Chapter 57

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"It seems like it's going to rain," the bar owner, Wyatt, said as he looked outside after inviting David inside.

"That explains why it's less busy today," David said as he saw only a handful of people drinking. He put his bag down at the bar and heard the sound of a bell running up to him. "Hi, kitty," David beamed as his face lit up.

Wyatt closed the door and went to David who was holding Wyatt's cat as a child. "I suppose so... it could also have to do with it being a Tuesday night," he replied, chuckling at David who was watching him with big eyes. "It doesn't really matter anyway. I'll close up earlier today." He ruffled David's hair and stood behind the bar. "What are you in the mood for?"

David thought deeply as he put it on his lap. "A black coffee maybe?" he said as Wyatt furrowed his eyebrows.

"Coffee? At this hour?" David nodded and he shook his head. "It's already too late for that. I don't need you bouncing around everywhere at this hour-" They heard the door open again and saw Claude scanning the room. Their eyes met and Claude slowly walked up to him without breaking eye contact.

"I need to ask you a favor," Claude said when he was close enough.

Wyatt raised an eyebrow as he glanced at David. "...What kind of favor, exactly?" he asked.

"Could you give me James's number?" Claude asked with a low voice. As Wyatt and David were both wondering why Claude was desperate for the number, Claude started explaining a part of the situation, leaving the stalker part out of it.

Wyatt did catch onto what the situation was because of James complaining about Adrian to him and David when he was present. When Claude finished, he nodded and thought if giving the number was rational. "I'm kind of up to date with the backstory. And... you want to talk to James about it?" Wyatt asked, a little concerned about what kind of favor he would ask. "If it gets that far, I'm also available to eliminate someone."

Claude's eyes bulged as he turned around to see if anyone else heard what Wyatt said while David happily played with the calico cat, acting like Wyatt didn't say anything terrifying. "I don't want to get in any trouble," he hissed and saw that all the customers were too busy in their conversations to listen to theirs.

Wyatt shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said. "But if you don't need James for that, then for what exactly is he so important?"

Claude sat down next to David while he was watching Claude's every move with curious eyes. "Okay, so here's my plan for now..." he began as the others listened attentively. "If I convince James to help me get Adrian out of the house, I can steal Flory- erm, Florence, back and fuck with Raymond if he's down."

They kept quiet for a while and David frowned. "And?" he said. "How are you going to fuck with him? Did you also plan that out or not?"

He shook his head. "Not yet," Claude replied, making them both sigh. "I was thinking about threatening him with something so he'd back off for good but even Adrian didn't stop Raymond and that says A LOT."

"Maybe if you could convince James to do something scary in front of him?" David suggested and looked at Wyatt. "Or if Wyatt wants to do that part..."

"No," Wyatt answered with a blank face. "I'm not going to meddle in other people's business. My hands are already full with some other things," he sighed, thinking back to his ex-boss.

David nudged Claude and gestured to him to come closer. "I can try and convince him if it really gets to that point. He's only saying that because his former boss has been annoying him these past days," he explained and Claude nodded knowingly. He pulled back and smiled brightly at Wyatt. "We should help him meet James, Wyatt."

"And why that exactly?" he asked, still feeling a little skeptical.

"Just because," David replied with a cheeky grin. "Just kidding~. But he seems sincere about this and I want to meet Florence again! It would be nice to befriend more actors, even though Florence isn't as active as me on the scene."

Wyatt looked at him with narrowed eyes but gave in when he saw David's puppy eyes. "...Fine. I'll call James and explain the situation to him," he said while he grabbed his phone. "Give me a minute."

As Wyatt walked away, David turned his attention back on Claude. "See! He can definitely help you if you get desperate. Only one look from me and he's on board."

"He's totally whipped," Claude whispered in awe, making David laugh.

"Aren't you also for Florence?" he teased and Claude nodded with no shame.

"I'd do anything for him, even if it puts my life on the line," Claude said, letting out a chuckle. "I mean, I'm here doing this crazy shit right now. If Adrian ever finds out or if something happened to Flory, he'll definitely put a hit on my head."

"Wow, he sounds crazier than what James told us," David said, worried for Claude as Claude wondered what James could've told them. "Is it true that he's overly obsessed with his brother?"

After a few minutes of talking about the Carter family and exchanging numbers, Wyatt walked back to them with his phone in his hand. "Alright, I have some good news," Wyatt said as the conversation between Claude and David died down. "He wants to meet you tomorrow at his office if that's possible."

"Depends on where it is exactly. I have a class tomorrow morning," Claude said and Wyatt told him where the building was located. "Hm... it isn't that far. Did he say around which time?"

"He said after 1 PM if that's good for you." Claude nodded and Wyatt texted James about it. "Then it's settled. "

Claude let out a relieved sigh. "I'm so glad that this visit wasn't in vain," he said as he put his head on the bar.

David mouthed "thank you" to Wyatt and waved in front of Claude's face. "Now that that's done, do you want to stay a little longer for a drink?"

A/N I have a bad habit of ending a chapter with a question I don't even know why. And I also have a bad habit of posting two days later than originally planned. That's because I dedicate my Sunday to writing and I plan Monday to edit after school but I'm always too tired. So here we are again! On a Tuesday!!! I'll change it later in the description. Thank you all for reading again and stay healthy! I'm going to make dinner and don't kill mice


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