Chapter 48

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"I thought we were going out for dinner," Florence said as Claude put a cap on Florence's head. He looked up at the cinemas they were standing across from. "So why are we stopping here?"

Claude pushed Florence's cap down and grinned at him. "It isn't even that late to have dinner already, so I thought it would be nice to watch a movie first," he explained as Florence looked at him with an 'I'd rather stay home' face. "C'mon Flory, it'd be fun. Just think about what you want to eat later. And I've already bought tickets..."

Florence looked at the time and saw that it was already past 6 PM. "Alright," he sighed and got dragged along by Claude. He sat down at a seat as Claude went to buy some popcorn and played a game on his phone to distract himself. "He didn't hear our conversation, did he?" he thought as he looked back at Claude who was talking to a girl he had never seen.

"What movie are you going to watch?" the younger girl asked Claude, who was already annoyed by her.

He looked at one of the posters behind her. "Jujutsu Kaisen," Claude lied, thinking back to when he watched it at home with Florence and hoped that that threw her off, which it did. "Sorry, I have to go. My friend is waiting for me," he smiled politely and left her behind after grabbing his large popcorn and drink.

Florence watched him walk up to him and glanced back at the girl who was glaring at Claude. "Who was that?" he whispered as Claude shrugged and gave him the bag of popcorn.

"I don't know," Claude replied. "She just started talking to me out of nowhere. Why? Are you jealous?~" he teased as Florence stood up from his seat with flushed cheeks.

"...Which movie are we watching?" Florence asked, hoping that Claude would drop the question.

With a small smile, Claude told Florence to follow him to the venue. Florence was surprised that they were watching a romance movie instead of what they usually like to watch together.

During the whole movie, Claude couldn't keep his attention on it and started teasing Florence to pass time out of boredom. "I'd definitely had a better time watching something else than this," he thought and turned his head to Florence who was watching the movie attentively. "At least he liked it, I hope."

The movie finished and Florence turned to Claude with knitted brows while he tried to remember some parts of the movie. "What even was that movie about?" Florence asked as Claude watched him deep in thought. "What was that..."

They went out of the cinemas to look for something to eat while Florence kept ranting about how the plot didn't make any sense.

"And why did the love interest dig in their backyard for three days? He has rich parents, couldn't they hire someone to do it for them?" Florence said as Claude looked around for a restaurant as he half-listened to Florence. "Even if he didn't want his parents to know about it, he still could have paid some people to do it with his credit card! His parents wouldn't notice it at all and I can vouch for that. I've done it so many times when my dad saw my bank account when I was younger."

"Let me guess, you were wasting thousands of dollars on games and merch like you're doing right now," Claude smirked as Florence didn't deny it. "I'm glad that you're not obsessed with any vtuber guy right now."

"Are there even ones that speak English?" Florence asked and started looking it up. "Luxiem? What is that?"

Claude had a forced smile on his face and grabbed Florence's phone away as he turned Flory to the nice-looking bar he found. "Forget what I said. We're here," he said and opened the door for him.

"Isn't this a bar?" Florence said as he looked around the cozy bar which was filled with talking coming from a few people and low jazz music was playing in the background.

A tall man behind the counter noticed them and walked to them with some menus in his large hand. "Good evening, table for two?" he asked and they nodded. "Pick any seat you like. And by the way, are you two allergic to cats?"

"I'm not. Are you, Flory?" Claude asked and Florence shook his head. "We aren't."

"Alright, I'll be with you two in a few minutes," he said with a small smile and handed them the menus after they sat down.

"I've heard some good things about this place from Syd en Raoul. They told me that they could stay here for hours and just talk about anything because they serve a lot of things, even some good food," Claude explained as Florence was surprised by some options on the menu. "It isn't that well known so there are only two people serving till 3 AM. But I didn't hear anything about a cat."

As Florence heard that, he felt something graze his legs. He tried to look down at his feet and saw a calico fur ball looking up at him with its blue eyes. "So cute," he whispered as it meowed at him. When he wanted to pet it, they heard the door open and it zoomed away to the front door.

"Wyatt! Are you here?" a brown-haired man asked as he picked up the cat.

"They both look similar," Claude and Florence thought as the brunette's eyes lit up when he saw the man behind the counter preparing drinks.

"Wyatt!" he beamed as Wyatt finished the drink and pet his head.

"Do you want anything to drink, David?" Wyatt smiled and glanced at the other couple who were watching them. "But don't make me work too long. I still have customers to serve."

Claude glanced at Florence who was staring at the cat in David's hand. "Do you already have something in mind that you want to order?" he asked, snapping Florence's attention away from it.

"Oh, let me take a look," Florence replied with a flustered face as he looked through the menu for something that suited his taste.

"This place seems more well known than Syd said," Claude commented as the door opened again. But their faces scrunched up when they saw who was standing at the entrance. "What is he doing here?"

A/N I'm going on a two-week break. I really don't have any inspiration and motivation to continue this right now. And how I got scammed with my views on this novel. Maybe it was just a glitch and I got excited about nothing. I'll try to write a little when I have the chance. I'm still active on Twitter if you wanna check that out. Till over two weeks and don't kill mice


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