Chapter 14

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"How did Claude even get a place to stay in this apartment complex?" Raoul wondered as he stood in front of the entrance. Raoul moved to the side as a person walked out of the building and scratched the back of his neck, feeling out of place. "I'm not making any progress by just standing here," he sighed and reluctantly went inside.

The elevator opened quickly after he pushed it. As Raoul wanted to push the button for the floor they live on, he heard rapid footsteps coming in his direction.

"Wait for me!" he heard a voice shout. Raoul put his foot between the doors to keep it open as they almost hit their head on the wall.

"Made it," Sydney whispered while catching his breath. He turned his head to Raoul and his eyes widened when he recognized him. "Oh, you're Claude's friend right? ...Ronald? Arsene?" He giggled when he saw Raoul raising his eyebrow at him. "Just a joke. Hi Raoul~"

"Hey Sydney," Raoul smiled politely.

Sydney clung to Raoul's arm as the door closed and the elevator went up. "Soooo, what brings you here? Did you come to see me?" he asked, pressing himself onto Raoul more.

Raoul looked down at his cheeky grin. "I'll be working on an assignment with Claude. What about you?" he asked as he tried to get his arm out of Sydney's grip.

"Florence promised me that he'd help me with a new song," Sydney replied and let go of Raoul when the elevator reached the top. "I still don't know what topic would be better," he sighed as he walked with his hands behind his back to Florence's apartment.

"What kinds of topics did you have in mind?" Raoul asked as Sydney tapped his chin while he thought back to his notes.

"Something like murder, betrayal, and obsession," he replied and giggled at Raoul who took a step back from him. "Don't worry, I'm not crazy like that. I thought that it'd be a cool idea, you know? Like that yandere shit."

"Yandere?" Raoul pressed on the doorbell and after a few seconds, Florence opened it for them.

"Hi, guys..." Florence held back his laugh when he noticed that Sydney was barely reaching Raoul's shoulders. "Come on in. Claude's making some pancakes right now."

"What were you laughing about?" Sydney demanded while Raoul was taking his shoes off and followed the smell from the kitchen.

Raoul put his backpack next to the kitchen island and watched Claude humming along to a song on the radio. Claude heard him snickering and smirked at him. "You got something to say?" he asked.

"The househusband style suits you," Raoul commented and grabbed the pancake with his mouth that Claude threw at him. He grabbed it after taking a huge bite and nodded his head to the beat of the song. "Yo, this shit is good!"

"Glad you like it," Claude grinned and turned the stove off. He took off his apron and tossed it on the empty counter. "How's it going?"

Raoul showed him a thumbs up. "It's going smoothly. Julia's working on it in the document I shared and we haven't had any problems until now. But we can't finish it until your part is complete. How far are you?"

Claude shared the pancakes evenly and thought back at the program. "Um... I'd say 40% done," he replied as Raoul shook his head out of disappointment. "I can finish it for tomorrow afternoon, it depends on how much I need to help Florence with some things."

"With what?" Raoul questioned and raised his hand at Claude's smirk. "Never mind, I don't need to know about your weird relationship shit."

Claude slid a plate towards Raoul and called for Florence. "Suit yourself then," he said and smiled at Florence and Sydney who joined them. "The pancakes are ready~"

"Thank you," Florence smiled and grabbed a plate as Sydney sat next to Raoul with his plate in front of him.

Sydney narrowed his eyes at his own and Raoul's pancakes. "His look better," he whispered and sneakily tried to steal one while Raoul was talking to Florence.

"I just told him that the house husband look fits him-" Raoul glanced down at his plate and saw that one was missing. He turned to Sydney and saw that he still had four whole pancakes and had his cheeks stuffed. He kept looking between him and his own plate as he found out where his missing pancake went. "Are you fucking serious?"

Sydney spoke with his mouth full but failed to get his message clear. He then decided to grin smugly at Raoul as he pushed his plate from Raoul. "What's wrong?" he asked innocently after he cleared his mouth. "Do you need some syrup?"

"Don't try to fuck with me!" Raoul shouted and tried to take Sydney's plate from him.

Florence watched Raoul chase Sydney around from his chair. "Should we do something to stop them?"

"Let them be," Claude said as he poured syrup on Florence's pancakes. "They'll tire out soon."

"Gotcha!" They looked at Raoul who tossed Sydney over his shoulder and walked back to them. He put Sydney back down on his chair and grabbed a pancake from Sydney's plate. "That's what you get shorty."

"So mean," Sydney pouted and Claude looked back at Florence.

"See? They tired out," he said as Florence chuckled. After they finished eating, Florence and Sydney went to his room while Claude and Raoul were working in the living room.

Raoul showed Claude the laptop screen. "What do you think?" he asked.

"Mhm," Claude hummed as he read what he typed. "It's good, very good."

"Alright," Raoul said and continued typing. "How's coding going?"

"Okay, I guess," he replied. "I'm still not sure about something, but it's nothing that crazy."

"I see," he muttered, tapping on the couch. "...How did that meeting with your parents go? Did anything weird happen?"

Claude looked up from his screen at Raoul and smirked triumphantly. "They bought our whole act," he said. "And they love him."

"That's... nice? I think?"

"Nice for us," Claude smirked and played around with the unfinished program. "Raoul, look! It works!" he said excitedly as Raoul quickly scooted over to him.

"So cool. Julia needs to see this," he whispered and turned to Claude. "How much more do you need to add?"

Claude grabbed his notebook and flipped through his notes he made. "Too much," he groaned and looked helplessly at the ceiling. "Bye-bye, free Sunday."

A/N I had three exams this week... English and Physics went well, but Dutch... Let's just say that I really wanted to end it after that exam (I couldn't even finish it and it got over 10k complaints). This upcoming week, I have Math and Biology and I'm not scared yet. The Monday after that I have Science, which is the reason why I'm not uploading next Sunday, but Tuesday or Wednesday. I have to learn everything I was supposed to know this year in two days and to write on top of that will be too much for my brain. Sorry for this, but I'll see you at the beginning of June. I'll be stressing for no reason and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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