Chapter 32

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"I've never seen this place before," Florence thought as he stepped out of the car. He glanced around and noticed that there weren't many people roaming the streets. The ones that were, appeared to be from high society, which suited the suburbs quite nicely.

Claude slammed the door shut and let out a groan. "Where the fuck are we?" he asked and Florence raised his eyebrow at him.

Florence looked from the window into the shop and saw Noah on his phone. "Come on, he's waiting for us inside," he said, nodding at Noah.

"He can wait a little longer," Claude sighed as he glared at Noah.

"But I can't," Florence snapped as he shot Claude a glare. "I still have a stream planned for tonight and some homework to do after that. Let's finish this quickly so that we can go back home as soon as possible."

Claude followed Florence close behind as he held his head high and went into the cafe. "Wait up!"

When Florence entered, he saw a few people raise their heads at them and continued with their conversation. His eyes landed on Noah, who stopped glaring at Claude to smile happily at Florence.

"Good afternoon, Florence," Noah greeted as his expression turned sour when he saw Claude glued next to Florence. "I know that he's a little involved with this drama, but did he also have to come?"

"Of course I do," Claude replied as he sat down next to Florence. "I can't leave your bitchass alone with my man."

Florence slapped his shoulder as his cheeks flushed. "Stop saying those embarrassing things," he whispered harshly as Claude frowned.

"Why?" he asked. "It's the truth though. He's the reason why you're in this mess right now. You can't trust him," Claude said, crossing his arms.

"And that's why I messaged Florence so we can fix it," Noah hissed. He didn't hide his emotions that he didn't want Claude here.

"I'm sorry, but we're a packaged deal," Claude smirked, making Noah more pissed off.

Florence clasped his hands together. "If you two are done arguing like little kids, can we get to the case?" he smiled and they went quiet. "Thank you. Now Noah, what have you found?"

"This," he answered as he turned his phone screen to them. On it, a video was played which was taken from a CCTV camera on the day. As they saw Noah and Florence talking, Noah stopped the video and pointed at the screen. "She was the one who passed by and took the picture."

Noah swiped the video away and showed them a clearer picture of the woman who took it. "Tiffany Stewart. 23 years old, daughter of some kind of rich family. She was on set yesterday to greet a friend and saw our... conversation I guess. We haven't heard from her yet though so now we just have to wait for an answer," he explained.

Claude turned to Florence who was deep in thought while looking at the photo. "Is there something wrong?"

He snapped out of his trance and shot a quick smile his way. "Not really. It's just that... she looks really familiar," Florence replied as he wondered where he saw her. "But I don't remember where I've seen her."

"Maybe at a party or so. She is from a rich family so you meeting her wouldn't be surprising," Noah said. "You can always ask your own family about it. Maybe they'll know something."

"Wanna call Adrian again?" Claude smiled innocently and Florence turned his head away from him.

"Thank you for helping me, Noah," Florence smiled.

Noah averted his eyes as he slumped in his chair. "I mean it was my fault, to begin with," he mumbled as Claude snickered.

"Aw, lil Noah got embarrassed~," Claude cooed as Florence shook his head out of disappointment. "Do you want Flory to give you a head pat?~"

"Claude, that's enough," Florence spoke as Claude toned his voice down, still smirking smugly at Noah. "Can you send all your information to me? I have to go because I still have work to do."

Noah nodded. "Sure, give me a minute."

After he sent it, Florence stood up feeling relieved that they didn't waste their time too much. "Thank you again," he smiled sweetly. "I'll text you if I hear anything from my family. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, Florence," Noah said, clicking his tongue when Claude wrapped his arm around Florence's shoulders.

Florence pinched Claude's hand which was resting on his shoulder, making him lose his grip on it. "Why so cold, sweetie?" Claude asked with a dejected face.

"Can you make pasta for dinner tonight?" he muttered as Florence ordered an uber. "And brownies for dessert?"

Claude smiled. "Let's visit the grocery store before we go home," he said.

A few hours passed by quickly after they met with Noah. Florence was finishing up his stream while Claude was making brownies in the kitchen as he jammed to some music.

"That's it for today guys," Florence sighed, stretching his body. "Tomorrow we'll do a summon stream to finally c6 Wenti." He read a few comments in the chat and saw that a lot of people were mentioning Claude to be on the stream. "Ask Claude to watch along?" Florence chuckled at the idea of Claude watching him slowly losing his mind while doing his summons. "I'll ask him later. Thank you for tuning in, guys. Bye!"

Florence ended his stream and groaned loudly. He stared at his PC as he thought back to what Noah said about the woman who caused all this drama. "Where have I seen her before?" he thought and tried to think back to the most recent banquets, gatherings, and parties he went to. After a while, he got bored and scrolled through Insta to see what his friends are up to.

He stopped at a picture that Charlotte posted with a handful of her friends. "They all look kind of basic I suppose- huh?" Florence shot up from his chair when he saw that one of them matched the photo Noah sent to him. "Charlotte's friend?!" he shouted puzzled and ran to the kitchen. "Claude!"

Claude turned to him as Florence stared at his hands covered with oven mitts. "You're just in time. They're finished," he said, opening the oven. "But what did you want to say?"

"I know why that Tiffany girl seemed so familiar to me," Florence spoke as Claude took the brownies out of the oven. "She's one of Charlotte's friends! Wait, I'll text her that I'll pass by tomorrow."

"His fiancée, huh..." Claude thought back to when he met her for the first time at the banquet. He smirked when he remembered her threat. "Let's see if this is her doing or not."

A/N I am too tired to say something because of that Halloween party I went to dressed as a maid and seeing half an hour that I failed ANOTHER course which I also didn't expect AT ALL. Wish me luck on Thoma, Staff of Homa, and my school presentation and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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