Chapter 22

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"Pleaseee join me for my new music video! Pretty pretty please~" Sydney begged, looking at Florence with puppy eyes to try and win him over.

Florence's face didn't change as Raoul and Claude started to eat. He glanced at them dirtying their fingers with the sauce and looked back at Sydney who was still looking desperately at him. "What if I say no?" he questioned.

Sydney's eyes widened and slowly turned to Raoul who was too focused on what was on his plate than their conversation. "Hey Raoul, help me out," he hissed.

Raoul stopped chewing and turned to Sydney with an annoyed expression. "Can't you see that I'm eating? It ain't my problem," he replied, making Claude snicker.

"Bitch," Sydney whispered under his breath, which Raoul heard.

"I don't think you wanna mess with me right now," he replied as he held his greasy hands up. "Try me bitch. I will put them all over you."

Sydney fell silent and crossed his arms with a pouty face. He looked up at Florence listening to Claude's instructions on how to eat the quesa tacos.

"...and after you dip it in the sauce, you can just enjoy the meal at its peak," Claude said as Florence nodded while looking at Claude's hands.

"Florence!" He raised his eyebrow at Sydney. "Please do it for me! You love me, right?" He kept silent. "...right?"

Florence pressed his lips together. "I'll think about it," he sighed as Sydney clenched his fist.

"So close but there's a chance," Sydney thought and turned to his plate to see it half full. "What happened to my share?!"

Raoul coughed and pretended as if he was shocked. "Damn, that's strange," he said in a monotone voice. "Maybe you ate it yourself while you were talking. Wouldn't be the first time."

He looked at Raoul's plate which was much fuller than when they sat down and gasped loudly. "You stole it!"

"You're imagining it," Raoul replied, shaking his head and stuffing his mouth full again. With his mouth full, he continued talking, "but because I'm a nice person, I'll give you one," he added, dropping one on his plate.

Claude watched them bicker again and cleaned his fingers with a napkin. "I'll grab the other plate," he said to Florence who told him that it was for the best.

After they finished dinner, Sydney kept annoying Florence about starring in his music video while Florence zoned out as he played a game on his phone.

Florence swatted Sydney's hand away as he tried to get close to his phone screen. "Don't even think about it," he hissed.

"C'mon Flory, don't be like that," Claude sighed, as Sydney complained to Raoul about how mean Florence was acting. "If you give him a straight answer right now, he'll shut up and go home."

"Yeah! Raoul and I still want to watch a movie at his place!" Sydney butted in.

"Oh, at your place huh..." Claude smirked as Raoul pushed his face away from him.

"He told me that he wants to see how normal people live," he replied as Sydney yelled how that wasn't true. "And he mentioned that he wanted to see my place."

Claude's smirk grew wider. "Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that," he said and laughed at Raoul flipping him off.

"Please Florence, do it for me!" Sydney begged, sticking like glue on his arm. "I don't want to hire a dumb actor again! You're the only person who's perfect for this one. I need you!"

Florence paused the game and looked down at him. "I'm too busy with both school and my modeling to also do that. And I'm not lying, you can ask Paris for my schedule," he said as Sydney looked dejected at Florence's phone but he hadn't given up yet.

"Just you wait," Sydney whispered as Florence wasn't listening anymore. "I'll make sure you'll get free time for my video."

The next day, Claude was shaken awake by Raoul when their class ended. "Wake the fuck up," Raoul shouted in his ear, making Claude abruptly sit up straight. "It's the beginning of a new year and you're still doing this shit. Get your shit together dude."

Claude rubbed his eyes. "Why should I? I'm doing just fine," he replied and looked at the time. "Lunchtime already? Let's go to the cafeteria I guess. Florence must be waiting there for us."

"Come before you fall asleep again," he said as he pulled Claude by his collar.

"Give me a second," Claude groaned as he put his laptop in his backpack and stood up to follow Raoul.

In the cafeteria, they spotted Florence eating at a table in the back waiting for them with some food. Claude took Florence's glasses from his face and sat down next to him. "Hey baby," Claude smiled, kissing his cheek.

"What are you doing?!" Florence shrieked, grabbing his glasses back from Claude with a beet-red face.

Claude grabbed Florence's pasta and began eating it. "It's been a few months, Flory. How are you still not used to this?" he asked, grinning at him. "But I don't really care, it's still cute~"

"Hey, stop eating my lunch!" He took his plate back, making Claude stain his cheek. His eyes widened when he saw what he did and quickly grabbed a napkin to clean Claude's cheek. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"Thank you, honey~," he said sweetly as he tried to kiss his cheek again.

Florence stopped him as he averted his eyes from Claude. "Stop, Raoul is sitting right in front of us," he whispered.

"Like he's looking at us," Claude scoffed, nodding at Raoul who was watching a video with his earbuds in. "See? So, where were we..."

They heard one of Sydney's songs play from Florence's phone. Florence sighed relieved as Claude clicked his tongue and let Florence's hands go. He grabbed his phone and answered it. "Hello, Florence speaking," he said and glared at Claude who was eating his pasta.

Claude watched Florence's facial expressions change from serious to puzzled as he was brainstorming on how he could make this pasta better at home.

"Got it. I'll be there after school. Goodbye," he said and ended the call with a frown on his face.

"Who was it?" Claude asked.

"My manager. She told me that I have to meet her somewhere after school and take you with me," Florence replied, still puzzled about it. "She said it has something to do with Syd."

"Oh, so that's why." They looked at Raoul who spoke up. "I already know what it's about. I'll tag along."

A/N school is starting Wednesday and I've only bought a new laptop... I still have to order my books but it's 600 euro for the whole year and that's A LOT. I'm planning to buy for the 1st-semester rn but that's still 300 euro but it is what it is. I'm still tired of working the whole day, so till next week. I'm gonna drink some coffee and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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