Chapter 20

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"I'm Charlotte. It's a pleasure to meet you," she smiled, shaking Claude's hands.

"The pleasure is all mine," he said back as he slightly raised his eyebrow at her weak grip. "Are you an acquaintance of the family?"

Charlotte nodded and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Yes, I am. I'm even closer than that," she answered. "It would be weird if you aren't close with your fiancée's family, wouldn't it?"

Claude faked being shocked but grinned happily at her. "So you're the fiancée of Flory? I've heard so many things about you from him and Adrian," he said and laughed at her surprised expression. "You're Flory's fiancée, of course he's going to talk about you and your relationship." His grin quickly turned into a smirk. "Since I'm in the picture now."

"That's the reason why I approached you," Charlotte spoke as she crossed her arms with a disapproving look in her eyes. "Someone like you doesn't deserve to be with Florence. I'm telling you before I get my family involved, stay away from the Carters. I shall compensate you well if you'll obediently follow my commands and break up with him."

Claude rubbed his chin as he looked at the ceiling, loud humming coming from his throat as if he was pondering to do it. "I appreciate the offer," he smiled. Charlotte's stubbornness faded when she saw Claude's sinister smile. "But why would I?"

Florence felt cold shivers running down his spine back in the main hall and looked behind him, wondering where Claude was. He turned back to his aunt who was still talking to one of his cousins and tried to lose the firm grip she had on his arm. "Aunt Olivia," he called.

Olivia told Florence's cousin to give them a second. "Yes?"

"Adrian is calling me. I totally forgot that he's introducing me to some important directors to launch my acting career," he said, half-lying about it.

Olivia looked dejected at him and let his arm go. "Just when I wanted to introduce you to a good friend of mine," she sighed. "But I understand, it's important for your career. Come back when you're done."

"Thank you, aunt Olivia," Florence smiled and said goodbye to his cousin he hardly knew.

Florence searched the grand hall for a few minutes but gave up when he didn't find a trace of Claude. "Where could he be?" he wondered as he roamed through the hallway. He heard people speaking at the end of it and immediately knew that Claude was speaking because of his distinct laugh.

"Finally!" He stopped in his tracks when he heard that the person Claude's speaking to was Charlotte. "Was she planning to confront Claude when he's alone?" He sighed and listened to what they were talking about.

"I can grant you anything you want if you leave him, yet you still want to stay with him. Why?" Charlotte demanded while Florence was hoping that Claude wouldn't say anything about their deal.

"Why? Because I like him, of course," Claude replied. "Do you think that your bribery would work on me?" He had a sarcastic grin on his face. "I'm not that easily swayed, only when Florence tells me what to do. Now, let's pretend this conversation never happened. We don't want to get the Carter's involved, do we?"

Charlotte smirked. "We'll see about that," she whispered and walked off with her head high, leaving Claude who stuck his tongue out at her.

"What was her problem?" he whispered, brushing a curl away which didn't want to keep in place.

"So that's where you were," Florence spoke as Claude turned to him with a smile.

"Hi honey," he smiled as he pulled Florence closer to him. "I was very sad when you left me alone. I'm glad you're back," he said, putting his head onto Florence's shoulder.

Florence patted Claude's back. "I'm sorry. I couldn't escape from her until now," he chuckled as Claude groaned in response. "Do you want to grab something to drink?" Claude nodded and raised his head. "Come, I know a quiet place where we can go after that."

After they each grabbed a glass of red wine and some snacks while Florence was avoiding Olivia, Florence led Claude to their garden which was dimly lit.

Florence sat down on the bench across from the water fountain and patted the space where Claude had to sit. "What did you two talk about?" he asked, referring to his and Charlotte's conversation.

Claude stretched his arms and slumped back. "Nothing really. She was just acting bitchy for no reason," he replied as he put his wineglass on the ground while Florence was sipping from his wine.

Florence looked down at his empty glass and eyed Claude's glass. "This tastes sweet," he thought and drank Claude's glass while he was still rambling about Charlotte.

"God, if I was a woman I would slap her dumbass face," he sighed and grabbed his glass. His eyes widened when he saw that Florence's wine glass was already empty and that Florence also finished his glass. "Flory, that's enough."

"Huh?" He looked down at his hands and back at Claude, to see that Claude had taken his wine glass back. "Claude, can I get more please~?" he smiled.

"No," he said as Florence was still fighting for it. He grabbed Florence's chin and forced his head up. Florence looked at him with glossy eyes. "Florence, are you already drunk?" he asked.

"Nooooo," Florence replied, a cheeky grin on his face. "Give me more!"

Claude. "There isn't more. I'll get you some water," he said.

"Nooo don't go!" he shouted, pulling at Claude's clothes. "Please stay with me," he mumbled. "I don't want to be all alone out here."

He glanced at Florence and back at the villa. "Alright then," he sighed and ruffled Florence's hair.

"So it is true that you're easily swayed by me," Florence said and instantly covered his mouth as if he said anything bad.

Claude narrowed his eyes as his mouth twitched. "Did you hear our conversation back then?" Florence nodded with a head held low. He tried not to smile. "That was very naughty of you, Flory. Do I have to punish you?"

Florence shook his head wildly. "Please don't! I'll behave!" he shouted while Claude was holding his laughter back.

"I'll let you off this time," he chuckled as Florence hugged him.

With his head on Claude's shoulder, Florence drew doodles on Claude's hand with his index finger. "Claudy?" he called.

"Yes, my sweetie?"

"Did you tell the truth when you told Charlotte that you like me?" he asked, playing with Claude's hand.

"Of course I like you. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here right now, right?" he replied, looking at the shimmering fountain.


"Yes, Flory. Real-" Claude got interrupted by him as he felt Florence's soft lips brush against his own.

Florence pulled his face back and smiled brightly. "I'm glad," he whispered and rested his head back on Claude's shoulder.

Claude stared at the fountain with a daze while he was pinching his cheek. "What the fuck," he whispered and touched his lips which still had Florence's warmth lingering on them. He looked at Florence and saw that he fell asleep.

"How could he sleep after that?!" He sat Florence straight and carried him bridal style with a fond smile on his lips, admiring his sleeping face. "It's been a tiring day, huh? Let's get you inside," he whispered, kissing his forehead.

A/N well, season/part/arc finale! How was this first season? It's been fun writing it. I'm glad that I didn't throw Florence and Claude in the bin of OC's I would never use and forced myself to mash two drafts together. It turned out pretty well? I think??? This past week has been busy with my mom coming for vacation, getting my diploma, and my birthday. And now that I'm 18, I have a lot of shit to take care of. So I'm going on a hiatus until August 15! Thank you for all the likes/votes and comments until now! I hope to see you guys soon and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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