Chapter 62

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Claude looked from his phone at Luke who was smiling awkwardly. "Oh shit," he whispered and a big smile spread on his lips. "Long time no see! How are you?"

"I'm doing pretty well, actually." He looked behind Claude and saw some people trying to get inside. "Maybe we should sit at a table over there," Luke said, nodding at the empty tables.

He nodded. "Of course, let me get something to drink first," Claude said and went to the register after Luke nodded.

Luke sat at an empty table and waited for Claude to return with his order. He sipped quietly on his americano and looked around the shop which had a cold interior. After a few minutes, Claude joined him with his white mocha.

"It was finished faster than I expected," Claude said, sitting down across from Luke. "But how's life treating you? Any good news? Or bad news? Or has it been the same these past months?"

He tried to keep up with how fast Claude was asking him the questions and he thought back to the last few months that he didn't see Claude. "It's been alright, I suppose. I've only been working more and finally got a brand deal with a big company," Luke replied as Claude looked impressed. "The only thing that didn't go smoothly is the shooting of the new drama where Florence is also in."

Claude grimaced as he got reminded that Florence was working on his acting career. "That doesn't surprise me," he muttered and already knew that Adrian wouldn't let Florence out of the house under any circumstance.

"Do you know why the shooting is halted though? Our producers don't want to utter a word about it and they don't have a set date for the continuation yet." Luke looked at Claude who still had a grimace on his face. "Could you fill me in?

"It's complicated, but I'll keep it short," Claude said as Luke listened attentively. "Flory has this stalker who knows almost everything about him and his family and his brother is keeping him at home for now," he explained as his expression became more confused. "...Which I still find a little weird and obsessive because it isn't like Flory doesn't have any work to do. But that's just my opinion."

Luke slowly nodded as he wrapped his head around what Claude summarized. "I see...," he said. "At first I thought that it had to do something with the Noah scandal Florence had." Just by mentioning his name, Claude's face turned sour. "Did I say something wrong?!

"You didn't, but just mentioning his name annoys me," Claude replied after taking a sip to see how hot his coffee was. "All this is still lowkey his fault. If he wasn't such a jealous bitch, there would be a high chance that Flory would still be at home. That whole drama definitely pushed Adrian to take such measures right now with that fucking stalker ex-boyfriend of Flory." Claude let out a groan. "I haven't seen anyone that petty in a while and that says a lot." The cafe door opened again and his face became sourer when he saw Noah matching his expression. "And of course, he comes in as if he could smell that I was talking shit about him."

"Hello to you too, Claude," Noah said, ignoring what Claude said.

"How do we have so many run-ins?" Claude asked him as Noah walked closer. "Are you also keeping tabs on me like Adrian and Raymond? Oh my God, I didn't know I was that famous!" he said, faking his excitement.

Noah stared at him, his sour face turning into a puzzled expression. "What the hell are you on?" he asked as Luke looked at Noah with a sheepish smile. "...Good afternoon, Luke," he said as he sat down at the table with Claude giving him a stink eye, wondering who allowed him to join them. "How have you been?"

"I've been doing good," he replied, which made Claude snort.

"Could've been better if you didn't start that bullshit with Flory back then," Claude sneered as Luke tried to calm him down. "What? Your shooting wouldn't be on pause if Noah didn't try to cause some drama. Raymond would've found him eventually though but not that quickly."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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