Chapter 25

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"Just my luck. Who would have thought I'd run into you of all people?" Noah asked with a disgusted look on his face.

Claude furrowed his eyebrows as he glanced at Raoul. "Raoul, do you know him? Cause I've never seen this man in my life," he whispered and Raoul shook his head.

"I don't know, man. Must be some weirdo from campus," he replied as Claude acted as if he hadn't had met Noah before this day. "Or one of Florence's stans. That wouldn't surprise me."

"Oh!" Claude snapped his fingers with a knowing look on his face. "Oh yeah... he's down bad for Flory," he said, glancing at Noah with a smug smirk. "I mean, I understand why. But it's kind of sad to see how he treats him," Claude sighed loudly, shrugging his shoulders as Noah gritted his teeth out of anger.

Raoul furrowed his eyebrows at him, a puzzled expression on his face. "He likes Florence?" he asked. Noah averted his eyes with a pained look as Claude nodded. "And you'd let a bitch like him steal him first?" he said, pointing his thumb at Claude who was still looking smugly at Noah. "Yikes, dude. If I were you I would never let that shit slide."

Noah scoffed as he looked down at them. "Why do I even make an effort to talk to people like you?" he sneered as Claude found it amusing to see when he'd finally snap. "The only thing you're doing right now is leeching off of Florence's career. He'll drop you in no time."

Claude gasped dramatically. "What right do you have to talk to me like that? It's not like you're his boyfriend or anything," he said. He couldn't hold a smirk back when he saw that Noah was on the verge of snapping at him.

"WHAT DOES BEING HIS BOYFRIEND GOT TO DO WITH THIS?!" Noah shouted as Claude was unmoved by his outburst.

"What are you so mad about? I'm only stating some facts," he replied while he was reading along with Raoul texting Sydney about dinner. "Don't forget to tell him that I'm making a cheesecake," he said to Raoul to show disinterest to get under Noah's skin.

Noah let out a frustrated laugh while he was trying to calm himself down. "You know," he began, catching Claude's attention. "I still don't understand how Florence ended up dating someone like you. It must've been out of pity because you're one of the most annoying people to exist. I'm wondering how he's able to look at that face of yours without wanting to stab his own eyes out. If he knew the real me, Florence would leave you in a heartbeat."

Claude arrogantly crossed his arms with a playful look on his face. "But he doesn't know the real you, does he? And who's fault is that?" he smirked as he took a step closer. "I'm not a pussy who'd hide the real me to the person I like," he whispered.

Noah's vision went red out of anger as he grabbed Claude by his collar. "Give me one good reason not to fuck you up right now," he whispered harshly.

Claude looked at his forehead and could clearly see a vein pop out. "Maybe I overdid it a little," he thought, amused by Noah. He saw Noah raise his fist and lifted his finger. "You're a celebrity, aren't you? How fast would you punching me, another celebrity's boyfriend, become a scandal?" he said, glancing at the crowd they attracted.

Noah followed Claude's gaze and let his collar loose when he saw some people filming them and whispering to themselves. "Shit," he cursed under his breath.

"Florence doesn't like you and won't ever like you, Noah. It's your own fault for treating him like shit. Maybe if you could treat him like a normal human being, you might stand a chance," Claude said, sneering at him. "As if you'd even stand a chance, Flory has me and that is everything he would ever need in a man."

Noah bit his lip and with one last glare, he left them standing there without saying another word back to Claude.

"Now, why did you have to do that to him?" Raoul asked sarcastically as they walked back to Florence's apartment.

Claude shrugged. "It's fun provoking him," he replied, grinning at him. "We'll see what he's gonna do next time."

Raoul only shook his head at his friend's stupidity. After a few minutes, they were back in Florence's apartment. Claude dropped the shopping bag on the kitchen island and rummaged the cabinets for a bowl and a blender.

"So when will we finish?" Raoul asked while Claude was washing his hands.

He turned to Raoul with a raised brow. "When I finish, duh," Claude said and put his apron on. "Or you can finish it for us~."

A few hours passed by and Claude and Raoul were watching a reality show while the cheesecake was chilling in the fridge. They heard the front door open and saw Sydney run to join them after less than a minute.

"We're back!" he shouted and jumped onto Raoul who was lying on the couch. "And we brought some food too!" he added, grinning at Raoul who was trying to push Sydney off of him.

"Good evening, Claude," Florence smiled, ruffling Claude's hair. "Did you do anything else besides homework today?"

Claude thought back upon meeting Luke who admired Florence and Noah who despised him. "Not really," he smiled, pulling his face closer to kiss his cheek. "Your day must've been more interesting on set than mine."

"It was alright," Florence chuckled with a flushed face.

"What did you guys bring to eat?" Claude asked as he got up from the couch to check on the cheesecake. He saw two large pizza boxes on the table and narrowed his eyes at Florence. "Pizza? You? Eating pizza?"

"Sydney's choice," Florence sighed and stopped Claude. "You don't need to prepare something else for me. It isn't that bad."

"Claude!" Sydney yelled, Raoul close behind. "What Raoul said, is it true?"

"What part?"

"The part where you were talking shit to Noah?" he said as Florence turned to Claude with a confused expression.

"Yeah," Claude responded, making Florence stare at him with a bewildered look on his face. Claude raised his hands in defense. "Don't look at me like that, Flory. He started it," he added as Raoul nodded. "Besides, you'd find out sooner or later. I think that some people filmed us."


Claude smiled innocently at him. "But forget about that. I made a cheesecake for us," he said, taking it out of the fridge while Raoul and Sydney were grabbing the pizza boxes. "Do you want a slice?"

A/N was trying to edit while my friend kept spamming me with messages about DMC (she's still doing it). This week went by fast. Grinding things for Thoma, school... fucking annoying. I did get Raiden on my 2nd acc during my online classes so it's cool. Till next week, guys. It's time for genshin hell again. I'll be farming for Hu Tao and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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