Chapter 7

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"Thank you for joining us today," Florence smiled at the camera. He chuckled when he saw that the chat was asking for Claude. "Sorry, Claude is making an assignment, so he can't join us right now. I'll ask him next time to join us again, alright? Goodnight!"

After ending the stream, he sighed and unmuted the discord call he was in with Parker. "God, I'm tired," he said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Florence. Your health comes first," Parker reminded him as Florence heard rapid clicking coming from his side. "OH SHIT! JUMIN, LOOK- Ah, he's asleep."

Florence chuckled at Parker's low grumbling. "Are you in the mood to grind some artifacts for Kaia? I'm only getting things for hydro characters and you'll also gain something out of it."

"Okay, let me log into my personal account real quick," he replied as Florence heard knocking coming from his door. He muted his mic again logged out of his account. "Come in!"

Claude peeked his head from the opening and looked at the pc screen. "Are you finished?" Florence nodded and Claude pushed the door open. "Phew! Now that that's finally over, what are your plans for this evening?"

"Play Henshin until I get tired," Florence replied. "And then eat some noodles and fall asleep, I guess."

"Haha, we're not doing that," Claude said, crossing his arms as Florence furrowed his eyebrows. "Have you forgotten that I'm here to take care of you?" He shook his head. "Dinner will be ready at 7 PM. Be ready at that time or I'll drag you out myself."

"Okay..." he mumbled, pouting at his screen while logging in.

"I'll be in the kitchen then," he smiled as he petted Florence's head. "Don't tire yourself too much."

Florence's hands went to his head as he watched Claude walk off. "Stupid pretty boy," he grumbled and unmuted his mic when Parker began calling for him. "Sorry, I got distracted by my roommate. What were you saying?"

"To let me in!" Parker shouted as Florence saw a joining request popping onto the screen.

Florence clicked accept as he refreshed his Twitter ok his second screen. He scoffed loudly when he saw that he was on number one of the trending page and scrolled through it, looking at all the people freaking out. He looked back at the other screen and saw Parker fighting some enemies with some under-leveled characters. "Alright. Let's finish this quickly."

While Florence was busy grinding, Claude put the lasagna in the oven as he was on the phone with Raoul. "Hah," he groaned and stretched his arms. "That's finally done."

"You're bringing me a piece too, right?" Raoul said and snickered when he heard Claude crying out of pain. "What happened?"

"I burned my hand on the stove," he hissed, putting his hand under cold water. "I thought that it cooled off already."

"Is it bad?" he asked. "Should I bring a first aid kit?"

"Nah, it's not worth any stress. I'll put some aloe on it and wrap it up," Claude replied and went to his room to grab his small first aid kit his mom gave him before he left home. He put a small layer of aloe vera onto it and bandaged his hand up while Raoul was explaining his idea for their assignment.

"I don't know if we have to make a program this time, but I'm always down to make one," Raoul said, finishing his rant. "What do you think?"

Claude closed the aloe vera pot and put the kit back in the drawer. "It's a good idea," he replied as he looked at his hand. "We can pass by professor Weller tomorrow to ask if we can do that."

"Okay then." Claude heard ruffling coming from Raoul's side. "Ah shit. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night."

"I'll search for some good subjects then. Goodnight," Claude said and Raoul ended the call. He leaned onto the drawer and looked around the bland room as ideas for decoration popped into his mind.

"I should buy some posters," he mumbled as he thought back at the small one's Soraya has. He felt his energy drain at the thought of her. "She'll definitely call me when she sees all the drama online," he thought and rubbed his eyes. "I don't have time to worry about that now."

Claude stared at the wall as he scratched his head, wondering what he was supposed to do. "Wouldn't be important if I forgot about it," he shrugged and went back to the kitchen. He glanced at the timer of the oven and saw that he still had a little over 20 minutes to kill. As he thought of something to do, he heard shouting coming from Florence's room. He squinted his eyes at the ajar door of his room, unsure if he had to check on Florence.

"...Florence?" Claude called and waited for a response.

Florence didn't shout anything back to him. Instead, he pulled the door open and peeked his head out. "Can you please help me?" he begged. "Parker left me for ice cream and I'm struggling alone in this domain."

"Why don't you ask the help of strangers?" he suggested as Florence pressed his lips together.

Florence lowered his head. "No one besides you and Parker coordinates well with me, so I always end up dying," he mumbled and looked at Claude with desperation. "Please, a few rounds. After that, we can do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want, you say?" Claude smirked as he stepped closer to Florence. "I'll be thinking about that offer then~"

"Did I just say something stupid?" Florence thought as Claude joined him in his room again. "My personal account isn't as good as my main and it hurts. You don't have to do a lot, even your support is good enough for me."

Claude sat on the other chair and launched the game on his phone. "No problem," he smiled, watching Florence kill some enemies while he tapped on his phone. "Hey, Flory."

Florence went to his inventory to pause the game and turned to Claude with a flustered expression. "Do you have to keep calling me that?" he whispered.

"It suits you," he grinned and his face became serious again. "How do you think your family will respond? About us "being together"."

"Hm..." Florence looked up at the ceiling as he slightly puckered his lips. "My mother would be happy and demand to meet you. But for my father... I wouldn't know, to be honest."

"I see," Claude mumbled.

"What about your parents? Or your siblings? Do any of them know me?" he asked, curious to know his answer.

Claude stood up when the doorbell chimed. "I'll go get it," he said and smiled at Florence's pout. "I'll be quick."

Claude went to the front door while both of them were wondering who could be at the door. He pushed the handle down and pulled the door open. "Good evening-" Claude was abruptly interrupted with a phone shoved into his face.

"What the fuck is this?!"

A/N It's been so fucking busy today with doing my hair and my cousin's birthday. That's why the chapter is up so late. But never mind that, IF I win 50/50 on that stupid game Tuesday, there'll be a double update next week, which will be up Wednesday or Thursday. If not, I'll see you guys Sunday again. I'll be resting my eyes and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

Ps. thank you for 100 reads!!

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