Chapter 61

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Getting out of his car, James looked up at the Carter's house. "For what reason did I have to meet Adrian here?" he wondered, shutting his door and walking to the entrance where Adrian was already waiting for him.

"Took you long enough," Adrian said as James approached him. He turned his back to James and eyed him. "Follow me."

Without saying a word, James did as he was told and walked a few corridors until they reached an office. He stopped in front of a desk Adrian was leaning against and wondered if he'll do the same bad habit he has when he's angry. And right when he thought about that, Adrian started throwing everything around, not caring about James or anything else in the room. Every time Adrian let out a frustrated scream, James just kept thinking how he could've avoided this if he never took that job for Richard a few years ago.

When Adrian finished his tantrum and got his breathing under control, he turned to James. "As you can see, I'm a little upset," he said and started picking up the important papers he threw.

"You don't say," James replied, looking around at the mess he made in less than five minutes. "Is there something wrong?"

Adrian sat down on the desk chair and rubbed his temples. "Florence had been ignoring me for a few days and he won't even answer my basic questions until a third party asks him for me." He looked at the papers he put back and wiped them off the desk again. "This is all fucking Raymond's fault. If he wasn't such a weirdo, I would've still been Florence's favorite brother," he whispered angrily.

"Do you two have another brother I don't know of?" James asked as Adrian glared at him.

"You know what I mean," he hissed and let out a sigh. He looked straight into James's eyes. "I need to deal with Raymond before this goes too far and I need your help."

James stared back with a cold expression. "Before I say anything, how far are you willing to go with this?" he asked as Adrian caught up with what he was saying.

"Do you already have something planned?" A smirk came on Adrian's face when James didn't respond. He gestured for James to get closer. "Show me what you have right now."

On the second floor, Florence was lying on his bed out of boredom, not knowing what else there was to do. He got up and went to his bookshelf to see if there was something else he could read. He then saw a light novel he hadn't read for a few years and decided to skim through it.

He let out a groan and put the book back. "What else can I do?" Florence complained as he walked to his desk for entertainment. He sat behind his PC and booted it up to see if he could find a good game on Steam. He scrolled through his Steam wishlist mindlessly and his eyes landed on a game he hasn't played in a while.

While it was downloading, Florence opened Discord and stared at his screen. "I never noticed how boring my life was until I met Claude," he thought, the progression bar filling up by the second. He chuckled when he remembered how and where they met for the first time. "Kind of crazy to think that this all happened because of Henshin. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to immediately ask him to play as my pretend boyfriend after the second meeting, but I'm glad it played out well." Florence had a light blush on his cheeks and it got redder when he remembered some of the things they said to each other. "Maybe too well..."

A Discord notification popped up and he saw that Claude messaged him to ask if he could call for a few minutes. "Let's see what he wants," Florence thought and clicked on the call button after he put on his headset. After a few rings, Claude picked up.

"Flory! Guess what?" Claude said excitedly.

"What?" he asked, fighting the urge to smile when he heard Claude's voice.

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