Chapter 55

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"Claude?" They heard Noah say as he approached them. Raymond and Soraya watched Noah move the clothes away and saw Claude grinning sheepishly at him. "Were you hiding from me?"

Claude dramatically gasped as he slowly stepped away from the clothing rack. "Me? Hiding from you?!" He shook his head with his lips slightly puckered. "I would never! No, no, no. In fact, I was looking if this was in my size!"

They stared at Claude with confused expressions while he was pointing at a crop top. "A... crop top?" Raymond said as Noah couldn't believe him.

"We all know I would look good in this," Claude smirked as he imagined Florence's reaction to that.

Raymond furrowed his eyebrows as he thought about what Claude said. "So Florence likes those types of guys..." he whispered to himself as Noah looked at him weirdly.

"Not to be rude," Noah began and pointed at Raymond. "But who is this and how does he even know about Florence?"

Claude let out a small sigh and forced a grin. "This is Ray-"

"I'm Raymond, Florence's ex-boyfriend and friend from high school," he smiled, cutting Claude off while shaking Noah's hand.

"His friend..." Claude and Soraya looked at each other with knowing looks and they had a grimace on their face.

Noah looked back at Claude with a baffled face as he started pointing at Raymond who was smiling innocently. "Is he serious?" Before Claude could respond, he put his gaze back on Raymond. "I've never heard Florence talk about anyone else except Sydney and Claude. How the fuck am I supposed to believe this shit you're saying?"

He blinked at Noah's nasty glare and turned to Claude. "Is this the model who had that scandal with Florence?" Claude nodded and Raymond let out a low chuckle. "Oh, so you're the one who was desperate for Florence to take interest in you. And yet your reckless attempt didn't even work. How pathetic."

"What did you say?!" Noah said loudly as Raymond stared at him with a smirk. "I fucking dare you to say that again."

Claude saw that they caught the attention of some people and slapped Noah's back with a big grin to break the tension between them. "It's been fun catching up with you guys, but my sister and I really have to go before the restaurant fills up," he said and looked at them again. "Well, see you two later!"

He cursed when Noah grabbed his wrist to stop him. "We're not done here," Noah hissed as he kept eyeing Raymond with an irritated expression. "I still have some questions about... this."

Soraya looked at Raymond who was curiously watching Noah act like a feral cat. She clasped her hands as she thought of a great idea. "Then why don't you guys join us? Wouldn't it be better to do this over some good food?" she said as Claude looked at her as if she was ridiculous.

"Sure," Noah said in a heartbeat and Raymond agreed.

"Wait let me ask Soraya something really quickly," Claude laughed awkwardly and pulled her a little away from them. "Are you fucking crazy?!" he hissed.

Soraya petted Claude's back and nodded. "Yes, I am. I love me some drama," she replied. "But didn't you see how Raymond was looking at Noah? He kinda seems interested in him. So if we can fix something, he won't bother you or Florence anymore," she whispered as Claude glanced back at Noah trying to bicker with Raymond.

Claude rubbed his chin. "That idea sounds so stupid but I'm in," he said and gave Soraya a fistbump. They went back to them with matching smiles on their faces. "Are you two ready to go?"

Some minutes later, they stopped at a small Korean restaurant and went inside. They still had enough places empty and they took a seat where Noah wouldn't be recognized that quickly.

"Have you guys ever had Korean food?" Claude asked to break the awkwardness.

"Only the barbecue," Noah responded as Raymond stared at the menu they gave them.

"I haven't," Raymond said, smiling with a sheepish expression. "Do you guys have any recommendations?"

As Soraya started listing a few of her favorite dishes to Raymond, Noah stared at Claude. "So... where was Florence today? Did you force him to stay home or something?" he asked, catching Raymond and Soraya's attention. Noah narrowed his eyes at Claude. "Or has this to do with that weird brother of his?"

Claude glanced at Soraya who shrugged lightly and shook his head. "He went to visit his family for a few days for some work. I don't know the exact reason but that's what he told me," he replied and his face twisted. "Why are you even asking me about it? Just text him, it ain't that hard."

"You seem a little obsessed with him in my opinion," Soraya said as Noah was taken aback by her. Claude agreed with her as Soraya turned to Raymond. "Same to you. Why do you keep asking about Florence if you can, I don't know, just call him? I know that Claude is his boyfriend, but that doesn't mean that he knows every single thing about him all the time."

"Most of the time I do though," Claude said and Soraya smacked his head.

"Anyways, isn't it better to let Florence go and look for someone else to obsess over?" she asked with Claude in the background nodding. "He's already old enough to take care of himself AND he has an overprotective family that doesn't leave him alone. So why do you two keep trying? Stop wasting your time on this dumb shit."

"Mhm, couldn't have said it better myself," Claude agreed, smirking when he saw Noah glaring at him. He held his hand up to call the waiter. "Excuse me, can we order?"

The rest of the conversations were slightly after Soraya gave them a piece of her mind. They split the bill and Claude and Soraya left them to go back home.

Raymond let out a heavy sigh and looked at Noah. "It was nice meeting you today. Until next time," he smiled but got stopped by Noah.

"Wait!" Noah exclaimed, catching Raymond's attention. He turned his gaze back at Raymond who didn't know what to say. "Instead of leaving our conversation here, why don't we grab a drink somewhere else."

Raymond looked down at Noah with curious eyes. "I suppose I have some time on my hand," he replied with the intention to gain any information from him about Florence. "Follow me, I know a good place around here."

A/N not sure how to feel about this chapter and not sure yet how to continue. I know I'm a day late, but I definitely needed to edit this with a clear mind. Not sure if I'll make it this week for Sunday again, so till Sunday/Monday. I'm gonna brainstorm for the next chapter and don't kill mice


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