Chapter 41

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"Isn't this romantic?" Claude said as he gestured to the picnic he set up on a sunny spring day in central parks. "I really think that I outdid myself this time," he added with a boastful smile on his face.

Florence scanned their picnic spot. He did think that Claude did his best with it but there was only one small thing that was bothering him. "It's great, Claude. But why are Sydney and Raoul here?" he asked as Sydney was rummaging through the food Claude brought.

"Jackpot!" Sydney cheered as he held up the smoked salmon sandwich Claude made especially for Florence. "Raoul! I found the good shit he made for his dumb boyfriend!"

The sandwich was snatched away from Sydney's hands. He looked up at the person who did it and saw Florence with an irritated expression. "Could you explain to me why you two are here?" he asked through gritted teeth.

Before Sydney opened his mouth to reply with a cheeky remark, Raoul answered his question. "Claude told us about this and Sydney wanted to tag along," he said as Sydney nodded.

"I told Claude that we would also join, so I'm hoping that he also made something for us," Sydney added and looked in Claude's bag again.

Florence looked at Claude with a deep frown who shrugged. "He only sent me one message before we left that they're on their way here so I made some extra just to be sure," he said as Sydney tried to push some food into Raoul's mouth.

Claude sat on the cloth he brought as he pulled Florence down with him so he could sit on his lap. Florence got a little startled by the sudden movement and got a sandwich shoved in his face as he sat down on Claude's thigh. Florence's face lit up when he took a bite and fell in love with the taste. "You like it?" he asked and Florence nodded excitedly. "That's good to hear. I tried some other things this time but I wasn't sure if you'd enjoy it."

"I would eat this every day on set if I had the option," Florence commented after he swallowed and Claude handed him the rest.

"How far are you guys already with recording?" Sydney asked as Florence looked back at Sydney clinging onto Raoul which they were used to already.

"We had a small delay because of the weather but everything is going smoothly. We're already at the third episode and there are still eight left for the season to wrap up," he explained but trailed off when he saw that Sydney's attention went back to eating. "Don't ask if you're not interested," he mumbled, rolling his eyes as Claude chuckled at his behavior.

"Don't act so cranky, Flory. Just talk to me if Syd's attention is somewhere else. I am your boyfriend, aren't I?" Claude smiled which turned into a smirk when he saw Florence avoiding eye contact with a red face. "Aw, still shy around me baby? We've already been a couple for almost a year but you still act as if we just got together," he chuckled as Florence pouted.

"It's almost been a year huh," Florence mumbled while thinking about how they met face to face in June last year, more than 10 months ago.

Claude nodded as he stared at the clear sky. "Yeah... pretty crazy how fast time flies by," he said and smiled fondly at Florence. "I'm grateful that I could spend it together with you. Thanks for choosing me to stand by your side."

Florence's face flushed even more by Claude's words which sounded like a confession to him. After their date a few months ago, Florence became more conscious around Claude after their failed attempt at a kiss on the Ferris wheel. After they got back home, he acted as if nothing happened but till this day the memory kept spiraling in his head. He wasn't sure if his feelings were real or he was just embarrassed with Claude constantly flirting with him. Florence kept wondering if Claude was serious about every word he said or if he was just playing around like he always does.

"What are you spacing off for, sunshine?" Claude asked, catching Florence's attention again. "Penny for your thoughts? Or do you want me to distract you?" he smiled suggestively.

Before he wanted to scold Claude about his question, Florence bit his lip as he turned and wrapped his arms around Claude's neck. "How will you distract me?" Florence asked with a coy smile as he glued his whole body against Claude's to see how he would react.

Claude blinked at Florence's response that wasn't the same as usual but stirred something deep inside of him. "Oh, I'll show you, babe," he whispered as his hands rested on Florence's hips. "When we're done, you won't be able to think of anyone but me~."

"Did you two forget that we're still here?" Sydney spoke as Florence hid his face in Claude's neck out of embarrassment.

"And that you two are in public?" Raoul added, sighing with a disappointing face when he saw Claude's goofy grin.

Sydney shoved the rest of his sandwich in his mouth. "Just fuck as we did already. It'll get rid of that annoying ass tension you two have," he said indifferently that made Claude and Florence look at them with faces of disbelief.

"What?!" they both shouted as Raoul smacked the back of Sydney's head. "When?!"

Raoul sighed at Sydney's cheeky grin. "Y'all remember that new year's party at my place?" They nodded. "Well, after you two left, Syd and I kept drinking and started playing truth or dare. One thing led to another and we fucked a few times I guess."

"And now we're together in a happy relationship!" Sydney grinned as he hugged Raoul's arm, who sighed with a hint of despair.

Claude closed Florence's open mouth as he shrugged. "I already knew it would happen to be honest," he replied, smirking at Raoul. "He falls exactly in your taste. Small, bratty, and annoying."

"Hey! Who are you calling annoying?" Sydney demanded as Raoul scoffed with a small smirk.

"Look who's talking. Seems you also found someone who falls in your taste," Raoul said, eyeing Florence. "Pretty, shy, and very tsundere."

Claude and Sydney laughed as they looked at Florence glaring at Raoul. "And he's perfect in every way," Claude smiled, kissing Florence's cheek.

Sydney nudged Raoul as they watched Florence slapping Claude. "Remember our first bet of when they will get together from a while ago? I bet three months," he said.

They looked at Claude and Florence bickering and Raoul shook his head. "Nah, it'll take two months max. Trust me on this one," Raoul replied.

A/N I'm back from my break with jet lag and no stable plot set in stone for this last arc! I was meant to come up with something and have a few chapters ready for Patreon but after I finished the last arc I started drawing bday art for Thoma... and I kept drawing... and I went to NYC last week... so I speedran this chapter on the way home and finished it yesterday. I'll be moving the weekly upload day to Monday cause it's better for me and my proofreader. Thank you for reading and welcome to the final arc. I'll definitely edit this whole book to make it more like they do live in Manhattan. I'll continue drawing Kazuha for my friend's bday and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

Twitter and Insta: reylysay

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