Chapter 59

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James stared at him. "So... was that it?" he asked as he wasn't too impressed with Claude's idea.

Claude, thinking he had a solid idea, stared back at him blankly. "What did you expect from someone like me who doesn't do shit like this at all?" he said as James's expression didn't change. "But that's why I need your help. I don't have a single clue on how I can deal with Adrian."

He let out a sigh, thinking about what could be the best way to deal with him. "He would be suspicious if I randomly called him. He's always the one who calls and visits me for business," James said.

"Why don't you act like you have something important at the office that he wants?" Claude suggested as James shook his head. "Or that you'll become Flory's bodyguard so that he'll leave the house to make you sign a contract or some shit."

"But what if he forces me to come to their house instead? He's already been there for a few days," James replied, remembering how Adrian had canceled some meetings because of him working from home.

"Just make some shit up to make him come running to you. Act like you have some dirt on Raymond that could give him some time in prison," Claude said as James hummed while noting that down.

"That's the first thing you've said that doesn't sound that stupid, " he spoke as Claude rolled his eyes and sat down on the chair in front of James's desk. "But it still isn't enough. Adrian already told me what he has done to keep him away from Florence, but it wasn't anything big in my opinion."

Claude raised his eyebrow. "What exactly?" he asked.

James wondered if it affected the Carter family if he told Claude about it but he wasn't in the mood to care that much. "He arranged for Raymond to attend his dream college to get him away from Florence," he said and Claude furrowed his eyebrows.

"...That's it? Adrian did that?" Claude asked with a confused face as James nodded. "That's shittier than my idea. I thought of something to fuck with Raymond, Adrian just spent way too much money to get him away from Flory." Adrian agreed. "But if our ideas are shit, what was your idea?"

James put away his reading glasses and looked at Claude blankly. "Something that would back him off completely," he replied, no emotion detected in his voice.

Claude's eyes widened as he looked around as if more people were listening to their conversation. "Yeah... I don't want anything to do with that if we're thinking about the same thing," he said, which made James chuckle.

"With this whole situation, it's the only reasonable option," he sighed as Claude still watched him with judging eyes. "I hope for you that Florence isn't as demanding as Adrian for your own sake."

"He isn't demanding at all..." Claude trailed off as James had a small amount of jealousy visible in his eyes. "But when are you available to plan this all out? Should I ask Wyatt for support?"

"We'll see how everything pans out," James replied as he slid his business card to Claude. "You can contact me at this number. Try calling it tomorrow at this time so we can plan a date to talk this all over again. I must see first if I'm allowed to do certain things..."

Claude nodded slowly as he took the card. "Alright..." He stood up and put on a big smile, pretending that he didn't hear that last part. "I'll be going then. Good luck with work and your sanity!" he grinned with an overly cheery voice as he went out of his office.

James let out a chuckle. "Thank you and goodbye," he said and Claude closed the door.

He stood there as he thought back at what James had said. "I swear, rich people are fucking crazy," he thought as he looked at the fancy business card. "How do Adrian and Flory know these kinds of people?!"

As Claude walked to the elevator, he bumped into someone. "Sorry," Claude apologized and his eyes widened when he saw that he bumped into Julius.

Julius inspected him from head to toe as Claude kept watching him with curious eyes. "What's your name?" he asked.

Claude frowned but responded anyway. "Claude... why?" he asked as he met Julius's eyes again.

"What was so important that you needed to talk to James about it?" Julius asked, narrowing his eyes out of suspicion.

"Nothing that important, only something work-related, haha," Claude lied, laughing awkwardly because he thought it wouldn't be a good idea to share what they talked about with James's boss.

Julius knew that he was lying and smirked. "So you're also going to deal weapons for me?" he asked as Claude's expression dropped. Claude's face made Julius break his character, making him laugh. "I'm just joking," he said, even though he wasn't. "Alright, bye!"

Claude watched Julius skip to James's office, ready to annoy him even more. He pressed the elevator button as his brain tried to process what happened with Julius. "I can't take rich people seriously at all."

When he arrived at the cafe Raoul was working at, he told him everything James said and his random encounter with Julius.

"And then I came here as fast as possible," Claud ended as Raoul had been quietly listening to him for a few minutes. "What are your thoughts?"

Raoul shook his head as he closed his laptop and notes. "I'm happy that I'm not a part of this AT ALL!" he said, grateful that his boyfriend didn't have a fucked up family from what he knows. "And what did he mean exactly with "need to see if he's allowed to do certain things"? Nah, they're going to torture the fuck out of him."

"That's what I thought!" Claude said as he perked up. "I just pretend I didn't hear shit because none of that is my business. But are you down to help me too?"

Raoul eyed him as Claude snickered. "Fuck no bitch. I already told you that I'm not doing any of that shit that can get me killed," he replied as Claude sighed dramatically at his reaction. "Have you already told Florence about this shit?"

Claude stared at him with a flat expression. "Yeah I did, I just got off a call with him just now," he deadpanned and Raoul matched Claude's face. "Of course I haven't. He can hardly call and I came here immediately to tell you. I'll try and call him later or try and text him everything but that will be such a pain," he sighed.

Raoul nodded as he put his things away. "Good luck with that, but are we still going to eat? I'm getting hungrier by the second," he said as Claude furrowed his eyebrows.

"But I haven't even ordered any coffee," he complained as Raoul ignored him.

"We'll come back another day," Raoul said as he stood up. "C'mon, it must be less crowded now that lunch is over."

A/N HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I haven't planned anything this year because I had to make an essay and finished it at 5 AM today and I needed to finish this before the day was over. This chapter was pretty fun to write. I can't guarantee that I'll do weekly updates but there will definitely be at least two chapters per month. I'm also going to work on a new story, which will be released a few weeks after this one finishes. But yeah, I'll try to write another chapter this week but there's no guarantee that there'll be an update. That's it for now. I'm going to the city for some boba and don't kill mice


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