Chapter 34

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Soft knocking came from Florence's bedroom door. Florence slightly turned his head to it, taking his eyes away from the bright PC screen that lit up his dark room.

"Flory?" Claude called, slight concern hinted in his voice. "You've been locked up in your room since yesterday when we got back. Aren't you hungry? Need me to make you anything?"

Florence glanced at his stock of snacks he saved for occasions like this. He felt the guilt eating him up as he stayed quiet and continued playing his game.

Claude clicked his tongue as he heard the sound of Florence's mouse clicking rapidly. "It's no use," he thought as he went back to the living room. He plopped onto the couch and watched TV, waiting for Florence to make an appearance. As the episode ended, Claude let out a frustrated groan and grabbed his phone to dial Sydney's number.

Sydney immediately answered. "What's up, Claude?" he asked with a cheerful tone. "Hasn't Florence got out of his bedroom yet?"

"No," he replied, sighing helplessly. "He's been locked up in there for a whole day already and he doesn't want to reply to anything I say or text."

The other side of the line went quiet. "Alright. I'll be there in less than an hour with some things he likes. Have you made dinner?"

"I was planning to but-"

"Don't," Sydney cut him off. "I'll order some food from his favorite restaurant. RAOUL!"

Claude jerked his head away as Sydney kept shouting at Raoul that they'll head out soon. "What's Raoul doing there?" he asked after Sydney yelled okay at Raoul.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Sydney replied smugly. "We'll be there soon. Try to get Florence out of his room in the meantime."

"With what?" Claude asked.

"Think about it a little. You'll come up with something," Sydney grinned and ended the call.

Claude stared at his phone as he brainstormed ideas to lure Florence out of his room. "How to get a cat out of their cage," he whispered as he walked to the kitchen. He roamed through the cabinets and fridge for a snack that Florence likes but didn't find anything. The doorbell rang and he sprinted to it to open it. "Who could that be?"

"A package for Mr. Carter," the delivery person said as they handed the package to Claude.

Claude smiled. "Thank you, have a nice day," he replied and shut the door back. He didn't hear Florence's footsteps coming to the door so Claude assumed that he had his headset on.

He looked at the large package and whipped his head to the bedroom door. Claude put the package on the kitchen island and opened it with a knife skillfully. Next to the two figurine boxes he saw, there were some clothing packages that looked concerning in Claude's eyes. He set them apart and opened the biggest package. "No fucking way," he muttered as he held the dress in front of himself.

Florence let out a sigh as he closed the game. He looked at his phone and skimmed through the messages he received. His head perked up when Claude knocked on the door again.

"Florence?" he called, catching Florence's attention when he didn't use his nickname. "I know that I joked about acting like a maid for you but you didn't have to go this far..."

Florence's eyes widened as he got off his chair, unlocked the door, and opened it. The color drained out of his face as he saw Claude holding the maid dress up.

"Ah, so this is what it took to get you out of your room," Claude said, looking down at the short dress. He glanced at Florence who was staring at it in horror as his lips pulled into a smirk. "I'm not sure if this could fit me though. So who did you buy it for?"

Florence snatched it from Claude's hands and looked down at it with a beet-red face. "I bought it because someone requested it with my channel points," he whispered and narrowed his eyes at the other things that came together with it. "...Have you seen something else in the box?"

"Not really." Florence sighed, feeling a little relieved. "Never mind, I saw the cat ears and stockings."

Florence took a few steps back and slammed the door shut in front of Claude. Claude pushed the door back open before Florence locked it and grabbed him by his waist. "What's wrong, Flory? Don't you want to try them on for me~?" Claude purred as Florence shook his head vigorously. "C'mon Flory~. I'll cosplay anything you buy only for you~."

Florence turned his head to Claude. "Anything?" he whispered and Claude nodded. He took Claude's hand away and pushed him out of his room. He walked to the kitchen, grabbed the rest of the packages, and went back to his room. "Give me a minute," he whispered and shut his door.

"How long will it take for him to get out of there?" Claude wondered and went back to the living room to wait.

Minutes passed and Florence quietly walked out of his room. He stood at the corner of the wall, peeking at Claude who was watching a video on his phone. He cleared his throat, making Claude turn his head curiously. "Does it look weird?" he asked, feeling embarrassed by Claude's eyes on him.

"Could you stand here for a sec?" Claude smirked, gesturing to him to stand in front of him. Florence hesitantly walked to the spot as he kept averting Claude's stare. "Turn around for me, Flory," he said.

Florence covered his deep blush with his hands as he felt Claude's eyes burning on his back. "What do you think?" he asked as he raised his head again.

"Could you come a little closer?" Claude asked. Florence turned back to him and took a few steps to him. When he was close enough, Claude grabbed him by his waist and let Florence sit on his lap. He grinned mischievously at Florence as he played with the frills of the dress.

"...Did you really have to do that?" Florence whispered as he couldn't calm his face down while Claude kept touching him everywhere.

"Does it bother you, babe?" Claude said, grabbing his chin softly and bringing it closer. "I'm wondering what you'll buy for me. Maybe I can put up a good show for you~," he whispered in Florence's ear, squirming under his touch.

"W-Wait Claude-" Florence said as he felt his hand stroking his thigh.

"Hm?" Claude hummed, softly biting Florence's ear as he bit his lip, trying to hold back a moan.

"WE'RE HERE!" Sydney yelled and stared at Claude and Florence on the couch. After it was processed in his mind, he turned back to Raoul. "Call me when you're done with... that," he said.

A/N MY DUTCH CLASS IS ONLINE TOMORROW LESS GOOOO!!! Thank you for all the support it stills feel surreal that this happened and all these new eyes are reading the story! My friend is still busy with the cover but drew my new pfp... cat maid Florence... goodnight guys. I'll be playing SMT or watching another skz vid and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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