Chapter 60

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Raoul watched Claude go through his fridge to look for something to eat. "What are you searching for in there?" he asked as Claude looked up at him.

"Why don't you have anything to eat in here?" Claude asked as he opened the door a little wider to show him the half-full fridge. "How are you surviving with only this?"

He shrugged as Claude clicked his tongue and shut the fridge. "No one is forcing you to stay here," Raoul said as Claude went to sit on the couch, Raoul close behind. "You can always go home, bro."

"But it doesn't hit the same anymore," Claude groaned, missing Florence's presence at home.

Raoul stared at Claude moping about Florence and scratched the back of his neck. "About that..." he said, catching Claude's attention. "Weren't you supposed to call that one guy today for this whole situation?"

"Oh shit," he cursed as he looked at the time. Claude grabbed the business card he had received and dialed the number on there. "I totally forgot about calling him. Thanks."

"Anytime, I guess..." Raoul said as Claude's phone rang. "I'm still skeptical about this whole situation but whatever makes you happy."

Claude knitted his eyebrows. "Don't stress about it, everything will be fine. I'm not crazy enough to work for James's boss," he chuckled as Raoul raised his brow.

"What do you mean-" he asked but got cut off when James answered Claude's call.

"James?" Claude said.

"Good afternoon, Claude," James said in a monotone voice. "Are you able to meet me within an hour at Wyatt's bar to talk about the plan?"

Claude and Raoul met eyes. "Sure. I don't have any classes today so I'll be there as fast as possible," he said.

"Very well. I'll see you soon." Before Claude could say bye, James already hung up.

He looked at his wallpaper and slowly turned to Raoul with a big smile. "So..." Claude began and Raoul immediately shook his head.

"No, I'm not bringing you," Raoul said, ignoring Claude's pleading eyes. He got his arm out of Claude's grip when Claude started to pull him closer. "Don't even try to act annoying, I'm not going. Those people don't need to know that I exist."

"But you only have to drop me off somewhere. They will never know how I got there," Claude said as he kept pulling at Raoul's clothes. He wasn't sure if James knew about Raoul but it wouldn't surprise me if he also had tabs on him. He didn't feel the need to mention that to Raoul, for his own sanity.

Raoul sighed loudly. "I'll do it but only if you make something good for dinner," he said as the corners of Claude's mouth twitched.

"Consider it done," Claude grinned as he got off the couch. "We need to pass the grocery store before coming back cause the state of your fridge is something else."

In less than half an hour, they had already arrived in the area of Wyatt's bar. Raoul dropped him off a block away from it and told Claude to meet him back here when he was done. Claude reached the bar within five minutes and went in. At the bar counter, he saw Wyatt and James chatting about something.

Right when he wanted to speak up, someone ran into him which made them both almost fall. "Ow," Claude heard someone mutter behind him. He looked behind him and saw David rubbing his head.

"David?" Claude called, which made the other two men turn to look at them.

David looked up at him and had a surprised smile on his face. "Hi, Claude! What are you doing here at this hour?" he asked as Claude glanced at James.

He smiled back at David. "You'll see." Claude walked to them as David frowned at his answer. "Good afternoon."

"You're here earlier than expected," Wyatt said as he looked at the time.

Claude laughed sheepishly. "Well, it wasn't that far from where I was studying," he lied, keeping Raoul out of it. "I hope I didn't bother you guys for being early."

James shook his head. "You didn't. This comes out for me even better. Adrian scheduled a random meeting in an hour so I wasn't sure if we could've made it if you didn't come early." He grabbed his iPad and binder. "Take a seat, I'll explain how we'll take care of this."

After explaining the details to Claude and Wyatt while David silently listened, James turned off his iPad and intertwined his fingers. "Any questions?" he asked them and they shook their heads. "Then I'll keep it like this. We'll put this plan in motion in one week."

Claude stared at the table as a few thoughts kept running through his head. He nodded and stood up. "Alright, it doesn't sound that crazy. The only problem is that Adrian could get me killed but that isn't that bad I guess," he mumbled as David's eyes widened when he heard that.

"How serious is that Adrian guy about Florence?" David asked.

Wyatt thought of a good comparison for him to understand. "You know how Julius and James act about me, right? It's kind of like that but 10 times worse," he explained.

"Maybe 50 times worse, to be honest," James muttered as David nodded with a worried expression.

Claude looked at the others when it got quiet again. "If we're done here, can I go? I still have some important things to finish."

James chuckled. "Of course. I'll keep in contact with you about this."

"Alright, see you soon!" After waving, he went outside and walked back to Raoul's car.

Wyatt waited a minute and turned to James. "And what exactly are we going to do with Raymond?" he asked as James handed him the iPad with another file.

"Just a few things. Julius is funding us for this," James said, which made Wyatt smirk.

While they were talking about dealing with Raymond, Adrian was slowly losing his mind because of Florence. They were all eating lunch together for the first time in a while and Florence was acting as if Adrian didn't exist.

"How is it going with your classes from home, Florence?" Adrian asked but those words got ignored by Florence.

Richard glanced between his two sons. "How is it going with your classes, Florence?" he asked, repeating the question for Adrian.

Florence met his eyes with a dull expression. "Fine, father," he replied, keeping his answer short. He put his fork down and stood up. "If you'll excuse me for a second."

Elisa turned to Adrian with an angry expression when Florence wasn't in sight anymore. "Don't you think that this has gone a little too far?" she said harshly. "You cut off everything from him, even his boyfriend. Don't you think about his feelings?"

Adrian slammed his fist on the table which made Elisa flinch. "I know, mother!" he shouted and took a deep breath. "I'll fix this."

A/N I WAS PROCRASTINATING TOO MUCH and depression was hitting me harder than normal... I really need to plan these things better cause doing this within a few days takes a toll on me. I finally know the ending though! The last chapter will be 68 or 69 but I'm not sure tho. I think I'm going to post the rewritten version of PM after this and that other shounen like story I lowkey want to work on (inspired by ATEEZ ofc). Alright, I really need to go now. Till tomorrow and don't kill mice


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