Chapter 58

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"Turn to page 127 for more examples..."

Raoul eyed Claude and saw him with his head on the table. He poked Claude with his pen which made him jump up. "Bro why are you still sleeping- DAMN!" he shouted and covered his mouth when his voice got too loud. He snapped his finger in Claude's face who stared at him with his eyes barely open. "What the fuck did you do yesterday?"

Claude rubbed his eyes and slumped in his chair. "Wyatt made some weird ass concoction with soju and Yakult, but it really tasted good and I couldn't stop drinking it," he replied as he felt his eyes closing again. "My head is still throbbing a little but it was totally worth it."

"You went drinking on a school night? Without me?" Raoul sighed, shaking his head. "But who's Wyatt? Another friend you made at a bar?"

"Nah, he was the bar owner I went to with Florence some time ago. I passed by to ask for something and they offered me a drink after that," he explained and Raoul nodded, still a bit puzzled as to why he went but didn't want to ask.

"Okay..." Raoul said, feeling suspicious about Claude's answer. "Anyways, do you wanna eat somewhere after school? I'm really in the mood for some curry."

Claude shook his head and straightened himself in the chair. "I can't today. I need to meet up with James to discuss some important business," he replied, which made Raoul even more confused.

"...Who is James?" Raoul asked hesitantly.

"That "bodyguard" that keeps walking together with his brother," Claud explained. "He said that he'd hear me out on my plan to get Flory back." He looked Raoul straight into his eyes as Raoul didn't know how to respond to Claude. "Do you want to tag along later?"

He shook his head quickly. "Nah, I'm good bro. With what you and Syd told me about that brother of Florence, I don't need to be a part of all this," Raoul said, putting his hand on Claude's shoulder. "But good luck with that crazy guy and don't come crying to me if something bad happens."

Claude narrowed his eyes. "What do you count as bad?" he asked and Raoul shrugged.

"I don't know, like getting a huge fine or working for debt or something." Claude seemed relieved when Raoul said that. "Why?"

"You don't know what that man is capable of," Claude said with a grimace on his face. "But don't worry about it, I have this under control."

Raoul side-eyed him and turned back to his work. "If you say so..." he mumbled as Claude put his head back on his book.

After their class finished, Raoul joined Claude to travel to James's office building. When they stood in front of the building 30 minutes early, Raoul scanned the streets and saw a coffee shop a few shops away.

"You got this," Raoul encouraged him as Claude stared at the automatic doors. "I'll be waiting at that coffee shop over there though."

Claude whipped his head with a look of betrayal as Raoul started walking towards it. "Are you really going to leave your best friend alone?!" he shouted. Raoul didn't turn back to meet his eyes and waved at him. He sighed, a pissed-off look visible on his face. "Fucking loser," he murmured and entered the building.

He only had to take a few steps inside for someone to notice that it was his first time there.

"How may I help you, sir?" the receptionist asked as Claude looked around.

"I'm here to meet James at 1 PM," Claude said confidently as the receptionist furrowed their eyebrows.

"And who is this James, if I may ask?" they asked. "Do you have a last name for me?"

Claude blinked at them and scratched his head to try and remember if Wyatt gave him a last name. "I don't know... he's very tall with black slicked hair, and has broad shoulders." He thought of more features to describe James. "And he has light brown eyes, almost golden."

The receptionist knew exactly who he was talking about when Claude mentioned that and typed away on the computer. "Oh, you must be talking about Mr. Moore. You can take the elevator to the 14th floor. There, my colleague will help you," they smiled.

Claude thanked them and followed their instructions. Reaching the 8th floor, he saw another employee sitting behind a smaller desk. He cleared his throat, which caught her attention. "Hi, I'm looking for Mr. Moore?" Claude said.

She nodded and gestured to him to go through that door into his office. Claude knocked and hesitantly opened the door when he heard a "come in". He frowned. "Did James sound like that the last time?" he wondered when he heard a higher-pitched voice. His eyes widened when he saw another man in a flamboyant suit grinning at him while James was telling him off.

"I can go back if y'all are still busy," Claude spoke as he tried to go back out of the office.

"Don't," James said and let out a frustrated sigh. "We're done here, Julius."

Julius rolled his eyes and slammed his hand on James's desk. "Well, I'm not done here! Is it that hard to ask Wyatt for a small favor? He has me blocked on everything," he said, sighing dramatically as James couldn't care less. "And even if I went to visit him at the bar, he wouldn't even answer me."

"And how is this my problem, exactly?" James asked with a cold tone, glancing at Julius from his laptop. "Go back to your own office and finish your work just for once."

"It'll be your problem when the consequences catch up to us," Julius said and rolled his eyes as he went out of the office with his head high. "And tell Wyatt that I'll pay him to triple the amount than normal," he shouted and slammed the door shut.

Claude stood awkwardly at the entrance as he watched James working. "...Who was that?" he asked as James rubbed his eyes.

"My boss, sadly," James replied and Claude connected the dots that that was Wyatt's former boss David was talking about. He gestured to Claude to sit down and looked at him attentively. "So, tell me what your plan is."

A/N my Ateez hyper fixation got a little too much my bad y'all. I'd definitely not post for a few months if I wasn't tied to this wattpad contract, but here I am... yaaayyyyy. And school has been fun too, but now that I don't have the same team anymore, I'll start getting over this writers block and start creating a new story because we don't have a lot of chapters left on this one. Anyways, my ult is mingi, my bias tgt with mingi is yunho, I've spent A LOT of cash on pcs AND THE NEW LIGHTINY and they are also a source of inspo for the new story kinda (mostly yunho tho cause I love golden retriever boys). Alright. I need to post before Monday again so that wattpad doesn't come for my ass and don't kill mice


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