Chapter 50

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"It's getting late," Claude spoke after looking at the time. "Don't you have more assignments to finish at home?"

Florence's face grimaced as he was reminded of something else he still had to do. "Yes... and I also have to set everything up for my stream tomorrow," he sighed and finished his drink. "Let me go and pay before we head out."

"Alright~," Claude smiled at him as he stood up to walk to the bar. His expression went serious when he looked back at Noah. "That's your cue, it's time to go," he said with a fake smile.

Noah clicked his tongue and also stood up. "Yeah yeah, I know," he replied, waving him off. "I'll ask Florence about the prices later. I won't bother you two anymore, have fun," he said, matching Claude's smile, and went out of the bar. "Have fun while it lasts."

Claude scoffed at what Noah said. "Have fun," he repeated, rolling his eyes. "He ruined the whole fucking mood," Claude whispered and saw Florence walk back.

He looked at the empty seat puzzled and turned to Claude with a suspicious look. "Did you scare him off?" Florence asked and Claude shrugged with a small smirk.

"Maybe. Maybe not," he jokingly replied, which made Florence shake his head disappointed. "I didn't though. It was his own idea to leave and he said something about asking you later for the prices or something," Claude explained.

"He could've at least said goodbye," Florence muttered and noticed that Noah left his bag. He picked it up and turned to Claude. "What are we supposed to do with this?"

"Don't look at me for an answer. I would just leave it and let the bar owner deal with it."

His reply made Florence look at him with an apathetic expression. "But we can't leave it here... it must've cost a lot of money," Florence said as he saw a high-off brand on the bag. "Let's take it with us and I'll text him later about it."

"Whatever you want, honey," Claude said, making Florence's cheeks turn pink while he turned his back to Claude.

"M-Maybe He's still close-by, let's chase after him and give it back," Florence said as he held the bag up.

Claude got off his chair and followed Florence after they said bye to Wyatt and David. "Do we really have to? We can just go home for the night and let it be a problem for tomorrow, right?" he said as Florence shook his head.

"It must've been something important for him. Maybe it's a birthday gift for someone." Florence looked around the lightened-up New York streets and turned his head to Claude with determination burning in his eyes. "If we don't find him in a few minutes, I'll call him tomorrow," he said.

Claude sighed and looked at his expression which he found cute. "The things I'd do for you," he murmured and followed Florence around.

The streets they roamed were still filled with many people because of the good weather and they failed to find Noah after searching for a couple of minutes. Florence sat down on a bench with a defeated face. "Where could he run off to so quickly?" he said as Claude stood in front of him.

"He could have something important to do," Claude said as Florence stared at his phone. He softly petted Florence's head and raised his chin up. "Let's think about it back at home with a clearer mind. His stuff is in good hands after all," he smiled. "And we don't know if he had his car close by. He could've rode away while we were talking ."

"Sure," he muttered, averting eye contact out of embarrassment as he got back up.

Claude wrapped his arm around Florence's waist to pull him closer as he slowly walked away while facing him. "I'm free to help you with whatever you need, sweetie. Even if things get a little dirty, if you get what I mean," he smiled.

"Claude!" he hissed and pushed Claude off of him with crimson cheeks, which made Claude bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Claude said as he turned around to face the person he bumped into. He was surprised to see Raymond in front of him. "Raymond?"

"Claude? Didn't expect to run into you here," Raymond smiled as his gaze went to Florence standing behind him. "...And Florence too. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Florence took a small step back as he averted his eyes from Raymond. "I suppose," he muttered, his stoic expression not changing.

"What's wrong, Florence?" Claude asked as he looked back at him.

Raymond had a sad smile on his face when Florence didn't respond. "It seems like it's still a bit too uncomfortable to run into each other after our breakup. I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time. I am merely his ex now, haha," he said with a forced chuckle, making Florence snap his head to him.

"WAIT, WHY NOW OF ALL-TIME!? I haven't even told Claude yet!" Florence turned his head to Claude to see how he would react, but the news didn't bother him at all.

"Yeah, true. I'd do the same thing if I saw mine," Claude replied with a chuckle.

"He's not fazed at all? How?!" Florence wondered. He felt light tapping on his shoulder and turned to look at a tall and broad man staring down at him.

"Are you Florence Carter?" he asked with a raspy voice, which caught the attention of Claude and Raymond. Florence nodded as he pulled onto Claude's jacket. "Your brother told me to pick you up. He has something important to discuss."

"That's my cue to leave," Raymond chuckled, looking at Claude. "I'll see you around, Claude." He glanced at Florence who still didn't meet his gaze. "And it was nice to see you as well, Florence. I'm glad to see you're doing alright." With one last look at Florence, he went back in the opposite direction.

"Finally," Florence whispered as he looked up at the stranger again, the one who was standing in front of them. "How do you know my brother?" he demanded.

The man let out an annoyed sigh. "He's been trying to commission me as your bodyguard for months," he replied.

The story sounded familiar to them, but Florence still wasn't sure if it was legit. "Prove it then."

He grabbed his phone and dialed a number on his phone. Immediately, the phone stopped ringing and they heard a loud voice on the other side. "JAMES! HAVE YOU FOUND FLORENCE YET?!" he shouted after he put him on speaker. "GET HIM HERE RIGHT NOW!" He abruptly ended the call and Claude and Florence glanced at each other.

"I believe that should suffice," James spoke as they nodded. "Follow me."

A/N I'm slowly getting into the story and overall writing again... Maybe I'll try to spam chapters in August so I can finish early and put all my focus on my comic. But I don't wanna rush this either. We'll see how everything pans out. And we're already at chapter 50 too... Thank you to all the people that still read this!! Without you all, I definitely would've gone on a long-term hiatus, but I'm glad that that isn't the case. I'm gonna draw again and don't kill mice


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