Chapter 17

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"I never thought that there were villas this big and this close to New York," Claude mumbled as he looked at the luxurious buildings from the car window.

Adrian glanced back at him. "Big? If you already find these big, I wonder what you'll think when you see our actual house. The one we're going to is just a small vacation house of ours," he said, tapping the steering wheel.

Claude looked at Florence as he scooted over to the middle seat. "For real?"

Florence nodded while he was rapidly tapping his phone. "Yeah, our actual house in England is larger than this one but I haven't been there that often myself," he replied as Claude watched him beat up small enemies. "I've been raised here for most of my life since it's the nearest to the company, so the "vacation house" we're going to feels like home to me."

"So no British accent?" Florence shook his head and Claude slumped back. "Aw, that would've been cute..."

"I- What are you saying?" Florence asked flustered. He turned his head to Claude's pouty face and sighed. "Don't forget the rules I set up. Don't act flirty, don't be too touchy-"

"Speak formally to everyone, don't wander off, don't drink too much which I won't even do carelessly and some other shit. I get it, I get it," Claude grinned patting Florence's head. "Don't worry about it, everything will be fine."

Florence grabbed Claude's palm and took his hand from his head. "The reason why I put that rule about drinking is that Raoul told me that you like to get shit-faced when you feel shitty," he said, raising his eyebrow at Claude who didn't meet Florence's eyes.

"Those were only a handful of times!" Claude defended himself but Florence didn't look convinced. "And all those times I had good reasons!"

"We made it," Adrian announced and Claude stopped bickering to watch the tall gates open slowly. When it was wide enough for the car to fit through, Adrian drove inside and the gates closed behind them.

He stopped the car in front of the entrance where several maids and a steward were waiting. "You two better behave or you'll be in big trouble," he said, casting an intimidating smile to Claude and stepping out of the car. "Good afternoon, Edwin," Adrian smiled at the older steward.

Edwin bowed. "Good afternoon, master Adrian, master Florence," he spoke while the maids took their belongings out of the car. His eyes fell on Claude who was getting out of the car. "And you must be Claude, correct?"

"Ah, yes. It's a pleasure meeting you," Claude smiled and shook his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine," Edwin smiled politely.

"Have mother and father arrived already?" Florence asked as he put his phone away. "We still need to change before we meet them."

Edwin looked at their clothes and nodded. "You certainly do. All your and Claude's belongings will be in your room. Your parents will be here in 30 minutes and miss Carter will definitely hurry everyone to come here, so I suggest you two be quick."

Florence clicked his tongue and grabbed Claude's hand. "Hurry up Claude," he said, pulling on his arm. "We need to be ready before my mom sees you."

"Slow down, Flory," Claude chuckled as they sped walked up the stairs. Claude eyed the area around him during the rush and made a mental note to go back later.

Florence stopped at the end of the corridor and pushed the doors of his room open. "Finally," he sighed and rushed to their bags. He took out the boxes with the suits in and carefully opened them. He placed them on the bed and began taking his shirt off. "Claude, take off your clothes- Claude what are you doing?!"

"Just looking," Claude muttered as he curiously looked under the skirt of a figurine Florence had displayed. He put the figurine down and joined Florence by the bed. "Taking your clothes off in your bedroom? My, you're pretty bold~" he smirked and got Florence's shirt tossed at him. "What was that for?!"

"You asked for it," Florence shouted while buttoning the dress shirt. "Now stop joking around and go change your clothes."

"Fine," he grumbled and took his shirt off in one swift move. Florence was already dressed when Claude took his jeans off and decided to help him dress. Claude looked down at him while Florence was buttoning his shirt. Claude snapped his fingers which took Florence out of his concentration. "What are you thinking about?"

"About my father," he smiled and handed Claude the pants. "I'm worried about his reaction. He tends to be a little... overprotective of me."

"So that's where Adrian gets it," Claude muttered, zipping his pants up. "And you're scared that he'll see through our act?"

Florence shook his head and grabbed Claude's tie. "It's not that. My last relationship didn't end on a good note and father has been overprotective ever since," he explained as he fixed Claude's tie.

"How many years ago was that?"

Florence kept silent and did the math in his head. "When I was in high school so... four years ago? Mother set up a few blind dates for me when I didn't want to leave my room and that's around the time I met Charlotte. And after we hit off, father thought that it'd be a good idea to let us get engaged since it also has profit for both our families," Florence explained as Claude listened attentively.

"But you and Charlotte clicked, right? So why don't you just get married to her?"

Florence glared at him. "Well firstly, I'm into men. And secondly, she became a total bitch as time passed by," he replied. "Even to fake it, the marriage would be a hassle for me."

"Wouldn't it have been better to hire an actor?" Claude asked as he sat down on Florence's bed. "I know we look super sexy together, but that's the only thing I'm really good for though..."

Florence sat next to him. "I didn't think about that," he mumbled. "And it was too awkward to ask an actor I'm familiar with and I kind of knew you already. And looking back at my choices, I don't regret them," Florence whispered, averting his eyes out of embarrassment.

Claude looked up at the ceiling as he felt his face grow hot. "It's the same for me," he smiled and eyed Florence who tried to stop a smile from forming.

The silence broke when they heard knocking from the door. "Hello? Florence?" they heard. "Are you and your boyfriend already dressed?"

"Yes, come in!" Florence shouted and watched the door open. An older woman who resembled Florence stood at the entrance and took her glasses off with a bright smile. "Good evening, mother."

A/N AYYYYY THANK YOU FOR 1K!!! Pretty fast for Wattpad for real. This week has been alright to a certain extent. I pulled two of my wisdom teeth and haven't felt pain since the first day. Now I have to go on June 30th again and my dad had a great idea to go to Germany 3 days later. How fun. That sketch will come soon (and so is a cover). I need to get used to the drawing tablet. I'll be watching Trash Taste and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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