Chapter 42

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Luke closed in on the sleeping Florence and moved his lips closer to those of Florence's. "Cut!" The director yelled as Luke was just about to kiss Florence while he was pretending to be asleep. "That's a wrap for today!"

Florence opened his eyes and smiled at Luke's embarrassed grin. "Good job today," he said as he got off the bed.

"You too," Luke replied. "Do you have plans for this afternoon? Or did you already make some with Claude? I understand if you made some with your boyfriend already," he rambled, mentally facepalming at the things he spouted.

He raised his eyebrow at Luke's assumption and shook his head. "Claude told me that he's busy at home working on a project and wanted to keep on schedule. He told me that I'll only take his attention away from his work, which I don't understand but I can't do anything about," Florence explained as they walked to their changing rooms. "But I don't really have any plans. I only wanted to buy something from a store in the city but that's it. Why?"

"Do you want to grab something to eat then?" Luke asked and his eyes widened at Florence's curious eyes. "It's not like I'm asking you on a date or something! I only wanted to hang out as friends... if that's possible," he said, his voice getting to a whisper at the end as he looked down at his hands.

"Of course, sounds fun," Florence replied and pushed his door open. "I'll meet you out here when I'm finished."

"Alright!" Luke beamed and went into his dressing room.

Florence closed his door and stretched his arms. "I wonder how far Claude has got," he thought and heard his phone ring from his bag. He let out a sigh as a knowing smile spread on his lips. "Hey, Claude. What's up?"

"Hi Flory~," Claude chuckled as he turned the stove on. "Are you already done with filming for today? Or are you on a small break?"

"Nope, we're finished for today. I'm going out for lunch with Luke when I'm done changing," Florence replied as he tried to take off his makeup and his contact lenses as fast as possible at the thought that Luke could be waiting for him.

Claude hummed as he put his egg mixture into the hot frying pan. "With Luke? Why wasn't I invited?" he asked, acting as if he was hurt. "Damn, do you already have your eyes on someone else while I'm standing here?"

"No! You're already my boyfriend!" Florence shouted as he put on his own clothes. His face instantly went beet red after he blurted that out. "N-Not my boyfriend! You're my pretend b-boyfriend! And I want to keep it that way for now!" he rambled and covered his face when he heard Claude laugh in the background.

"Oh? For now?" Claude smirked as Florence groaned at his terrible wording. "Was it your intention to be my boyfriend all along? I can totally understand it though, I'm just that amazing," he said full of pride.

"...Shut up Claude," Florence whispered. "Don't you have a project to make?"

"Am I not allowed to eat and call my beautiful, cute, and sexy boyfriend?" he teased as Florence felt his face heat up again.

Luke knocked on Florence's dressing room as he ruffled his hair. "Hey, Florence! Are you already finished?" he asked and heard something fall on the ground. He barged into the room and stared at Florence who fell to the ground with a worried expression. "Florence?!"

"Is everything alright, Flory?!" Claude asked concerned as Luke helped Florence up.

Florence smiled at Luke and shot a glare at his phone. "Yeah, I'm fine. Someone just caught me a little off guard," he replied and grabbed his phone. "I'll talk to you later, Claude. Bye," he said and wouldn't let Claude say goodbye. He put his phone in his bag and packed his bag. After he put his glasses on, he gestured Luke to the door. "Let's head out," he smiled as Luke followed Florence.

"Thank you for bringing me home, Luke. Today was a lot of fun!" Florence smiled with a few bags in his hands as Luke scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "And thank you for helping me carry these bags."

"No problem! See you tomorrow!" Luke beamed and waved Florence goodbye. He watched Florence get into his apartment complex and looked back at the busy crowds of the street of Manhattan. "I didn't expect Florence to get recognized in that bookstore," he thought, thinking back at the two younger guys who were looking through a questionable section together.

Claude was lying half asleep on the couch with a thick book resting on his stomach. He heard someone fumbling with the door and it clicked open. "Claude! I'm home!" he heard Florence shout.

Claude didn't respond and decided to pretend as if he was sleeping. "Let's see if he'll wake me up for dinner or not," he thought and heard Florence drop his bags behind him.

He turned the brightness of the lights a little up and looked at Claude with a pouty expression. "You could've at least woken up when I arrived," he mumbled and sat down in the free space next to Claude. He blushed when he remembered their conversation from a few hours ago and glared at Claude's resting face. "Why do you always have to act so flirty all the time? It's really bothersome, you know," he whispered, still staring at his face.

"What the hell is he doing-" Claude felt Florence kissing him softly. He tried his best not to move as his mind went crazy.

Florence pulled back and bit his lip as he looked down at Claude's full lips. "What am I even doing?" he whispered, touching his own as he longed to kiss Claude once again. "Only one more kiss," he thought and went to kiss him again.

Claude's mouth went blank this time. After a few seconds passed with Florence's lips glued against his, he wondered how long Florence was planning to stay like this and if it was a good idea to kiss him back.

The doorbell rang and Florence abruptly stood up to open it. "Oh shit," he whispered and scurried off to the entrance.

Claude opened his eyes and touched his lips as he heard Sydney talk about how they got the ingredients to make sushi. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Florence kissed him twice and wasn't under influence of any alcohol this time. He covered his head with the pillow he was sleeping with, a goofy grin on his face. "Why is he so cute?" he mumbled.

A/N this could've been posted earlier but I was talking with my friend about this season. And now we're just talking about the characters in general and if it's a good idea to bring Adrian back with someone... It turned into a discussion again. I also drew Claude and Florence in my style and I'm happy with how it turned out. You can see it on my twitter/insta, both are @reylysay and my goal is to draw those two weekly if that's possible. Ight, I'll be going, till next week. I'll be watching this Luca stream and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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