Chapter 49

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"Thank you for your purchase, sir!" the cashier smiled at Noah. Noah nodded at her and muttered a small "thank you" in response.

He went out of the store and looked down at the gift bag he had clutched in his hand. "Wouldn't it be weird to hand this to him out of nowhere?" Noah thought as he started pacing around a little. He stopped when he saw that a few people were starting to look at him and pushed his cap down. "I should find a place to think this over again," he thought and looked around for a place to have a drink at this hour.

While Noah was walking through the busy streets, he stopped in his tracks when he saw familiar faces going into a small bar. He hid behind a lamppost as he peeked at Claude going out of his view. "What are they doing in there?" he wondered as he slowly got closer and closer to the bar. He tried to peek inside of the dark tinted window but it was too dark to even look through.

"Were you looking for anything?" Noah heard a voice ask next to him.

Noah jumped up and smiled nervously at the brunette who was watching him curiously. "It's nothing really," he chuckled awkwardly. "I was just looking for somewhere to drink for a bit."

"Oh, then I definitely recommend this place. It's a really chill place and the drinks Wyatt makes are also delicious!" he grinned as Noah slightly frowned when he found his face oddly familiar. "And there's a CAT!" He looked at the door and back at Noah.

"I'll think about it. I'm gonna look around a little more," Noah smiled and waved at him as he walked away. He kept looking around for another place that caught his eye but his mind couldn't forget about what he saw. "Maybe it was someone else and my mind is just playing tricks on me. Yeah, that must be it..." Noah thought as he went back to the bar.

After he took a deep breath, he opened the door and went inside. "Shit," Noah cursed under his breath as he saw Claude and Florence looking at him, Claude looking at him more disgusted than Florence.

"What is he doing here?" Claude said with a disgusted tone as Florence shot Claude a glare.

"Don't be so mean to him, Claude," he replied as Florence gestured to Noah to come. "Come here for a sec, we don't want to make a scene, do we?" Florence smiled.

Noah glanced at Wyatt and David who were eyeing him and grinned slyly at Claude who was glaring daggers at him. "Of course I don't," Noah smiled and sat next to Florence.

A vein popped out of Claude's head as he intertwined his fingers. "Excuse me, but could you kindly sit somewhere else?" he said with a threatening smile.

Florence sighed as Noah stuck his tongue out at Claude. "Noah, can you stand up for a sec?" Noah did what Florence said without questioning it and stood up from the booth seat. "Thank you," Florence said and moved himself to the outer edge of the seat. "You can take your seat next to Claude."

Noah and Claude both looked betrayed at him after he said that and reluctantly sat down next to Claude. "What did I even do?" he mumbled as Claude clicked his tongue while giving Noah the stink eye.

"How did you even find this place?" Claude asked as Florence also became curious about it. "Are you stalking Flory again?"

"I-I would never!" Noah blurted out, a smirk visible on Claude's face.

Claude glanced at Florence who stared at him sternly to drop the subject. "Oh, then it must be a coincidence," he smiled with a shrug and grabbed the menu. "Do you already know what you want to order Flory?"

"I think so..." he said and started comparing the dishes together with Claude, Noah looking at them with a little bit of interest. "Don't you want anything?" Florence asked Noah.

He shook his head as he had a small smile on his face. "I'm on a strict diet right now. I have a Vogue shoot next month," Noah replied as Claude snickered quietly. "Some water would be good enough."

"If you say so," Florence said and stood up to go to the bartender to order while leaving Claude and Noah in awkward silence.

"Y'know," Claude started, catching Noah's attention. "You could like, sit back on the other side already," he said and Noah raised his eyebrow at him.

"I suppose," he muttered and sat back in front of him, which made Claude scrunch up his face when he saw Noah's annoyed face again. "What?" he snapped.

Claude crossed his arms and plastered a smile on his face. "How the fuck did you find us here? I know this wasn't coincidental," he said, his smile not meeting his eyes. "I'll let his brother know about him being stalked if you keep this up and I warn you, he has the power to ruin your life."

Noah felt a chill running down his spine at the thought of that. "Okay, I did follow you in here, but that's because I wasn't sure if it really was you or if I was just imagining things," he explained and let out a sigh. "I was already shopping around here. I never knew that you two would also be in this area."

"Yeah, and you also didn't know that we were in this small ass bar. Make up some better excuses," Claude said, rolling his eyes and getting entertained at Noah almost snapping at him for not listening. "Anyways, where's Flory?" They both turned to the bar and saw Florence petting the calico cat as he was talking to David.

He noticed Claude and Noah staring at him with begging eyes to come back and turned to David with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I got to get back to my friends," he said and saw David get visibly sad.

"I'll be here the whole evening if you want to talk some more!" David grinned which made Florence smile. He spun his barstool back to Wyatt to start annoying him some more.

Florence went back to their table and saw Claude and Noah bickering again. He sat down next to Claude and Claude smirked at Noah.

"Looks like Flory likes me more," Claude boasted, making Noah roll his eyes as Florence sighed.

"What else do you expect he's your boyfriend," Noah sneered as Florence felt his ears go red.

Claude glanced at Florence being embarrassed and a flirty grin spread on his lips. "Oh, Flory. You never guess what Noah did-"

A/N sorry that the break took a little longer. It was my plan to come back 2 weeks ago but I kept... drawing... I wanna get good to adapt this into a comic. AND HAPPY PRIDE MONTH GUYS YKNOW I CAN'T DROP ANYTHING THIS MONTH! BUT I'm planning to start uploading biweekly cause I'm going on a vacation soon and I don't want to go on a small hiatus again. Maybe I'll upload weekly after it, but drawing is kinda pog... Well, that's it for me right now. I'm gonna buy DMC 5 and don't kill mice


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