Chapter 9

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"I found another person for our group," Raoul said to Claude as they were packing their bags. "And I already told professor Weller about it."

"Alright, I guess," Claude said, closing his backpack. "Are they actually helping or do we have to do everything again?"

Raoul shook his head. "Nah, she'll help. I've worked with her and from what I know, she isn't someone who would go and ditch us," he replied and stood up from his chair. "We'll meet her at the cafe soon."

"Fine," he sighed as they walked out of their class and headed to the campus. As they were going to the nearest cafe by their campus, Claude received a message from Florence who asked him if he can come online for a few minutes. He chuckled and told him to wait five minutes.

Raoul narrowed his eyes at Claude's behavior. "So... how's it going with that Florence guy?" he asked reluctantly. It's already been a few days since Claude explained the situation to Raoul, but he still can't wrap his head around that his best friend is pretending to date a celebrity. "He's meeting your parents tomorrow, right?"

"Uh-huh," he answered and grinned at Florence telling him to hurry up. "Soraya already knows though," he said, getting annoyed at the thought of her.

"And she's okay with this?"

Claude glanced up at him with a raised brow. "Don't know, don't care. She isn't my mom so I won't take any advice from her," he said and looked at him while typing a response. "Why? Do you want to say something about it?" he sneered.

"...I just want to look out for you," Raoul muttered, scratching the back of his neck. "Y'know how social media is, one dumb mistake and your whole life turn to shit. I don't want that to happen to you."

"Aw, thank you for your consideration," Claude cooed, laughing at Raoul's awkwardness. "You don't have to worry about it. I know how to avoid those things~" he winked as Raoul shuddered.

"I'm just saying," he said and began walking faster.

Claude put his phone in his pocket and sped walked to catch up to him. "Did you get embarrassed?" Claude asked, smirking smugly.

"Shut up before I beat your ass," Raoul threatened and saw that they were nearing the cafe. "Finally." Raoul opened the door and looked around the room while Claude continued making smug remarks. He held his hand up at Claude when he spotted her at a table in the back.

Claude followed his gaze and pointed at her. "Is that her?" he whispered while she was typing away on her laptop.

Raoul pushed his face away from him. "Don't put your goddamn face so close man," he whispered back as he pushed Claude's face away.

"Okay, damn," he said as he rolled his eyes.

They went up to her and Raoul tapped her shoulder. "Hey, Julia," he smiled.

Julia took out an earbud and grinned when she saw him. "What's up dude!" she said as Raoul sat down next to Claude. "Thank you for letting me join you guys, if not I had to join a group who won't do anything again."

"No problem," Claude smiled as he leaned his head onto his fist. "Professor Weller also didn't budge when we asked him if we could work in a pair, so you were our next best option." Claude's cheerful eyes turned cold in a second. "Let's cut straight to the case. If you're planning on not doing anything and not show up to group meetings, be my guest. I only want to know since I don't have time to waste on people who pretend to do something."

Raoul smacked the back of his head, causing him to almost hit his head on the wooden table. "If you don't shut the fuck up I swear on my momma I'll beat your ass." He smiled apologetically at Julia who stared at Claude. "I'm sorry he's like that. Let's just say that he had a few bad experiences."

Julia blinked at him and waved him off with a smile. "Don't worry, I'd also say something between those lines to our other classmates when I have to work with them," she replied and saw Claude's cold glare turn cheerful again.

"Good that we're on the same page," he said as he opened his phone. "Now that that's settled..." Claude turned to look at Raoul and opened the game that Florence needed support with. "Explain our idea to her. From what we have right now, we can finish it two days before the deadline just how I like it~"

"He likes to see people lose sleep over an assignment while we are already done with everything," Raoul explained to Julia as Claude nodded. "He's good at his job, that's all you need to know."

"I see..." she mumbled and closed her laptop. "What do you guys have already?"

"Let me show you," he grinned, glancing at Claude who was messaging Florence. "He's helping a... friend of his with something," Raoul explained when he saw Julia's curious expression.

"Yeah, I'll close it off when Raoul finished explaining," Claude said and Julia nodded.

Raoul opened the document as Claude grabbed his notes and showed them to her. Raoul went to sit next to her and explained in depth what kind of program they were making and showed the script they already had. Julia was amazed at how neatly it was done and Claude felt his ego grow with every praise.

"Yeah, Claude wrote most of the code because he's the best with scripting," Raoul said. "I, on the other hand, am better with making a neat assignment which Claude is bad at. I remembered once in high school when he got a 60 because he used informal language," he chuckled as Claude pressed his lips together.

"I didn't know you couldn't do that," Claude said, trying to defend himself.

"That isn't an excuse," Raoul replied, shaking his head. He showed the essay that he started which was for a quarter complete.

"It's going smoothly for now," Claude said, catching the attention of Raoul and Julia.

"When did you stop playing?" he asked.

"A few minutes earlier. Florence abandoned me," he sighed as he grabbed his notebook and a pencil. "Let me see what I have to add..."

Half an hour passed by smoothly with them working while the cafe became quieter. Claude put his pencil on the table and groaned. "That's done for now," he whispered to himself and watched Raoul and Julia making the essay together. He looked at his phone but didn't see a message from Florence.

"I wonder what he's doing," Claude thought and frowned when he saw someone who looked like Florence standing next to a smaller person at the register. "Is that him? The fuck is he doing here? And who is that with him?"

A/N I wasted over a hundred euros yesterday (my headphones broke) and it hurts. And soon when I turn 18 I'll get fucking drowned by all the bills I'll get. But that's a problem for over three months. Thank you for reading! I wonder who was with Florence... *shakes head* we'll find out next week. Stay safe and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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