Chapter 15

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"So the media wasn't lying? You're really dating THAT Florence?!" Angela shouted. "Without telling me first?!"

Claude shushed her as he looked around to see if Angela didn't disturb the customers. "Don't forget that we're working," he whispered, pointing at their clothes.

Angela snickered. "I did tell you to sell yourself, but that was a dumb joke. I didn't know that you were serious about that," she said.

Claude shook his head. "Do you remember when I told you about my online friend?" Angela nodded. "Yeah, I met them. And guess who it was."

She furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to connect the dots. She looked at Claude with disbelief as he smirked. "Don't tell me that it was Florence all along." Angela gasped when Claude hummed proudly as if he won the ultimate prize. "What the fuck."

"I'm just that lucky," he smirked.

"For now," she muttered as Claude raised his eyebrow. "What's your plan when you have to meet his parents? Aren't you meddling with Florence's engagement?"

"I forgot that he's engaged," Claude whispered to himself and chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I already have something in mind for that and I still have-" He glanced at the calendar behind Angela. "-less than two weeks until I'll meet them."

Angela put her hand on his shoulder. "Good luck with that. I'm so glad that that isn't my problem," she said and went to the cash register when she saw a customer standing there.



Florence took the phone from his ear and smiled at the makeup artists, telling them to ignore the screaming. When she calmed down, Florence put his phone back against his ear. "Good afternoon, Paris," he smiled. "Hasn't Adrian told you why yet?"

"...Now that you mention it, Adrian did send an email to me," she said, scrolling through her mail via her laptop. "Ah, found it! Let's see..." Florence looked at his phone to check if Paris didn't hang up. "Oh, very well," she replied. "Come by my office when you're done."

"Alright, goodbye," Florence grinned and slumped his shoulders when Paris hung up. "That could've been avoided if Adrian had called her," he thought and thanked the makeup artists when they finished. He saw that Claude sent him a photo and giggled at the goofy photo he sent from work.

Claude: Hope everything's going well~

Florence smiled at his message and sent him a sticker in return. The door of the dressing room opened and a young guy walked in with a pissed-off expression. "Why aren't you in the studio yet?!" he demanded.

Florence raised his head from his phone and looked from the mirror at him. "Good afternoon Noah. What brings you here?" he asked, leaning his head on his fist as he crossed his legs. "Do you need something from me?"

"Everyone is waiting for you to get ready, yet you're taking your sweet time on your phone," Noah replied, crossing his arms. "Don't you have a job to do? Stop wasting my time, I have better things to do."

Florence rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair. "Give me a sec, I still have to change my shirt," he said, forcing a smile.

Noah shut the door and sighed loudly as he dropped to his knees. "He's still so beautiful," he thought, staring at the door. "Man, I really want to see him change. How smooth is that porcelain skin of his? Argh, I want to see him squirm under my touch, tease him until he cries out of pleasure-"

"What are you doing?"

Noah quickly stood up and cleared his throat. "My bracelet came off," he said to Florence as he showed him his hand where it was on.

"Sure..." Florence said and went to the studio with Noah close behind.

"Florence!" Florence turned his head to the director who was waving his hand at him. "Now that you're finally here, we can start this photoshoot." He got off his chair and gestured to them to stand in front of the white canvas.

"Firstly, we'll take pics of you two together, and then there'll be individual shoots. If you guys can cooperate well on this, we'll be finished quickly. Sounds good?" he said and they nodded. "Alright, carry on then."

"Don't get in my way, rich boy," Noah whispered to Florence with a smirk.

Florence didn't respond to his snarky remark and glanced at the time. "It's already 2 PM... If we finish in two hours, I still have time to buy some boba tea for me and Claude," he thought and felt motivated.

After two hours of posing and trying his best not to get annoyed by Noah's remarks, he was back in the dressing room as he waited for Claude to pick him up.

While he was texting Claude, Claude entered the building Florence was in. "Hm, where is Florence's room?" he wondered as he went through the corridor. As he turned the corner, he bumped his shoulder against Noah and let his phone fall. "Ah, sorry-"

"Watch where you're going," Noah snarled as Claude grabbed his phone from the floor. Noah glanced at the screen and saw that he was talking to someone named Flory. He looked at Claude's face and recognized him instantly. "You... what are you doing here?"

Claude smiled. "And who are you?" he asked, playing innocent. "Ah, you're a fan of Flory, right? Then you must've seen the news about us. I'm here to pick him up."

""Flory"?" he repeated. "Do you think that you can call Florence that? You're nowhere near Florence's level, so why are you acting so casual with him?!" Claude held back a smirk as Noah got more heated by the second. "And I'm not his fan! I'm his senior, so show some respect."

"Oh," Claude smirked and turned his phone off, "don't tell me you're jealous of me. I'm sorry that I'm so good-looking, I can't help it," he sighed dramatically. Behind Noah, he saw Florence walking up to them. "Hey, Flory~"

"I told you to come to pick me up in my room," Florence pouted and glanced at Noah who was glaring at the both of them. "Do you have something else to say?" he smiled as Claude smirked smugly at him.

Noah clicked his tongue. "Forget it," he said, walking away with his head high.

Florence sighed and turned to Claude who was sticking his tongue out at Noah. "Ignore him. He's been like this since the day I met him," he said. "But now that he's finally gone, let's buy some boba before we have to go again."

"Huh? Where are we going?" Claude asked.

Florence grimaced slightly. "I'll tell you on our way there."

A/N I've finished my exams and I'll get the results Thursday. There's a high chance that I didn't make my Math well, so I'm preparing myself to hear that I failed. I also put on braces last Friday... yeah... I'll be going then since I have nothing else to say. My teeth still hurt and don't kill mice

-Jerry Da Mouse

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