version. She'll paint the cover soon guys I'm sure of it... but most of the time she isn't in the mood to draw because of the references I gave her and her being busy with school, so maybe I'll look for easier poses or something. I'll do my best! And till next week guys! These two weeks better go by quick... I'm in the mood to eat some tonkotsu ramen and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

Btw, I'm not sure if it'll work on wattpad so maybe y'all have to wait until I have the cover

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