Chapter 36

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"So he wasn't lying when he said that Luke was waiting for us," Florence whispered as he saw Luke standing in front of the cinema.

Sydney gasped dramatically. "Why would I ever lie to you?" he said, putting the back of his wrist against his forehead with his head held high. "I would never lie to my best friend!"

Florence looked at Sydney with a doubtful expression as Claude approached Luke with a smile. "Good evening, Luke," Claude spoke as Luke turned to him slightly confused.

When he saw Claude's face, his serious face instantly brightened. "You made it!" he cheered and saw the rest behind him. "And right on time! C'mon the movie will start soon."

As they went inside after the well-known amongst them put their masks on, they bought some popcorn and went to the cinema hall where the movie was playing.

When they sat down all the way in the back, Sydney groaned loudly as he pulled his mask down to eat some popcorn. "Feed it to me please~," he purred at Raoul as he pushed the seat handle up to get closer to him.

Raoul raised his eyebrow at him as Sydney kept tugging on his shirt. He got tired after a minute and started feeding him popcorn with a sigh. "You're so fucking annoying," he sighed as Sydney giggled.

"Love you too, Raoul~," he grinned, making a heart with his fingers.

Raoul shook his head and turned to the others who were watching them. "What?" he asked as he kept feeding Sydney popcorn.

"Luke," Claude called to take his attention from the weird couple next to them. "I haven't had time to look up more info about your film, so can you explain it to me a little?"

"Of course!" Luke grinned and began on a detailed description of the story and caught himself when he wanted to spoil something. After a few minutes, the movie started. They silently watched it with Sydney making a few remarks about the CGI.

"Ugh," Florence whispered and made a face when he noticed that Noah had a small role as a butler in the movie.

"What the hell is Noah doing?" Sydney whispered to the others as he glared at his face. "He's the only flaw in this- MMH!"

Raoul grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it into Sydney's mouth. "Leave your commentary for later," he whispered, his eyes focused on the big screen.

Florence ignored Sydney's loud whispering and was in awe of the movie and Luke's acting. "You're amazing, Luke," he whispered as Luke felt his face heat up. "You really bring the character to life."

"T-Thank you," Luke mumbled as Claude chuckled at his reaction. "It's an honor to hear that from you."

Florence chuckled. "I'm not sure if I'm suitable to hear that from you," he said, turning back to the movie with a smile. "I'm striving to reach your level- no, I want to reach a higher level if that's possible. Just give it a few years. And it would be great if we can reach it together."

"It would be my pleasure to help you with that," Luke said flustered as he looked down at his lap.

"How sweet of you," Claude hushed in Florence's ear.

Florence pushed him back with a flushed face as he remembered every cringy line he said in front of Claude. "...Just watch the movie," he whispered without meeting his gaze.

After the movie ended, they got dragged by Sydney to a bar he sometimes visited with Raoul to buy some snacks to eat together with a drink. He stretched his arms and sat down at one of the booth tables. "Phew! That was great!" Sydney said as the others agreed. "You need to do more action-related stuff, Luke! It suits you so well!"

"That isn't the first time I've heard that," he chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. "My manager keeps trying to land me another role for a mystery show but I'm still not sure if I want it."

"Why not?" Claude asked. "I would grab the opportunity until I'm so famous that everyone wants me."

Florence rolled his eyes at his comment as Raoul scoffed. "Of course you would with that ego of yours," Raoul said, making Claude smirk.

"Ignore them. Do what you want to do," Florence said as Sydney nodded. "It definitely isn't fun if you just take any role you get offered."

"Exactly! What if they offer you the role of a dom for a movie like 50- OW! What was that for?!" Sydney shouted as Florence stomped his feet to shut him up.

Florence looked at him with a sickly sweet smile. "Why don't you fetch something to eat for yourself?" he smiled as Sydney had an annoyed expression.

Raoul stood up. "I'll go with you. I'm also in the mood for a cocktail," he said and dragged Sydney along.

Before Claude joined them, he turned to Florence and Luke. "Do y'all want anything?" he asked and they shook their heads.

"We have an early shoot tomorrow," Florence explained as Luke nodded. "And if I want something, I'll eat it from your plate."

"Who told you that was fine huh?" Claude smirked and patted Florence's head. "Tell me if you change your mind, alright?"

"I know," he grumbled.

Claude went to Sydney and Raoul who were sitting at the bar and heard Sydney gushing at the bartender's skills. "Holy shit, that's amazing," he said in awe as the bartender was shaping the block of ice with a cool expression.

"Hi! Can I help you?" the other bartender asked Claude.

"Ah, sure. Let me take a quick look at the menu," he replied and searched for something Florence also liked.

From his seat, Florence kept glancing at Claude who was talking to the girl bartender he was talking with. He narrowed his eyes for a quick second when he saw him smiling.

Luke noticed Florence's attention going back to Claude and called Florence. "You don't have to worry about him that much," he said as Florence looked down, feeling embarrassed.

"I know, it's just some meaningless worries," he smiled and his phone started ringing. Florence looked at the screen and all the emotion vanished from his face when he saw the caller ID. "I'll be back soon," he smiled at Luke and went outside.

He stared at Charlotte's name and answered the phone. "What did you find?"

A/N I AM HERE! Late again because I was dreading writing this chapter... BUT STILL HERE! I just pulled C1 Eula and won 50/50 AGAIN on a female character's banner (only women love me. And archons) but I don't feel the adrenaline pumping. Something that is pumping are my guts if that makes sense. Till Sunday guys. I'll be camping out on the toilet again and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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