Chapter 47

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Soraya crossed her arms as she looked at Claude who was lying depressed on the couch while hugging a small pillow. "...And that's why you're sad right now?" she asked after hearing everything that Claude told her.

Claude glanced at her and slightly shrugged. "I guess," he mumbled.

"Why don't you talk to your boyfriend about it?" she sighed and Claude threw the pillow at her.

"That's the whole problem! HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Claude yelled. Soraya caught the pillow before it hit her face and threw it back as hard as she could at his face. Claude didn't protest and tightly hugged it again. "I'm only playing as his boyfriend. Of course he wouldn't tell me every little detail of his life."

"Didn't you two get together after Florence had that drama with Noah?" Soraya asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Claude shook his head and took the pillow off his face. "What gave you that idea? He doesn't even like me like that, even though Raoul said that," he replied and furrowed his eyebrows. "He did kiss me one time when he thought that I was sleeping though," he added.

Her eyes widened and she rubbed her temples. "Good grief," she muttered and pushed Claude's legs away to sit on the couch. She snatched the pillow out of Claude's grip and hit him with it. "You two are so fucking dumb I swear to God." Soraya rolled her eyes when she saw Claude glaring at her. "You two need to sit down and have a good conversation later about all of... this. Raoul is right, he likes you."

"But how can I even do that when he's avoiding me about it?" Claude snapped at her.

"Just tell him that you like him too and be happy in your gay little fantasy," Soraya waved him off with an irritated face. "Then you can finally leave me and Raoul alone cause we don't care about your love life."

"Who else should I ask then?! You two are the only queer people I'm close with. What else did you expect?" Claude said as he rolled his eyes. "It's not like I can ask our parents about it because they would definitely ask me if I'm still in that "phase"."

Soraya let out a snort. "Fair enough," she said and stood up to force Claude off the couch. "Come on, bro. You can't stay in here moping about your fake boyfriend the whole day. Let's go out and have some fun! Your treat of course," she grinned as Claude fell to the ground.

"Ow," Claude groaned as he pulled himself back up. "What do you mean with "It's my treat"? I'm the depressed one here."

"Or we can stay here and wait for the twins to come back. You know that their nosy asses can sense that you're sad about something," Soraya said, which made Claude stand up immediately and put the pillow back on the couch. "So what did you need?"

"Only some hair dye and painting supplies," she said and dragged Claude out of the living room. "It won't take that long~."

A few hours later, Claude went home after being blackmailed by Soraya to buy stuff for her. "Ugh, never again," Claude groaned and opened the door of their apartment. His head perked up when he heard muffled talking coming from Florence's room. He took his shoes off and walked to his door, wondering who he was talking about.

"-and I'm still trying to fix a bodyguard for you," Adrian told Florence. Claude was surprised that Adrian was here again and slightly pushed the door open to listen to their conversation.

"I don't need a bodyguard," Florence said as his focus kept on the game he was playing.

Adrian watched Florence play on his monitor with a puzzled expression and wondered how much money he invested in it. "Well, if you really don't want a bodyguard, at least tell Claude about it so-"

"I told you that I'm not telling Claude about Raymond!" Florence shouted and cursed under his breath when a character died during the fight. "He doesn't need to know about Raymond being my ex. It's not like we're actually together or anything," he said, his voice getting quieter by each word while his face got redder.

Adrian let out an annoyed sigh and took Florence's headset off of his head. "You better tell him before he meets that man again," he said, putting the headset on his desk. "But it's Raymond we're talking about, it wouldn't surprise me if he has already had another run-in with Claude. That sneaky bastard," he thought as Florence put his headset back on with a pout. "I shouldn't bring this up with Florence. He doesn't need to know how that man's really like... I'll privately talk about this with Claude later."

"But why should I?" Florence grumbled.

He turned Florence's chair to him as his face hardened. "Promise me you'll tell him later," Adrian said as he inches his face closer to Florence's. "Or I'll tell him myself, alright?"

"...I'll tell him later," Florence muttered as his gaze went to his hands.

Claude quietly walked back to the front door, opened the door loudly, and slammed it shut to announce that he came home. "I'm back!" Claude yelled as he walked to his room. "Florence! Are you there?"

Florence and Adrian glanced at each other. "I'm in my room! Give me a minute!" he shouted back.

"Why? You don't want to shower together anymore?!" Claude yelled back, just to fuck with Adrian. "I'll wait for you, baby~."

He slowly shook his head as Adrian looked at him with a clearly pissed-off face. "He's joking, Adrian," Florence said. "He's just trying to mess with me like always, I swear."

"If you say so," Adrian sighed, not fully believing him. "I'll head out for today then."

"Oh, alright then," he said.

Adrian opened the door of his room. "And remember what we talked about, Florence," he said while looking back at him.

"I know," Florence replied as he put his PC in sleep mode. "I'll talk to him after dinner about it. See you."

With one last nod, Adrian got out of his room and left his apartment. Florence heard knocking on his door and saw Claude slowly pushing the door open. "Are you streaming right now?" Claude asked and Florence shook his head. "No? Let's go out to eat then."

A/N I hardly had any motivation to finish this chapter. I've been refraining from drinking coffee these past days and my body doesn't like it that much. And I've been sleeping late and shit because I drank too much coffee, so that didn't help either. That's all folks. Make sure to like, subscribe and hit tHE BELL NOTIFICATION! I'm gonna lie down for a while and don't kill mice


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